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Red Dragon

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Everything posted by Red Dragon

  1. I too have passed my mod2 recently and pick up my 600cc next monday and now im interested in further training. But where to start? Theres so many diferent courses. Roadcraft Advanced riding ( IAM and Rospa ) Enhanced Riding Scheme BikeSafe Anyone done any of these courses and can give some insight? Thanks
  2. Well this coming Friday wil be three weeks since i sent it off. I have been accepted for finance on a 600cc and pick the bike up next monday. They want to see my driving license before signing for the bike. So im hoping it will arrive by then. Just phoned the DVLA and was told they have received my documents and are waiting for them to be scanned onto their system. And the annoying thing is i live only down the road from the DVLA. Ah well, still waiting.
  3. Congrats mate, feels good dont it? I passed mine two weeks ago. Its quite an achievment getting a motorcyle license these days considering all the CBT THEORY MOD1 MOD2 tests we have to go through. Each one carries sleepness nights and nerve wracking mornings. Well done, job done.
  4. My advice is this. You got two years to do it in after you pass your theory test, but you have to have a valid CBT. Just break it down to 4 steps. CBT - done THEORY - revise the DSA book like hell MOD1 - book a two hour lesson and get familiar with the big bike round the manouvers you have to complete. If you need more training then no worries. Turn up on the day and RELAX, (easier said than done). And give it a go. MOD2 - Not sure what to advise here, i was lucky to have a good instructor, who took me out at 8am and rode around the test routes and then done my test at 1pm. Which cost me £230 for the whole day. One step at a time, no rush, approach each test with confidence as they come. As they say in Welsh, Pob Lwc (good luck)
  5. Yeh i sent it off myself straight after the test. They say give it 3 weeks. I guess im just anxious to get my hands on it after gearing myself up for the test the last year or so.
  6. I did all my training one step at a time. If you can do it then i'd highly recommend doing so. Done my theory test, 6 months later i did my CBT, ( had other commitments ) 4 months after CBT i did mod 1 1 month after mod 1 i did mod 2. Passed theory test october 12th 2013 Passed mod 2 october 2nd 2014 Of course it can be done in a quarter of the time it took me but i was having fun riding my 125cc for couple of months which helped massively towards me passing first time.
  7. Well i passed my test on october 2nd. And phoned DVLA today and they still havnt processed it through. So i guess i will just wait another week.
  8. How long does it take for the DVLA to send your license back after you have passed mod2?
  9. Well done mate. Im still buzzin from when i passed mine on thursday.
  10. Ahh felt good to ride out today on my 125 with the L plates taken off for the first time ever.
  11. cheers guys, im itching to go looking for bikes now, but finances are thin on the ground at the moment, probably more than likely looking at buying a bigger bike in the new year. but who knows
  12. Passed my mod 2 yesterday on a Suzuki bandit 650 cc. Had a full days training and then straight on to the test. Was a bag of nerves all day. Absolutely chuffed now. And would like to thank everyone on here for their advice etc. The first time I ever rode a bike was april this year doing my CBT. The whole structure of getting a full license these days is enough to put anyone off, Theory, hazard pereception, CBT, mod 1, mod 2. And if your similar to me then you would be confused and frustrated at where and when to start all this training, my advice is come on here and ask questions and either do a crash course with everything taken care of or learn in your own time and go about it in a gradual way. briefly...... THEORY, Buy the DSA theory practise test book, read it cover to cover and practise hazard perception online. CBT, just book it with a local training provider, obviously do some research to see if the company are any good and perhaps speak to some of their previous students. But remember to enjoy it and take your time. MOD 1, when your ready for this test, take your time and don't rush it all and you will be fine. MOD 2, when your instructor says your ready for it then my advice is just go for it. makes for easy reading and actually doing it is completely different I appreciate, but just go for it, you will be surprised how quick you pick it all up and get through it. If I can be of any assistance for anyone about to go for their tests then please send me a message on here or via PM. Have a great weekend all.
  13. Cheers guys. Yeh i picked up two minors. 1st minor was at the very start i had to pull into a 'parking bay' just before the manual handling. And when i was told to come to a stop and put stand down and get off the bike, the nerves got the better of me and i came to a stop in the parking bay, kicked the stand down without going into neutral. Obviously this safety feature means the engine cuts off when u put the stand down whilst in gear. So that was looked at as a stall. 2nd minor, on the swerve avoidance exercise i was 31mph going past the speed checker, when i had to be at a minimum of 32mph, anything from 30mph or under will result in you being offered one more chance to do it again, but at 31mph its still a pass but comes with one minor.
  14. Thanks guys. Apologies for clogging up the board, i didnt notice the 'mod 1 experience' thread. Feel free to move this there moderators.
  15. Passed my mod 1 today first attempt. Picked up two minors. Now got my head on to mod 2. Which should be in few weeks. Now im off to bed because i havnt been able to sleep the last two nights.
  16. i cannot for the life of me do hillstarts. i am new to riding, passed the CBT, and now riding a yam xt125r to get practise. on the CBT itself i did a hillstart and that was ok, no idea how i managed it. but at the moment i just cannot master the technique. At first it was because i was too scared to take my foot off the brake and then obviously stalled everytime with my foot down hard on the brake. Now i seem to be moving my foot off the brake slowly and give it a little bit more revs and then STALL. I am trying to let the clutch out alongside adding some throttle i just find it near impossible to master all 3 at same time. can't really ask for help and advice on here because in all honesty i know what i've got to do but just can't do it. any newbies having/had the same problem??
  17. i've taken it out for a ride just now. changing down into second is ok, come to a stop, from neutral down into 1st sometimes works sometimes doesnt, if it fails to go into first then i release the clutch and hold it on again until it does go into first. yes i do have a manual and will be looking at the ajdustment on the lever this afternoon. then i will be checking the chain for tension, as you have pointed out. will let you know how i get on. cheers
  18. Ok i have recently passed my CBT and love riding round on my yam xt125r. the bike is 09 plate but only had 290 miles on the clock when i bought it this month. one previous owner who never used it at all, so lucky me. i have started to notice that she does'nt want to go into 1st gear easily. Ok so i ride towards traffic lights that change to red, i slow down the bike and change down each gear in turn and then from second gear i change straight down to 1st ok no probs, then im sitting at the lights, and if i put it into neutral then thats when i cant click back down into 1st gear easily, i sometimes have to pull clutch in 2 or 3 times for it to click into 1st. this happened a few times over the last two rides, so today i went to an old disused industrial park with lots of empty quiet roads, junctions etc, and went up and down all the gears ok then i pulled over to the side a few times, came to a stop, into neutral, relaxed hands, feet, had a bit of a stretch, then clutch in, foot on gear pedal attempt to push down into first but it wont go, sometimes it does, sometimes it dont. as you can probably tell from the narrative, i am completely new to bikes and riding. i just dont know if its the clutch or the gear pedal that i will have to investigate first. any ideas??
  19. Ok took your advice. Went to local bike shop today. Come away with jacket, trousers, gloves, helmet all for £150. Not your mega expensive stuff but all fits nice and secure. All ok to get me started. Cant wait to ride.
  20. you know what guy's? i have only looked at your quick replies and it's taken me a whole 5 seconds to decide to get my gear especially helmet from the local mototrbike shops. even more so because i havnt got a clue what im looking at here on these sites. dont know sizes etc. I have measured my head and know that size. But obviously i dont think i would feel right buying a helmet i havnt tried on. cheers for your quick replies, this site is truely helpful!!
  21. anyone bought anything from these before? http://www.ghostbikes.com/ and no i'm not trying to advertise the business , im just new to biking and stuck in the maze of buying new helmet, gloves and jacket for the first time and would like to see if anyone has bought anything from this online company before? thanks.
  22. ok i have just bought a 125cc after completing my cbt and i am fully aware i have to display L plates or D plates if you in Wales. for those who dont know the Welsh word for learning is Dysgw or something similar (my welsh aint that great) but i was wondering if anyone can answer me these questions... 1. are you allowed to ride on D plates whilst only riding in the UK? or do you have to switch to L plates once you cross over the border? 2. Is a person riding in Wales allowed to display a D plate on the front and a L plate on the back? or vice versa. Or do they both have to match?? why am i asking? why not. just a bit of fun.
  23. I'm glad to say i passed my CBT today. I had never ever ridden a bike before and was a bag of nerves arriving at the training centre. The instructor was absolutely fantastic. Made me feel settled and got me moving very comfortably. I have read over this forum a number of times and found the people on here very helpful. I have also read about peoples bad experiences on their CBT's. Well i hope those people all stick at it and dont give up. And i have noticed alot of people saying the CBT is a "piece of cake and as long as you dont kill yourself then you will pass". I dont agree with that, even though there is no pass or fail, you just have to satisfy the instructor of your ability to control a motorcycle but today wasn't exactly a piece of cake for me, i didnt find it difficult at all, apart from getting flustered with the gears and clutch once or twice but it all went smooth. But i came away with a banging headache because of concentrating too much. So that is the first time i have ever rode a bike. And im hooked. Seriously hooked. I went there today thinking right, get this CBT out the way and get on the DAS course as soon as i can. But now im the proud owner of a shiney new CBT certificate it has changed my way of thinking. Even though i loved every minute i have decided to look out for a second hand 125cc and ride that around this summer, building my confidence and get myself on the DAS course later on in the year or even start of next year. Walk before you run type of thing. It would make me feel so much better and confident i think. I have passed the theory and got that out of the way, so that is one less thing to worry about. Now i just want to ride. p.s can i change my name on here? i dont like Wannabe Biker at all. Especially now im at the bottom rung of the ladder so to speak!!
  24. passed the theory today. scored 49/50 on questions and 66/75 on hazard perception. booking the CBT for next month. my plan remains the same, ride around on 125cc for 6 months to build up experience and to have fun, and then go for direct access next summer. have a good weekend all.
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