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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. you need to ride down and then southeners could ride up
  2. Would love toooooooo? but kids and job may say no late aug better for me but even then may not be able. Just another thing on the list of things to do
  3. look out it will be chicanes display team next
  4. that view alone would be worth riding miles for
  5. Belive me you will be gobsmacked at how some people manage to misinterpret what you think is an olbvious question
  6. A word of warning get somebody to go through all questions as people read things differently, keep them simple and olbvious what answer you are after, also make sure all questions and answers up to date as there is always some smart arse who knows that it changed last week or something, enjoy setting the quiz is the only reasoni do it.
  7. i run a quiz every sunday night at me local lots of quiz sites on net most will give you a few questions and then want paying but try this site should get you enough questions and you can do subjects and difficulty. http://www.quiz-zone.co.uk
  8. all being equal should be there prob bring at least one of my angels with me in car
  9. highly likely jusy got to find out what daughter doing
  10. yes if we sort out a date we can all do should be a nice ride out
  11. I think the good old bill are shutting it down due to complaints from the new houses that have recently gone up, I should be going this week and next how many more there will be i dont know
  12. went up on wednesday night nice collection of bikes including a trike gold wing, owner reckoned it cost him 30 thou in all, never seen one of these before.
  13. never been but looks as if it could be worth a day out, prob about 1. hr - 1.5 hrs for me, still could make for a good ride, stay off motorway and all that
  14. Do not know if you all aware but there is a meet every wednesday at 8.00 pm at star and garter chelveston B345 from st neots or a14 from huntingdon take raunds tun of dual carriage way, turn L at r/bout follow to next R/bout turn left follow road straight out of raunds over hill down into chelveston star and garter opposite junction.
  15. Is anybody on site going this year, taking kids so flying over as i booked it to late to get ferry, staying with relatives in tent in there garden. Would like to meet up if anyone else going, i am there for both weeks
  16. the good looking one in the middle the all new advertisment for this site the other 2 ???????????????????????
  17. yes its what you get for riding around on hot days and end up spending 140 quid, glad to hear i am not the only one who misses gears in new boots got a blue pair to go with me leathers daughter would have moaned at me for not being colour co-ordinated otherwise
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