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Everything posted by dynax

  1. Replied to your other post. If you take a test on an auto or semi auto, you will only get an auto licence, so you WILL need a valid CBT, or retake the test on a geared bike, which also entitles you to ride autos.
  2. Scroll down the page to Automatics and Semi automatics. https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-test/motorcycles-mopeds-you-can-use
  3. @Bianco2564 Hope you have a good one
  4. Currently following the changes made in 2021, if the A1 was raised to 250cc, then subsequently a bike could legally be ridden to the test centre ( assuming the bike is 245cc or greater but not more than 250cc) for an A2 MOD 1 & 2 test. Auto upgrade to full A after 2 years. Found this flowchart: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/62137c89d3bf7f4f05879a1e/how-to-get-a-motorcycle-licence.pdf
  5. The major problem is the gov't, they do not want bikes on the road. Honda have released a range of 400cc bikes for the asian market, not a sniff of them being available here in the UK.
  6. Quite simple, if a training school are competent enough to get people through a CBT, then why not allow them (with more training) to do the MOD 1 & 2 for AM and A1, and leave the A2 and A to the DVLA, with the A2 being automatically upgraded after 2 years. Also the A1 should be increased to 250cc.
  7. @rob m Hope you have a good one
  8. @geofferz Hope you have a good one
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