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Posts posted by mthinesy

  1. Finally passed my MOD1 today in Manchester. After starting my training back in September my first MOD1 was cancelled due to the lockdown at the beginning of November. I was feeling fairly confident with it all at that point, although like many the u-turn was a bit of a sticking point. So with it cancelled I got a new date for this morning. I also booked a refresher that I took yesterday. I'm really glad I did as it set me up nicely for today. Was an early enough start though, leaving the training school at 7am with my test in Atherton at 0830. The weather also played ball at last, the first time in my training that it didn't rain, and the sun even made a brief appearence during the test. Really pleased to pass with no minors. I was only really nervous the moment before getting on the bike. But once I got in and got into the slalom I settled down. The test area is so big and has a the best surface you could wish for! Got the u-turn done and then I was able to enjoy the high speed maneuvers. Got my MOD2 in a week or so. Looking forward to it, but also nervous as it is in an area that I don't really know.

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  2. Well I still haven't been contacted by my school to rearrange mine. I was booked for this morning, missing out by a day. I have a feeling that I've been missed off and will lose out. Hoping I can do it in December.

  3. Little update from me. Completed my MOD1 & MOD2 training over the weekend. Really enjoyed it all. Learning on an SV650, really nice bike. It's on my shortlist for sure....

    MOD1 is next week, let's hope I keep my nerves that are already setting in!

  4. Thanks for the reply. I'm aiming for something like an MT07/SV650. Be interesting to see what the 2021 models are like, with the Euro5 regs. I'm also happy to go second hand, but can only see what is on the market come the time.

  5. Hi all,

    Hope you are all well?

    Quick question into my upcoming bike ownership (tests pending of course). How do dealers handle getting your name down on a bike? I'm a sucker for new bike. 2021 models likely to be launched end of this year and into the dealers in spring. I'm aware that with the current pandemic, delivery times and availability might be a bit tight. Do dealers take a deposit to get your name against one from when they are available to order? What amount is it usually? It's been so long since I've tackled a dealership, not sure what the form is.



  6. [mention]MarkW[/mention] I read your story, really had an impact.

    I can relate to your comments on being friendly with everyone and no friends with anyone. Granted, I'm looking at that from a totally different angle altogether. I turned 38 last week and I feel now that I'm in this existence on my own and that as you say, nobody really has your back. I was never close to my dad, and now I've been living away from home for over 6 years we haven't got closer. My mum was diagnosed with Dementia pretty much as I left and that is really tough to deal with. Daily guilt. Should I go home and help more? I lost my first grand parent last October and he was my father figure. I still haven't dealt with it.

    Biking is a lonely hobby really, maybe that's part of the attraction.

  7. Nice! Just picked up my AGV K5-S yesterday. Really nice fit. I have an odd shaped head and they were a better fit on the sides of my head.


    What colour scheme did you go for? Just looked it up and looks very aggressive :D


    I went for matt black. Looks really good. Interested to see how good the pinlock antifog screen performs.

  8. I've hit the wall today, for sure. I have a very long back story. My life is controlled by anxiety these last few years, rather than a lingering depression.

    Anyway, I think this second phase of the virus is really getting to me too. I live in Manchester, Belfast is home, so do struggle with being stuck over here at the moment. The uncertainty of it all is really overwhelming.

    I decided to get my motorbike licence after a failed attempt in my twenties, to give me something to focus on, hence why I am on this forum.

  9. I loved my CBT. I was very nervous about it as I hadn't ridden a geared bike since my early twenties. It all came back pretty soon. I've been driving cars for 15 years and do a lot of cycling, so my road awareness was already pretty good. I'm now worried about how it all translates over to the bigger bike when I do my DAS in a couple of weeks. Keep at it though, it all soon falls into place 8-)

  10. Thoery test passed 8-) Now onto the practical stuff! Lessons booked for the end of this month, let's hope that restrictions don't scupper those plans...

  11. Just booked my DAS for my full A licence. Got 2 full days at the end of October, then my tests once the theory is done. Hoping for a cancellation as it currently for the end of November.

    Hoping that the bigger bike is more stable than the little 125s. I'm 6 1" and do feel a little cramped on the smaller machines. I had a GSX-S125 for my CBT, had a very snatchy throttle, but did get used too it pretty well as the day went on. Are bigger engines similar, or easier to handle clutch/throttle for low speeds? Really can't wait to throw my leg over a bigger bike!

  12. Thanks everyone. I'm in my prime (apparently) at 37, so straight to the bike boy bike.

    The earliest date I could get for my theory here in Manchester was late November. I assume I can still learn but just not take the actual tests?

    I'm aiming to get a bike next Spring, so do I get it all done this side of Christmas, or wait until early next year. Plus I can keep saving the pennies for what I want.

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