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Posts posted by dfrbrowne

  1. HI,

    I want to do my first track day and Oulton Park is quite close to me. Looking at booking on the easytrack website and booking into the rookie group. There is an additional option for Novice all day in depth for an extra £95 on top of the £125 fee for the day. Has anyone done this and is it good value to take the optional in depth?

    Also reading through the dos and don't it look like the main thin I need to do is get a set of leathers, should I go for an all in one or a two piece? So far have just riden in textiles from HG.

    They also talk about bringing spare levers etc, I really don't want to push it and chance dropping the bike, is it common to come off on a track day or are they just covering themselves.

    Would really value your thoughts or experience on this. I have been riding a year now.


  2. My MOT is due up next couple of weeks and I need to replace my tyres,

    One garage has given me a quote for bridgstone at £240 fully fitted etc, and an other garage has said they will charge £20 per wheel to fit if I supply the tyres.

    I am getting them fitted when the bike has its MOT so its not a matter of just taking in the wheels. If I buy them myself what would you recommend, its fitted with dunlops at the moment and have been told these are very hard and I might be better with a softer tyre, I am fairly new to riding, coming up to one year and am not aggressive with the bike. I want tyres that I can run in quickly and feel safe and grippy leaning into corners.

    Should I buy myself or ask the dealer to do the lot


  3. Would like to know a bit more about this and how other bikers cope with getting to the event and getting home afterwards.

    With riding all night one would assume to spend the full day before in bed, but the to get to the event start could take a 3 hour bike ride anyway. eg I would come form the wirral. And then after the event a ride back across the country from skegness - how have other bikes handled this?

  4. TC - 01

    Littlecat - 02

    Mealexme - 03

    iWannaGoFast - 04

    Augustburnsred - 05

    Stu - 06

    mojo - 07

    iiisecondcreep - 08

    Susieque - 09

    techno - 10

    Bogof - 11

    rennie - 12

    yorbandit - 13

    Keith565 - 14

    whitedevil - 15

    Karimura - 16

    nman1 -17

    Rebel Rach - 18

    Green - 19

    GOG - 20

    Bonniebird - 21

    Throttled - 22


    Tango - 24

    Nellie - 25

    MickeyGW - 26

    Mk5Centurion - 27


    medtec - 29

    GarethNW - 30

    JimiB - 31

    Theboyparker - 32

    Fozzie - 33

    Timbo - 34

    CarlosVonBrum - 35

    Bumble - 37

    Byangoma - 40

    R1Barry - 41

    TnT - 42

    Voodoo - 46

    RiffmasterII - 50

    Xbandito - 51

    Remy - 54

    Decor58 - 58

    Rushwind - 59

    Timmy Tiger - 69

    MrBlonde71 - 71

    Davefly76 - 76

    Seawolf84 - 84

    Lew85 - 85

    Silverspring - 88

    Boothy - 93

    Borgy95 - 95

    Polecat - 101

    JellyBelly12345 - 123

    Duane69 - 141

    dfrbrowne - 155


    UK190 - 190

    DocB - 212

    Sigil - 599

    corsa120 - 649

    Dave33 - 650

    pinki-88 - 666

    gordon276 - 696

    Devans - 749

    croup - 755

    JamBerryKing - 777

    brewster - 840

    Jota - 888

    NearOn- 909

  5. Can I have a number please...

    Do I ad it myself?

    TC - 01

    Littlecat - 02

    Mealexme - 03

    iWannaGoFast - 04

    Augustburnsred - 05

    Stu - 06

    mojo - 07

    iiisecondcreep - 08

    Susieque - 09

    techno - 10

    Bogof - 11

    rennie - 12

    yorbandit - 13

    Keith565 - 14

    whitedevil - 15

    Karimura - 16

    nman1 -17

    Rebel Rach - 18

    Green - 19

    GOG - 20

    Bonniebird - 21

    Throttled - 22


    Tango - 24

    Nellie - 25

    MickeyGW - 26

    Mk5Centurion - 27


    medtec - 29

    GarethNW - 30

    JimiB - 31

    Theboyparker - 32

    Fozzie - 33

    Timbo - 34

    CarlosVonBrum - 35

    Bumble - 37

    Byangoma - 40

    R1Barry - 41

    TnT - 42

    Voodoo - 46

    RiffmasterII - 50

    Xbandito - 51

    Remy - 54

    Decor58 - 58

    Rushwind - 59

    Timmy Tiger - 69

    MrBlonde71 - 71

    Davefly76 - 76

    Seawolf84 - 84

    Lew85 - 85

    Silverspring - 88

    Boothy - 93

    Borgy95 - 95

    Polecat - 101

    JellyBelly12345 - 123

    Duane69 - 141


    UK190 - 190

    DocB - 212

    Sigil - 599

    corsa120 - 649

    Dave33 - 650

    pinki-88 - 666

    Devans - 749

    croup - 755

    JamBerryKing - 777

    brewster - 840

    Jota - 888

    NearOn- 909

    gordon276 - 696

  6. Hi,

    It does seem a bit random, turned back off and on and it went, then noticed when cruising at 70 on the motorway it would come back on, then once off the motorway pulled up in a bus stop, switched ignition off and on, then it dod=id not come back on at all when riding home on the A roads.

    Bit of a puzzle? :?:

  7. This red light came on while I was out riding - all my manual tells me is its the fuel injection indicator light and I need to go to a dealer to have it looked at as troubles are occurring in the digital fuel injection system - anyone have any info on what this is or means?

  8. Hi,

    Its the first time I will be putting tyres on my bike. I am getting some marketing emails that offer the option of buying tyres online eg: Pirelli Diablo Strada at £140 for a pair.

    If I buy them online I have then got to get them on my bike which means getting the bike and the tyres to a garage to put them on, seems a bit of hassle as I will either have to get a friend to follow me in the car to do this. Plus how much would a dealer charge?

    The easy alt would be to just go to a dealer and but their tyres and get them to put them on. has anyone bought tyres online?Is it much cheaper?

    Any advice welcome.


  9. Hi,

    I've been fixing up my bike after a fall and after putting on a new side panel I have now received the decal with no fixing instructions. It seems pretty straightforward, its an er6-n sticker for my kawasaki.

    Any tips?


  10. Hi, I have an er6-n,

    Was out in the rain and wind yesterday for a half hour ride, when I got home there was a bit of steam type smoke coming off the radiator and quite a bit of water running from the bottom. I am assuming this is just because of the rain?

  11. It was Get On, that got me on so to speak, I was always curious about biking and something I wanted to do, on a quick google search last October I found GetOn. Did the hours taster session, looking back now with me riding pillion on a 125 with a big instructor it must have looked comical.

    We went to a quite car park and I rode around. It led to my CBT which let to my full bike licence in March of this year. So if I had not found the free hour with GetOn I may still have been just thinking about it.

  12. I know how you feel I hated this test and failed twice on the swerve all because of nerves, my mouth was as dry as a sandpit through it!

    On my third attempt I was with another student from the same school who had the test before me, so I had to sit and wait for him!

    I was thinking, b***ocks this is not going to help my nerves, the school is a bit cheeky as I am sitting here waiting and actually paying them for the time!

    I actually watched the guy before me do his test and he made it look so easy, funny thing was that relaxed me and when I went out to do mine I passed!

    try some of the stress relief gum you can get from boots, just ask for rescue remedy, I took some of this before my mod 2 and passed on the first attempt.

    Good luck for next time.

  13. Hi Kirsty,

    I failed my mod 1 twice on the swerve, kept kicking the inside cone over, after the 2nd test my instructor had been watching...

    You arms are too straight, whether its nerves or not just bend you elbows then when you push for the counter steer you'll do it ok.

    At the moment with your arms straight you may push to counter steer but the bikes not moving as your opposite arm is straight and so the effect is not the same.

    So I just made sure my elbows were bent got up to speed and it seemed to work.

    Hope that helps

  14. I have my Mod 2 this Thursday, I am hoping its going to be easier than the MOD 1!

    I finally passed my mod 1 this week at my third attempt, It was the first time I was at the centre with another student who was on the test before me. my first thought having to wait over half an hour was that it was not going to help the nerves but I watched the other student before me do his test. He was 37 and had been biking since he was 18, he just didn't have a UK licence after living abroad. He made it look so easy which made me think I should be able to do it.

    The one thing I noticed though was how dry my mouth was, it really did feel like sandpaper.

    I have read through the mod 2 experiences and have heard of a Rescue Remedy spray, will this help and if so were will I get some?

    My test is at Chester and a three O'clock start. My thinking is I may come across school kids, one question, If I am passing a busy school with lots of kids around, obviously I will be slow riding but is it Ok to use your horn during the test if you feel the need to?

    any other tips welcome!

  15. I had a touch of de-ja-vou, that cursed swerve, 1st attempt through at 49kph.

    Then did the U-turn and front wheel went over the white line.

    Got to the end of the test did swerve again, did not pile on much more gas went through at 54.

    Back in the office told I had passed, if my back wheel had gone over white line on U-turn it would have been a fail.

    Anyway, Thanks F**% Mod 1 is finished with, mod 2 next week.

    Wheres that dancing banana?

    PS, How do I put my dates etc at the bottom of my entries?

  16. It was going so well and then at the end I was asked to do the swerve avoidance again as I had gone through at 49 kph on the first try.

    SO gave it a little more throttle but bloody hit the inside cone with my boot, I had gone through at 59kph this time. Knew I had failed as soon as I felt the cone.

    The rest had gone so well, emergency stop was a little weak but I went through that at 66!

    What a let down, rebooked for March 2nd but its put back other test as well now.

  17. The local dealer were I am taking my lessons has a winter clothing offer on, A helmet (box), Jacket, Trousers and gloves, all for £150.

    Even though I have not got my Bike yet I was thinking to get this gear to continue my lessons with instead of having to borrow it all the time.

    Once test passed etc I would want to invest in a better helmet and leathers for the summer riding season, Can't make my mind up if the gear is worth buying as I won't do a lot of winter riding.


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