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Posts posted by davefly76

  1. Even if it is a better deal online, do you really trust the postman not to chuck it about in the back of the van??

    standard helmet packaging isnt great, and you can bet if they knew it was a helmet they would think it was ok to throw it about.


    Totally get your point. However, how do you think they get delivered at the shop? Lol

    doubt they use royal mail!

    More likely distributor delivers them, and to would hope the distributor knows not to chuck them about!


    More likely they would use a courier service, DHL/UPS etc to deliver for them.. Have you seen how much they sometimes cram into their vans? When they're doing 50 or 60 drops a day they aren't going to be that bothered if the packages have got crash helmets, fine bone china or cuddly toys in them..

  2. I realise that the actual paint these days will be a different shade (at best) but realistically I don't want to spend a fortune matching paint perfectly on a bike that, with the best will in the world is worth what? £600?


    I have the same issue as you. I want to paint the belly pan the same colour as the rest of the bike but getting the exact colour is going to be tricky. I'm going to remove a small section of nose fairing and simply take that to Halfords and match it up as best I can with the cans they have on display.. :wink:

  3. A low oil level shouldn't cause it to run badly and cut out, unless it's REALLY low.. :shock: The oil light should come on when you turn on the ignition then go out and stay out when it is running. If it comes on when you are riding you need to stop. Oil pressure will be at its lowest when there is bugger all in the engine.

    Was it running ok before you had the oil leak fixed, and what was the cause of the leak? My guess is that something is loose/disconnected from whatever work was done.

    Has it been standing around for a long time before today and how warm was the engine when you set off? Could have been over/under fuelling if it wasn't properly warmed up and you closed the choke too early.


  4. Does it still do it if you turn off the fuel at the petrol tap from the tank?


    Remembering of course that you should be turning the fuel tap (if you have one) off at the end of the day anyway... :wink:


    Really?? I've never turned mine off, apart from when I've removed the tank.. :?

  5. I'm with CtheB. Stick with what it should have and you can't go wrong. Besides, any difference in performance/fuel economy will be so slight that its not worth bothering with. If its that that you're after then I'd start by removing the panniers when they aren't being used 8-)

  6. Even if I am in country for longer than 1 year...what are the chances the cops will actually check.. ;)


    That's a stupid thing to say! The reason a lot of us have to pay higher insurance premiums is because of idiots that have the same view as that!! If you are caught driving other than in accordance with a licence (in other words, not having one) you are also invalidating your insurance and putting all other law abiding road users at risk. :mad:

  7. That is just my reading of it though, and it would be worth you contacting DVLA to confirm this. You may need to contact them anyway as you may need to get a UK counterpart (the paper bit) of your licence.


    I also think you can only drive/ride on an EU licence for a year before you have to apply for a UK licence.

  8. Where did you get the £600-£700 cost from? And 7 months..??

    I spent less than £600 and that was including the CBT and it took me less than 6 months to do it all, from having no riding experience to a full licence. Oh, and I had a 3 month break from doing anything after I'd done the CBT.

    I don't buy into the whole, get a 125 to gain experience on theory. If all you want is a 125 then fine but if your aim is to get a bigger bike then do that. Once you've got the full licence you can still buy a 125 if you'd rather ride soming smaller and less powerful but you will have the option of getting a bigger bike if/when you feel like it. And the bigger bike will only go as fast as you make it.. 8-)

  9. I'd jump out of a plane!

    It's a new experience... and if you're a biker you are more likely to end up doing track training later in the future. where as sky diving this may be the only chance you get to do it, and you may find it will spark a new more mental hobby!



    I have done a parachute jump and as amazing as it was, I don't think I'll do another one. I am yet to do any track riding but have done track days in a car. I will do one one day but I don't think the experience will compare to being forcibly removed from a perfectly servicable aircraft at 13000ft, I even saw the damn thing landing! :shock:

  10. Hi Neil, it was good to meet you again.

    I should have said yesterday but I meant to say thank you. My confidence has taken bit of a hit since I came off in November and I was struggling to lean over at corners and roundabouts but I was watching you on the ride to Hunstanton (I wasn't looking at your arse in leathers before you get any ideas.. :lol: ) just the way you shifted your body and dipped your shoulder into the corner. Luckily the pace allowed me to experiment at a comfortable pace and now my cornering is so much better than it was when I left home. So thanks a lot! :D


  11. First place to look would be the battery. It might have enough juice to put the ignition lights on but not enough to turn the starter. Check the connections too. Have you got an optimizer? Put that on for a few hours and then try. It could be the *alternator (I forget the name for the bike version and I spend too much time working around cars..) That could have failed yesterday and not charged the battery whilst you were riding..


  12. Welcome to the forum!

    I'm puzzled as to how you managed to ride a geared bike but without operating a clutch?? :?

    As for your questions..

    1. You shouldn't need to take anthing apart from your provisional/driving licence. They may ask you to wear one of the schools helmets for insurance purposes and you could also wear some decent boots with ankle support if you have any. I just wore a pair of skater type trainers though :roll:

    2. They will ask you to pull the clutch lever in and engage first gear, then let it out slowly so you can feel the clutch bite point. Yes, you probably will stall it.. 8-)

    3. Just relax and enjoy it. Its not a test, just a training session so there is no pass or fail.

    4. I have a pair of Spada gloves and have had Frank Thomas, both were decent for different reasons. Get down to your local shop and try an few pairs on to see what they are like. Much like a helmet gloves have to fit well. Too big and you won't have a good feel for the controls, too small and they will pinch making them uncomfortable and cut circulation to the fingers which can make them feel cold.


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