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Posts posted by Justboughtabike

  1. Got my first bike around October last year and want to attach a luggage rack so I can have a topbox. The problem is, the Honda CG I have is a Japanese Nostalgia model and it is impossible to find a rack that officially fits it - they just don't exist!

    So I bought a cheap rack online in the hopes of somehow making it fit. It looks like I can attach the end lugs to the bolts on the seat by the chrome coil but then I have no other option to attach it anywhere else and I had a few questions.


    1. Would just the rack screwed in by coil be secure enough to hold the rack with a box on?

    2. If the rack had lugs further along, would I look to fit them on the indicator light bolts towards the back of the bike? (move indicators onto the box/rack)

    3. My thoughts are to ask my friend is try to customize the rack slightly by welding some fittings further along the rack to provide more stability, anyone tried that before? Or do you think it would work?

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.






  2. On 21/12/2021 at 08:16, fastbob said:

    As as I can determine it should look like this in terms of the fixing points . The front two go under the nuts that hold the shocks on . The other two I'm not sure about . Because there at least a dozen Chinese copies of your bike , one would assume that there would be numerous copies of a rack . I've found a few but they are hidious looking contraptions aimed at the Third World marketplace . Anyway now that you have an idea what to look for , I wish you luck in your search . May I suggest that you join the CG FB page . 


    Ok nice one for that, i'll keep an eye for this style of rack. Thanks for the advice


  3. On 18/10/2021 at 19:42, fastbob said:

    Just wondered . In my extensive research on the subject I came across this bike . Might be a trick of the light but it looks like the engine and mudguard are painted black and the bottom half of the chainguard is missing . Just like yours. This one sold recently for £600 .


    It does look like mine strangely enough! I live in the North, around Preston ways, I wonder if it was bought and resold to me...?

  4. On 18/10/2021 at 19:21, Pie man said:

    I wouldn't get too hung up about the DVLA getting details correct. You can get the errors on the V5 corrected, word of caution - be ready to provide evidence. I have imported vehicles, provided all details and await the V5. Its been know to get a returned V5 with just 'Toyota -  White - petrol'   😂 


    Glad you got most of your questions answered  

    That's the plan just get the error corrected on the forms and go from there 

  5. 1 minute ago, Mr Fro said:

    My old one has beading around the edge of it and a strap across the middle. Yours looks like it's had an aftermarket cover plonked on it.


    Like @fastbob said, if it's got "made in Japan" on most of the bits then it's almost definitely a nostalgia model.


    Someone, somewhere posted a list of the frame numbers for the nostalgia model - there were only a few hundred imported so there's not a huge amount of UK specific information.


    Compare yours to mine. Look at stuff like the engine casing - it's got "CDI Honda" on it, the bodywork is right, the gear sequence is right, it's got the correct stickers on the chain guard, the list goes on. That's an awful lot of trouble for someone to undertake just to mug you off!


    Just be happy that you've scored a desirable bike and ride the bloody thing!

    I've come to the conclusion it's the Japanese nostalgia model and i'm cracking on with sorting insurance as we speak - looking forward to getting out on it! I also spoke to Honda today and give them the bikes VIP and engine code, they said they will work on tracking down the original manufacturer and send me the manual, it will cost £30 but would actually like to own it. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, fastbob said:

    Ok fine , but you have the entire internet at your disposal . To the best of my knowledge , I don't think any of the participating members here have a CG 125 . I've renovated and sold on 9 of them but that was years ago before prices went silly . To find the picture I supplied I just googled 2001 CG 125 and there it was . I'm not trying to make you feel unwelcome here but have you considered joining a CG125 enthusiasts Facebook group ? 

    I've scoured the internet, and found a few answers but it mainly left me with more questions and I felt there were specific areas relating to my situations that I couldn't clear up. Just googling and finding a Honda that looks the same or one that does not from the same year doesn't really help in any way, as it's the finer details that don't match or make sense, not the general look of the bike (this can be modified or be counterfeit copy). From all the members who've already answered, it's actually pretty much given me the answers I was looking for and been very helpful. I thought the point of this forum was to ask these types of questions, am I mistaken? I don't have Facebook.

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