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Posts posted by staningrimsby

  1. Hi Mailee,

    Well I got to Airfield today for 2:45 (15 mins early) and Gary is my instructor (really nice bloke and the patience of a saint), had a 2 hour lesson but all we seemed to do was correct braking techniques, feeding the bike into and out of corners properly, the dreaded U-turn but to be honest Gary told me to just have a go at how I do the U-turn and he would pick me up if there was an issue, thankfully he said it was all ok and I didn't bottle it on any of the 6 U-turns I did :) .

    I have booked my next lesson but as they are really booked in advance I cant get it till the 30 June (1 hour session) then a week later for a 2 hour session, but Gary did say this would be the only day we would be doing little faffy things and next time we will take the ER6 for a good run on the open road then after that concentrate on the Mod 1, my only concern that at £36 per hour it ends up being expensive so it may take longer than I had first hoped :( .

  2. Just a quick one please guys,

    After passing CBT & Theory in the last few weeks on Saturday I have a riding assessment to see where about' I go with regards to lessons etc, I am hoping that with Mod 1 being about manuvers I will be in for the test sooner rather than later as I do feel confident on most of it.

    My question is really how long did it take everyone to pass their test from CBT to finish, will I be looking at ages or is it a fairly rapid process.

    I already can't seem to stop looking at the next step up in bikes :-)

  3. Just got in from the theory test centre and please to say that all went well :D

    Scored 47 out of 50 on the theory and 58 out of 75 on the hazard perception so really chuffed (cant wait to see what I'm like after passing Mod 2 :D )

    I have my first riding assessment booked on Saturday which will determine how much training is needed for the mod 1 test :D

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I passed my CBT yesterday after a few worrying moments involving the figure of 8 and the U-turn :-( but now I am road legal for the next 2 years at least :-), but I don't want to stop there and would like to continue to a full licence.

    My question really is whilst I understand the question part of the theory test I have never had to do the hazard perception part of it and clicking on mock ones off the internet is all well and good but on the actual hazard perception test do you click every time you see a hazard or are you only able to click the once ???

    Has any one please got any tips as this is the bit I'm worrying about, I can practice the fissure of eight, U-turn etc before Mod 1 but don't want to fail my theory on a poxy hazard perception test when I I've been driving cars for 25 years.



  5. Hi Everyone,

    I did my CBT today and did pass eventually :-) the day started off cold, miserable and very wet there was 4 of us on the training of which 2 were riding scooters and 2 of us were using Honda CBR's. The day started well by passing the eyesight test (nice and easy start) then the standard walk around with the bike for a bit.

    Next we progressed to the short drive in first gear before being allowed to use second :-) all was going well it seemed fairly straight forward until we had to do the figure of eight and a U-turn, sounds easy and straight forward but I seemed to really struggle with them :-(. After a while this was completed to the instructors satisfaction and we progressed to the emergency stop and junctions which also seemed to go well, after about 5 mins of junctions I kept getting told off for not indicating although I was positive I was doing it then it wasn't long before the instructor came to tell me off, I explained I was using them and that's when he tested them and they seemed to have packed in :-) I felt a sense of relief as it wasn't my fault so away went the Honda and out came a Yamaha YBR to replace it.

    We then had a brief lunch break before heading out to the roads only for the rain to come in a biblical fashion so we pulled over and stood under a tree until it stopped before carrying on. The ride seemed to go really well, changing gears was no issue, stopping was fine and so was dealing with the traffic :-), then the dreaded U-turn again :-( once again several attempts before the instructor was happy but the emergency stop was perfect. We then carried on with the drive for the rest of the session.

    At the end of the ride we were both told we had passed and given some feed back I was told my riding was really good but had to practice a lot on manoeuvres as on the mod 1 they will expect it to be perfect in order to pass. So on the positive side I now have a CBT so I'm road legal and I have time to practice my manoeuvres before going for mod 1.

  6. Hi Everyone,

    this is a first bike for me since I owned a Yamaha DT80 back in the late 80's when I was 17, this time I want to go all the way starting with my CBT this Sunday then onto the theory test then module 1 & 2 DAS.

    Last Saturday I went and bought a Honda Varadero 125 XL as with me being 6' 4" it was a good size for me and it actually looks bigger than a 125 as well. What I really wanted to know is what are these bikes like ?? did I make the right choice and is there anything I need to be wary of with them.

    Really hoping the CBT on Sunday goes well so I can hit the open road on my own bike when I get home :-)

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