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I'm new on here and joined to read up on the cbt part of the training etc. I booked my training for last Monday (28th April) and passed it fine. Previous to that on the Saturday I had the free 1 hour "get on" session which had been my first experience of a bike. The get on session is a great idea as it gave me confidence of the clutch and brakes etc and getting the feel for getting the bike before jumping straight in with the cbt. Got positive feedback from the instructor who advised he would be more than happy for me to go straight onto mod1 which I was very happy about.

I didn't like the training in the yard too much due it feeling a bit cramped but I managed it but when I got out on to the road it felt like everything just clicked. I've been driving a car for over 10 years and done some advance driving with work which I think helps with observations etc.

I bought myself a little suzuki gn125, it feels slower compared to the yamaha I had on the cbt but I love it anyway and have been out most nights it's dry to build my confidence up.

Think I will do my theory test next, how long does the theory certificate last as I don't want to rush doing mod1 and 2.

Thanks :)

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Hey, well done on the CBT and welcome to the world of bikers!

The theory test lasts for two years. :D

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If you're already a driver, many of the skills and road sense should already be in place. it'll only take you a few hours to get up the required level to pass your mod 1. then a few more hours for mod 2. enjoy learning - it was great fun for me!

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Well done mate. That's not a bad way of learning.

I did CBT in June 2013, theory in November 2013, then 4-day DAS two weeks ago, passing Mod 1 on April 14th and Mod 2 on April 15th.

Being a car driver does help, although as a biker, you need much greater awareness of your surroundings.

Best of luck with your chosen path.

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Went out for a ride today, not having been out for a week and felt quite nervous but was ok once I got going. About half anhour later the bike started spluttering, fearing the slits I thought I had broken it, I could hear fuel moving in the tank so convinced myself I had broken it an started pushing it home, thankfully not far then I checked the tank again and realised that's what the problem was :oops:

Went to the garage with a can and filled up and she purred back to life, went upto the shop where I done my cbt to say hello and the lovely cbt man checked the bike over for me, the rear tyre needed air so that was filled and a general check, he said I got a good buy with it so gat was reassuring.

The cbt staff are lovely, sat for a good half hour chatting and getting tips

Also booked it in for a service as the last owner hadn't done the oil or plug.

By the time I left for home I hit rush hour which was good for practice stop starting.

All in all I really enjoyed today and I'm looking forward to taking the bike to work tomorrow if it's dry :)

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  • 4 months later...

Things have moved on quicker than I expected and I have now passed my theory and mod1 test, got mod2 this month and I sold my Honda cbf125 on Saturday and replaced it with a 2002 Honda cbr600f sport.

Hoping mod2 goes to plan so I get get out on the new bike before the winter 8-)

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  • 1 month later...

Due to days off being cancelled at work I ended up having to move my mod2 date twice and done it yesterday. I failed on totting up 4 minors for going to slow in the 30 zones :crybaby:

Ive never done this in my lessons before so no idea why I was going slower, I can only assume I was over compensating for the rain which had stopped but I felt the roads were still damp.

Oh well hopefully next time, the new bike has not turned a wheel yet :crybaby:

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Sorry to hear that, but if you got the minors for the same thing then you should be sorted for when you retake as you only need to improve in one area! :D

I'm a new rider myself, but I reckon I'd rather get minors for riding a bit slow than for not doing lifesavers or something majorly dangerous!

Good luck for your next bash at it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, passed on Friday with 1 minor, rushed home and got the insurance sorted, ran to get my kit on, rushed out to the garage, pushed the cbr out and pressed the button in anticipation of my first ride with no l plates and the battery was flat :crybaby:

Didn't have time to charge before work so finally got the battery charged today and had my first ride in the rain and loved every minute :cheers:

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Yeah, passed on Friday with 1 minor, rushed home and got the insurance sorted, ran to get my kit on, rushed out to the garage, pushed the cbr out and pressed the button in anticipation of my first ride with no l plates and the battery was flat :crybaby:

Didn't have time to charge before work so finally got the battery charged today and had my first ride in the rain and loved every minute :cheers:


Congratulations :cheers:

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