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Everything posted by SuzyHP

  1. Glad to hear a sensible decision has been reached- the job must be hard enough without having to be put through this undeserved stress
  2. Ah 1992. The year I had my first born mentally my age has not changed since then !
  3. The lane positioning is probably valid when I think about where I sit in that lane sometimes , might need to be more aware of sitting too far too the left. Two weeks ago I couldn't change gear- now after moving the gear shifter to a better position I'm good and the frustration on that part has gone- I guess as time goes on I'll re-read this and have a chuckle You are correct re the lane position. If you are too far to the left some will take that as an invitation to push past. It's not easy but you need to assert your right to be on the road in that position. Thanks folks Took a different approach and sat in different lane( still valid lane just more on inside ) , middle of lane positioning with big lifesavers and done better. Getting there!!!
  4. The lane positioning is probably valid when I think about where I sit in that lane sometimes , might need to be more aware of sitting too far too the left. Two weeks ago I couldn't change gear- now after moving the gear shifter to a better position I'm good and the frustration on that part has gone- I guess as time goes on I'll re-read this and have a chuckle
  5. Thanks Hoggs !! There are some class A dicks out there but some good folk too- maybe I just need more confidence on them - there is another 2 as I go on into work, funny but it is the biggest one and the smallest one that get me. The reasonably large laned one that leads into bypass etc is fine!! Not going to get wound up and let others actions dictate how I ride but it's good to hear others hints and tips . ( maybe I need to get bigger boots also )
  6. Wish I could avoid it but it's on my route in and out to work , will look at maybe trying at different times , maybe it's just practise
  7. I am rubbish at roundabouts - of which there are plenty near me. One in particular is just a sticking point for me, ive had a near miss twice in the car on it, once in the snow where I ended up skidding my way round it , landing on the centre circle luckily it was at 3am, and again about a week and a bit ago in the car after a fuel spill sent me skidding. It's just hilly and off camber and on the bike it's horrible- especially as at my exit the two lanes merge. Because I'm nervous every of it I go a bit slower ( I'm in my 3rd week in the road with L plates ) so then aggressive car drivers race round and cut the merging lane off . I find myself riding up to it with gritted teeth and apprehension . Any hints/tips you guys can give??
  8. I was surprised how fast I felt it was on a 125 so I might get myself one for 6 months so learn on so get any drops or falls out of my system on that before I spend lots of cash on a decent bike Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk On my first proper journey alone I thought I was whizzing along until I looked at my speedo
  9. Peaches I hope you get there on the 20th- the best thing you can do is practise practise and practise some more. It will eventually click into place enough to get you started. I went back for 4 half days to get extra training and build confidence before 'passing' I was also a complete beginner and went through the same as yourself even breaking the clutch lever when I came flying off on the first day! But..... After 2 weeks of having my L plates on my experience and confidence gets better every day and boy is it fun!!!! Keep with it and have faith in yourself- the best things often take a bit of time and patience - good luck! Suzy
  10. Tomorrow isn't promised.....someone somewhere a little wiser than me once said, it was a famous somebody but ironically I can't remember!! On a side note ID young 'uns in the bar constantly. Have to double take their passports when I see the date of birth sometimes as they look bloomin 12!!
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