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Everything posted by Phooey

  1. They are leather ... I might thicker socks to cushion a bit.
  2. lol ... I expected something sarcastic not funny!
  3. And also ask who is conducting the training? They have kept very quiet about that Erik has a new job!
  4. So after nearly four years I thought that I would treat myself to a new pair of motorcycle boots. The left boot fits like a glove but the right hurts my lickle toe! After an hour or so of riding my little toe become sore enough to become evident by a slight limp. My old boots never did this so the question is, do I man up and wait till they break in or is there something I can do to speed up the process?
  5. Cheers mate. Will look at these things.
  6. ... my stepdaughter has bought herself a crappy keeway to replace her marauder that still isn't working. Anyway, she ticksover nicely, the keeway not the stepdaughter, and revs up to 6 or 7000 revs when stationary. Under load, as in riding her, she just aint got no energy at all, struggles to get 4000 revs. Where would I start?
  7. No Baloo, it is access to residential properties - lots of them. You seem very sure about this Phooey, but clearly don't know what you are talking about. All of the roads in my estate still belong to Taylor Wimpey, and have not been adopted by the council, they access 1200 residential properties, and the estate is now 12 years old. It may not be a private road, it's supposition on my part, though given the lack of signage, road lineage, etc, it's very likely as no council would adopt a road in this state, nor leave it in that state. Your reasoning why this couldn't be a private road because it accesses residential properties is just nonsense. If you want to check for sure, ask the council.... http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/my-services/parking-travel-roads/roads/road-adoption/adopted-roads/ I don't think these insults were warranted, do you?
  8. Odd that I've not noticed it before but the road I live on, less than a mile from this one, has 20 mph repeater signs but no gateway signage comming off of the busy national speed limit single carriageway. I assume that it would be difficult to prosecute anyone for breaking the speed limit on this road. Although dangerous driving at anything over 30mph would be easy! No Baloo, it is access to residential properties - lots of them.
  9. Yeah the repeater is there so I'd expect a gateway 10 mph as you enter the road or before the hunp.
  10. Definitely not speed limit change since the previous national speed limit sign before previous roundabout.
  11. Absolutely certain ... I'll get some picture but AA route planner shows it quite well. Come off the M5 at J21 turn left. Left at second roundabout and you see National speed limit sign ... across next roundabout and you see no change in speed limit but along there the speed bump is clearly visible. The white paint has eroded somewhat now and less clear. Still National speed limit with a speed bump though.
  12. How do I question appropriate street furniture? When I come off of the motorway for home I join a national speed limit dual carriageway. I then turn left from a roundabout, still national speed limit and left again. At the second roundabout I could go straight on into an area that is being developed. Still national speed limit but a couple of hundred metres along this road is a speed bump. At 60mph a bike would be in trouble if it hit it especially since at night it would be hit before it is seen.
  13. Don't do either ... gave up the weed 10 tens ago and best thing I ever did.
  14. Is that the ikea junction southbound? Bloody nightmare that one. That's the one mate!
  15. Like I said in my original post ... I don't blame him for not knowing. I am not complaining about him overtaking. His choice to overtake and I am not responcible for his decisions. His overtake was dangerous, but he could have passed me anywhere if that's all he wanted to do. He wasn't up my arse, just didn't like the idea that I repositioned for every hazard. Should an accident have occured he would have been 100% of the belief that he was right and I was wrong. Safety over position everytime I agree but we can't keep ignoring our advanced training just in case the ar*ehole behind wants to overtake! Otherwise the advice would be 'if someone is behind you remain in the dominant position like on the learner test' I must admit that I do get a little pissy when rules are changed to suit the ignorant. It seems the wrong way round to me. Not far from where I live is a junction off the M32 where you take the left lane on the exit slip road for left, middle lane for straight ahead and right lane for right, or at least it was! Drivers used to use the middle lane to turn left cutting up the drivers in the correct lane. So some bright spark decided to change the junction markings. Now it is left lane for left, middle lane for left or straight ahead and right lane for right. There is now often a 'fight' to get into the lane you want after the junction because people with no common sence try to take priority.
  16. 71995eaa2de7071fffbe049260d634ad.jpg The lying bitch ... my ex told me that she had broken off her affair. Now I know it was with you!
  17. As long as it coincides with half term, I'm going to do it.
  18. lol ... Doubt it, Ian but it would be funny!
  19. No I didn't, Bob. To be honest I was a little shocked at the outburst!
  20. So I am going to work with my IAM test in the near future so I am focusing on what I should be doing. 50mph road. Left hand bend and mirror move to just left of centre line for best view, traffic light on green, mirror and steady through goes to amber as I cross the line. Right hand bend ahead, mirror and moves to left for view. White Insignia joins road behind me from traffic light ... left hand bend, mirror position just left of centre line ... you get the picture. About a mile along the road, white Insignia still behind me and I approach a sharp right hand bend. Mirror and moves left ... Insignia overtakes blasting his horn and stops in the middle of the road and 100m ahead. As I approach he is walking toward me shouting ... I stop and he screams ... "You need to get some f**cking lessons you w*nker. You're all over the road." Now I don't blame him because of his ignorance, but I wonder if anyone else who has done the advanced riding has experienced anything similar?
  21. Anyone done this before? Looks like a good event. https://www.facebook.com/events/1172954556101643/?active_tab=about
  22. He's dealt with both me and my OH over this so not just females, it was my OH he spoke to on the phone and told him it would be a month (now over 2months later...) Still not sorted I'd send a firm message that you are contacting Trading Standards, HMRC and local rag ... Enough is enough.
  23. I started the forum journey a few years ago and joined a couple but I have to say that TMBF is by far the friendliest, most helpful and beats the others by a mile. Now if only I could remember how to get into it ... Until then I am stuck with this one
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