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Everything posted by SamboRambo

  1. Its ok, im going to locate all of your many horse riding friends and point them to what you've been saying about everyone who rides horses... I think you've clearly got issues... maybe stemming from a deprived childhood when all your "many many friends" got a pony for their birthday and you got a lump of poo?? maybe thats why you hate horses and horse poo so much.... Haha! You'd be wasting your time, they all know! I used to call a close friend a girl for riding horses when I was about 16?that was ignorant, Probably shouldn't have really as his mother financed us being able to ride crossers all the time... I've never been one for diplomacy... I work on the motorway and see many horses at the fence lines all the time. There's a particular one on the M5 that always comes for a nuzzle, tries to eat me but friendly non-the-less. I filed a report for one on the m6 as the conditions were absolutely appalling, you wouldn't have kept a prisoner on those grounds, I never did get a lump of poo you know... At least bridges are not being burnt any longer!
  2. To remy and joeman.. I apologise if my comments have caused offence. This has gone too far now and by no means am I innocent in this. So I'd like to propose a truce and agree to disagree. If I could remove my comments I would as my intention was never to start a war here. Agree?
  3. Oh I'm sorry, you disagree with me so use the term ignorant? Ignorant by definition is incorrect you realise? Everything I speak of is absolute fact mixed with opinion. The fact that I can envision you foaming at the mouth whilst writing that tells me that your a fan of horses and believe they should populate our roads which is the only alternative to my opinion. You'd demean yourself in engaging in debate with me? Yet another insult. I'm here to make friends not have people abuse and insult me for an opinion I have voiced, and stand by to the death. Like I said I'm not here to argue, if you have a difference feel free, but don't make it personal. You never know I may have been some use to you some day. You have a strange way of making friends, and for the record, you were the one who made it personal with your barrage of insults about anyone who owns horses... If you cant ride a bike well enough to avoid the horse poo, thats your problem, not the horses! I didn't quote you or the other guy/girl did I? I didn't say that I had any distain toward you or anyone in particular, this is about my own experiences with absolute retards who have the cheek to tell me to slow down when I'm doing under the speed limit and they happen to be sat upon a wild animal in the middle of the road that is one skid sound of a tyre away from rearing, killing its rider and attacking anything or anyone in its path whilst leaving leaving deposits that in my OPINION is nothing short of littering and making the roads unsafe for cars/bikes whatever. I don't think I stand alone in having the (backed up I might add) belief that if your going to own a horse, so what? Who cares? Just keep it in a safe place away from roads and if you absolutely HAVE to take it on roads because you can't afford a horsebox or whatever (but can afford the horse?), then put signs up indicating a danger well ahead of it. I say this as a car driver and one who has grown up in the countryside with MANY MANY friends who own and ride, I've even had a go myself! Bloody good fun actually. So for the record I state again, based on fact and opinion.
  4. Good I won't bother to demean myself by commenting on your ignorant ranting Oh I'm sorry, you disagree with me so use the term ignorant? Ignorant by definition is incorrect you realise? Everything I speak of is absolute fact mixed with opinion. The fact that I can envision you foaming at the mouth whilst writing that tells me that your a fan of horses and believe they should populate our roads which is the only alternative to my opinion. You'd demean yourself in engaging in debate with me? Yet another insult. I'm here to make friends not have people abuse and insult me for an opinion I have voiced, and stand by to the death. Like I said I'm not here to argue, if you have a difference feel free, but don't make it personal. You never know I may have been some use to you some day.
  5. I was kinda hoping this would turn into a horse/rider bashing spot... Seems to be heading more toward an argument, and for that reason- I'm out! I'll restart the lobby to remove horses when the time is right... (Evil twiddling thumbs burns-esq)
  6. Why are horses even allowed on roads? They don't pay road tax, the owners are arrogant as f***, they all ponder round on 60mph roads and then have the BARE FACED AUDACITY to wave you down angrily?! Unfortunately shooting their horse 1st, then their kneecaps is against the law. So you basically have to point out that they have an animal sh****g on a public highway! causing an obstruction on a high speed carriageway (anything 50mph and over is classed as highway), inciting roadrage pertaining to section 5, public disorder. Yet they cuss you? Keep the beasts in a field, this ain't the Wild West anymore, they're not pets, pets are animals that can sit on your lap. horses are good for nothing but racing and burgers, possibly historical reenactments , we invented the engine a fair few years ago now. Get with it you stuck up c***s! Anyway as for dangers? I agree with all the above, treat everything like your life depends on it.... Oh wait, it actually does!
  7. How did you find it? I also kinda had reservations after making the decision, but then I was commited, (truth be told I've never even started one up... 'Looks VERY sheepish') did mine on a new hornet. Where did you do yours? I'll see if I can stick a picture up from the iPad... http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/13/uqejy5ev.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/13/7enuveby.jpg
  8. Good on ya buddy, keep it up! (They used a cancellation for my mod2 the day after my mod1- it all went so fast and I didn't get much of a choice either as I only had those 3 days off work). The one thing I was reminded about that I'm glad of because I WOULD have failed it without was the "stop" sign where you actually have to stop regardless of no traffic, I do a fair few miles on the road (not trucker kinda miles but still....) and I would have overlooked it.
  9. I get my 1st bike 1st March, I'd be up for meeting new people and going for a ride? Stafford based. Brand new ER6-N.
  10. I got a minor on mod 1 for being 1kph below.... Smashed the rest of it though, missed a junction on the self navigate part of mod 2 and there was a car on its roof 5 minutes into the test! It was like that when I arrived I assure you.
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