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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Date is in the diary at mo no reason why me not there apart from crap weather, see ya all on the 1st
  2. Any body out this week ? should be there if weather holds about 7.30
  3. Me and me boy will be there easy to spot in a vauxhall astra silver.
  4. Well nice little run to matlock on the sat mate picked up his nes gsxr 750 at hinckley and of we went did part of chriss b meet ride well wort the ride and then sun down to the ace cafe with nman had a burger and chips wandered around the bikes tried to sit on the b king that was there, anybody know if they do 6 inch platform bike boots anywhere,?????????????????????????? First time i have been to the cafe so another box ticked plus now i know where it is got some pics will post later.
  5. mmmmm??????????? poss a combination of all things mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell holmes thats brilliant says watson ///////////////????????????????????????????
  6. Has hampshire moved with the floods south west an it ooops always knew i was shit at geography
  7. Neil sent you a pm with me mob number, 9.30 sound ok to you
  8. Me and nman going down on sunday, both bikes stickered say hello if you see us
  9. neil how long did it take you yo get down there and what time do you want to be back, me not fussed got to be home by seven to do quiz down the pub, could meet at A428 and A1 junction poss if want to go down main road and come home back route.
  10. Should be there but will be in a silver astra as on hol in wales with me kids prob bring the boy with me Look forward to putting some names to faces
  11. Looks good put in diary will sort out nearer the date if i can make it
  12. Not out tuesday taking kids to harry potter at cinema Sun 29 is suzuki day at ace cafe do ya fancy that
  13. Got kids sorted am free both days anybody fancy Ace cafe, hunstanton or matlock.???????????????? Any other suggestions
  14. Will be in wales in car with the angels my 2 that is just looked 2 hour drive mmmmmm dont think so chaps and chappesess
  15. What date is suzuki sun struggle getting free weekends but would like to go down
  16. Awesome day out must thank you again mandy bbb and fella will def be back up that way again,
  17. Did this on sat followed mandy bbb did 302 miles round trip but you could cut that down to prob 250 about 100 there, we could go motorway or even follow A6 up to matlock, then go up to moors cat and fiddle or snake pass, awesome scenery lads well worth the ride, will have to come up with some dates and have a ride out.
  18. olbvious 600 bandit until next year that is and then ????????????????????
  19. Drove past the other night looks like it has reopened and had bikes outside on wednesday night
  20. bodes so much all dem roughy nortern types !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a girlie organized it for em??????? but do have to say me thinks vickie is loverly shame she lives up there would prob be alright if she lived down here?
  21. Mel post up when you are up this way poss meet up and all that me more northants but nothing an hour on bike wont solve
  22. Vicki got some photos on me phone will post soon promise Dee i saw ya bike but nobody olbvoius with it (shame not to have met ya we will have to get together sometime)
  23. Can be ther for 10/11 but where do we meet me not know what matlock looks like me bike silver fully faired 600 bandit with forum stickers
  24. Dee sorry if you made it only spotted 2 thruxtons black and a silver one but had to go at 8.30 me bike had stickers on silver full faired bandit on corner of parking will see ya another time Yes vicki took photos on phone of meet will post as soon as got on comp
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