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Theory Test PASSED!

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YES at 9am on the 7th November 13 years after my car Theory test. I sat and passed (this time with the hazard perception) my motorcycle theory exam

I must of been at least 10 years older than the other 11 people in the room I'm only 31 lol

Gutted I got one answer wrong on the multiple choice :(

Still got it :D 8-)

Edited by Original.1984
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CBT is booked for the 14 November then straight on to mod 1+2 cant wait

Going to start looking at the basics of riding, vids extra on you tube. the only experience is a two hour taster day almost 2 years ago lol

Any pointers are more than welcome. I'm going to talk with my Mrs parents they have been riding for decades

I've put off looking at to much until I did my theory

one step closer! :D


If anyone wants to buy a theory test dvd lol

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CBT is booked for the 14 November then straight on to mod 1+2 cant wait

Going to start looking at the basics of riding, vids extra on you tube. the only experience is a two hour taster day almost 2 years ago lol

Any pointers are more than welcome. I'm going to talk with my Mrs parents they have been riding for decades

I've put off looking at to much until I did my theory

one step closer! :D


If anyone wants to buy a theory test dvd lol


Get the in-laws to help you do some mod 1 stuff on a supermarket car park, this will prove if they like you :P (you'll get most Mod 1 practice on CBT too). Oh, and get some good waterproofs........gonna piss it down this winter, I can feel it in my bones. And if you fail anything, get it re-booked asap.......I failed Mod 2 twice then never got around to re-booking and CBT/theory/Mod 1 cert ran out! Had to do it all again!

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Well wheelies are frowned upon in CBT training so you'll be fine ;) I remember on the road bit in the afternoon the instructor basically was just shouting INDICATORS at us both for half an hour as neither of us had ridden before and kept forgetting to cancel. :lol: Becomes second nature after a while :)

I really enjoyed doing my CBT. You doing it on a geared bike?

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Congrats! I had a similar experience when I done my bike theory :-)

Advice for CBT? I'd say keep looking up, not at the ground. When instructors say "look where you are going" find something to look at that is about head high instead of a point on the ground. Graffiti or marks on walls, signs on fences, windows, tree branches. All work well :-) That is how I got through my Mod 1 !

Like Hoggs, my on the road section of the CBT was mostly being told to turn the indicators off... You soon get the hang of it, even so much as I now find myself cancelling them in the car.

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it maybe due to the fact I am looking to get a bike and now even more aware of F**king idiot drivers.

But why don't they just give us the licence I mean im going to spend all this money and time just to be given a licence to die because some prick in a van decides he wants to shave 2 seconds off his journey.

I mean Im starting to think if its worth it. any near miss or impact I see others have im now timesing it in my head and thinking shit if that guy was on a bike!

please tell me im not the only one to be thinking this so looking forward to riding just need to get over it i guess

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Oh the idiots are everywhere - but not all of them are on four wheels!

Yes you will get cut up, people will be completely oblivious to you and you're going to have a few "eep" moments.

You're timing it in your head thinking if that guy was on a bike it would have been close, what you could be doing is thinking if I was on a bike, would I have been that close? Would I have seen there was a gap in another lane and assumed the van would swerve without indicating so kept back? The two second (four in the wet!) rule is something I stick to a hell of a lot more on a bike than I ever did in a car!

You'll soon start looking ahead more, slowing down if you're filtering and there is a strange gap in the traffic (side road? something broken down people are going to swerve around?), anticipating what people could do and adapting your speed and distance accordingly.

If anything I'd say those little nerves are a good thing :) You'll have loads of fun tomorrow and realise it is worth it!

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@Hoggs Thanks for the pep talk much appreciated!

one question. any idea on the best foot wear I remember that I had boots on when I did my taster day 2 years ago and when changing gears I couldn't feel anything on my foot lol if you know what I mean.

shall I stick with boots or will some trainers with a high cut (over the ankle) be ok

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No probs, I was properly bricking myself before the DAS so remember those nerves! I'd recommend boots, for two reasons

ONE! they generally offer better weather protection and it is scheduled to rain a bit tomorrow... having wet feet ALL DAY will be miserable and will distract you!

TWO! Once you've passed it's a good idea to buy some proper bike boots with good protection in (I have broken my foot it sucks, do everything you can to protect your feet!!) so getting used to the "lack of feel" may be a good idea. Especially as in the morning you'll be in an enclosed area so you can get used to it. After a while you will instinctively know where the gear lever is and how much pressure is required to change. Bike boots generally have a reinforced panel on the left foot to help prevent wear as well. I wore none bike boots on the 125 and after a year they were starting to look a bit thin! Also they started leaking (which is bad see above!)

I am assuming you mean work type boots and not those silver knee high platforms with fishes in the soles? I wouldn't recommend wearing that kind :lol:

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No probs, I was properly bricking myself before the DAS so remember those nerves! I'd recommend boots, for two reasons

ONE! they generally offer better weather protection and it is scheduled to rain a bit tomorrow... having wet feet ALL DAY will be miserable and will distract you!

TWO! Once you've passed it's a good idea to buy some proper bike boots with good protection in (I have broken my foot it sucks, do everything you can to protect your feet!!) so getting used to the "lack of feel" may be a good idea. Especially as in the morning you'll be in an enclosed area so you can get used to it. After a while you will instinctively know where the gear lever is and how much pressure is required to change. Bike boots generally have a reinforced panel on the left foot to help prevent wear as well. I wore none bike boots on the 125 and after a year they were starting to look a bit thin! Also they started leaking (which is bad see above!)

I am assuming you mean work type boots and not those silver knee high platforms with fishes in the soles? I wouldn't recommend wearing that kind :lol:


I agree, passed my test at the beginning of last month, I see alot of knobheads on the road, car, bike, cyclist, van, pedestrian. What can you do about them?

give them room, i give myself 1-2 car lengths ... but im new to all this eben though riding a 125 gave me an idea. You will "risk" assess eash mile you do until it becomes second nature.

filtering is easy, take your time and expect muppets, going fast gives you less time to react and will cause an accident....

Only use speed speed to get out of a situation or avoid one. not trying to be a killjoy, but its the same on any vehicle, you wanna have fun and enjoy it... well learn and live to eenjoy it along time.

i drive my car more agressively now than ever, because after 20+ years driving, having a PCV licence and now my bike licence i know that little route from east grinstead to tunbridge wells that in the bikers britain routes books is a lovely road, but full of tractors and old biddies.

in my car i can travel th entire route at 60 mph with 2 ease off corners in the car..... cant do that on the bike yet as im still learning it....I know it can do it its my confidence to do it.

there will ALWAYS BE muppets, but like everything else, show them a bit of respect, even if they dont return it, and you'll saty alive longer than id you say f**k 'em and get in a bad situation.

feck me sound like my old man :P

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Just checked the weather for luton tomorrow heavy rain, oh the joy!

ill stick to me boots then, hope they stop most of the water. should of paid more attention to the weather id most likely of brought some bike boots


Not all bike boots are waterproof. Check the labels or go GORTEX or similar if you can stand the extra cost.

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Plus side, getting some wet weather training in will be good for confidence. I did my mod 1 when it was hoofing it down but knowing I could stop the bike OK in that weather was nice!

Also :stupid: if you can stretch to gortex (or equivalent) you will be glad you did! Also ex-army gortex over trousers are amazing! And cheap!

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The weather was as sh*t as it can get so windy and the rain really came down for the whole time I was on the road. it defo made it the perfect time to decide if you hated it or loved it

We did basic manoeuvres and then we was off to ride around the industrial estate I assumed we was going to stop and have a chat but there I was leading and heading out of the area and the instructor said ok and on to the dual carriage way!

I have driven down this road hundreds of times but my god was I scared I was assuming he was going to say turn round and head back but nope.

Anyway 13 years experience of driving a car took over. sounds strange I know but I was kinda on auto pilot I felt ok all of sudden. I have no idea how 16 year olds do it they must be oblivious of the prats on the road and have some inflated confidence lol

BUT getting out of the training area on to the road and getting up to speed passed 2nd gear lol WOW aint felt like that since I was 18 doing my car licence

So to sum up...

I LOVED IT :D :thumb:

going to get a cheap 125 and toodle around for a bit. im going to call the 1on1 guys (who I really cant praise enough) and book some lessons and get going on my mods I have a lot of work to do as I still suck arse despite passing my CBT

but looking forward to having my boots fill up with water again :D

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Well done. If your feet are still getting wet it is worth looking at over boots. M&P used to sell them.just a thought.

Edited by JRH
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Haha it is surprising how quickly you will stop caring what you look like as long as you're dry!! If your budget won't stretch to some decent waterproof boots initially they look like a good stop gap. You're probably going to be looking at slightly north of 100 for some decent ones. I've used getgeared for a couple of things they price match and only heard good things bout their service

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