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Posts posted by Kelbam

  1. Feel your pain, we live mid terrace, few of the houses do have drives though. Next door, however, had a drive and three cars, two park on there and the third, even though it would fir, parks in front pf ours. Its been really bad on our street last couple of weeks, having to park round the corner as no where to park, i.work nights and get back about 10 mins after next door as well which annoys me lol

    Nornally id be going on my bike and my space would be safe but sodding puncture haha

    Cant wait to get a house with a garage

  2. Oh man, i was there all day, im glad no one warned me about how much it would hurt lol


    That’s beautiful! Really.

    Yes, I was in the chair for about 9 (6+3) hours for one of mine, and the longer it goes on the more it hurts.


    It just started to feel like he was scratching at open wounds toward the end, really started to smart, on the plus side at least the colouring in didnt take nearly as long as the line work 😬

    And thank you! I love it.... though very glad its over lol

    Never again.... well, not there anyway at least 😂

  3. That looks very good kel :thumb:

    Bet parts of it bloody hurt


    Apparently i took it like a champ, and dealt with it better than most, inside i didn't feel as hard as he said i was hahahahaha

    When he did the lines he double checked that i definitely wanted it in colour, he coloured the first petal and i lay there thinking ive made a terrible mistake 😂

  4. ^^ i had laser tattoo removal on my arm, went to a nurse for it, never thought to ask about the lasers they used, its pretty much all gone now anyway, just some blue smudges where i never bothered going back as at that point i was happy with it and always planned on getting it covered up. Several years later and its still not been covered, though i did get this today!


  5. Reading this i realise how lucky i was when my front brake lever fell off on the motorway, never shat myself so much in my life going for a break for it to just not be there when i was doing close to 70 myself. (Approching roundabout/lights)I eventually wobbled to a stop, jumped off my bike RAN BACK UP THE MOTORWAY and got my break lever (dont ask)

    had to then jump back on the bike to wobble my way to work. Thought i was gunna vom in my helmet :| always check my nuts now lol

  6. So im not well (read: probably got a slight case of alcohol poisioning) and have decided to start reading the books again, i feel like death hahaha

    Ive already read the first one and got half way through the second one last year, but as i have had a massive break, im starting from the start again so i can continue to get my GOT fix after that somewhat unsatisfying ending lol


  7. Mines my name (kelly) and my nickname. (Bam(bi))

    Its not been bambi for a long time, tbf, and thats coz i fall over alot, its usually just bam.... which my scottish friends take great delight in lol

  8. [mention]Gin[/mention] again, agree with absolutley every point you have made haha. Im swinging between acceptance and annoyance over this last episode.

    My husband has just got the audio books so i might give them a whirl, got the books and read the first one, but might try those instead and just start from the start again

  9. I loved the end of Jon's story - fantastic little twist there IMO. It does seem to have been set up for some kind of Stark spin-off series. Indeed, the Stark kids did okay in the end, bless them.


    Just read something that made me lol, that bran told jon, who in turn would tell dany, which in turn would set the wheel in motion for bran to then take the throne 😂

    Just wish he wasnt made a criminal by it, thoigh, i suppose now the unsullied have gone, there's no real reason jon would have to remain a criminal in the rest of westeros' eyes, i mean, theres not really any nights watch left AND we didnt see him take the oath. Think it was kore a knee jerk reaction to the idea of him being banished never to see any of his friends of family again. I hope he does hahaha

    Ive calmed down abit about it now. The starks all have a claim over the whole seven kingdoms, including the free folk, and arya is likely to rule whatever she finds west of westeros... maybe?

    I am FAR to invested in this stupid show 😂

    Well, the way I saw it is that Jon has already disobeyed the edict that he return to the Night’s Watch, because he’s leading the entire population of Castle Black to what will obviously be a new life, albeit it in a pretty crappy climate. I don’t see that as exile at all (at least, not the intended exile) and I think we’re to use our imagination as to what comes next. I’m sure a pardon would be somewhere down the line, too.


    Now ive calmed down, i am inclined to agree hahaha. I was just like wow, what the hell when i was watching it and i was FURIOUS for jon, who always seems to get the short end of the stick hahaha

    Also, just seen this as im knee deep in posts and genuinely laughed out loud


  10. I loved the end of Jon's story - fantastic little twist there IMO. It does seem to have been set up for some kind of Stark spin-off series. Indeed, the Stark kids did okay in the end, bless them.


    Just read something that made me lol, that bran told jon, who in turn would tell dany, which in turn would set the wheel in motion for bran to then take the throne 😂

    Just wish he wasnt made a criminal by it, thoigh, i suppose now the unsullied have gone, there's no real reason jon would have to remain a criminal in the rest of westeros' eyes, i mean, theres not really any nights watch left AND we didnt see him take the oath. Think it was kore a knee jerk reaction to the idea of him being banished never to see any of his friends of family again. I hope he does hahaha

    Ive calmed down abit about it now. The starks all have a claim over the whole seven kingdoms, including the free folk, and arya is likely to rule whatever she finds west of westeros... maybe?

    I am FAR to invested in this stupid show 😂

  11. Ok, so i cant be arsed to type this out again, so i have just copy pasted what i wrote on fb lol

    !theres a.spoiler which i have tagged at the end of my reply for the latest/last episode!

    The best comparison ive read about GOT is to full metal alchemist. The anime also finished before the manga, and it suffered from it. When they re did it and created brotherhood, they had all the source material and you could just tell. It should never have been finished without the books being finished, and iirc, they were all supposed to have been out before the series concluded and that is on GRRM. Of course i could be wrong on that last part but the point still stands, if the books had been out, the story would have flowed as it did when they had material to work from. I'm pretty sure that GRRM has said 'this is the conclusion i want' but i wonder if he will change it up, seeing the peoples reactions to the last episode haha. I didn't mind the conclusion itself, tbh, though i would have preferred > spoiler incoming for the last episode >























    Jon to have had made that decision himself to leave, the unsullied f**ked off anyway, it had been a few weeks at that point so im pretty sure conversations would have been had about what dany had actually done to innocent people after they had surrendered.

    No one killed jaime when he killed aerys targaryean for threatening to do exactly what dany actually DID. dunno, just felt it was a bit shit shafting him like that again lol. This way he will never be able to see his family again like, ever, and i think its a bit naff, or sam! Im sure arya, even though shes off exploring will bob back home from time to time to visit the fam.

    Im glad they let drogon live though haha

    Edit* AND after everything jon had done up to that point, he was cast aside over killing a queen no one in the seven kingdoms really, other than the unsullied, and yara, gave a f**king shit about anyway!! She literally trashed the joint and was definitely set to f**k more shit up as she went. Though with her speaking valerian, i dont suppose anyone else would have understood those intentions til it was too late.

    This would NEVER have happened of jorah was still about 😂

    Edit2* sorry haha. Jon could have been king in the f**king north and united the free men and the north and he could have still been happy. Ah man, im so annoyed 😂

  12. Me again - i scraped my new car in a multistory carpark in manchester. the only saving grace is the scratch is right at the bottom on the edge, so not really noticable (unless you know its there) Bad news is its over two panels so not sure whether thats two jobs or not if i want it respraying (tecnically, three, but i can get away with that one)


  13. Just watched episode 5

    Spoiers ahead, i know most people aren't able to watch it live (yay for 4on4off nightshifts aligning PERFECTLY for the final three episodes

    Ok so. The internet ia RIFE already with people saying it was shit. I enjoyed it

    Cleganebowl was amazing, really enjoyed that little scrap, i would have LOVED for the hound to get a happy ending, so shed a tear, loved his character, but his end was fitting and he took the big knob head with him. Cersei's talk to the palm as she stomped past them both made me lol

    Alot of people are also moaning about the way cersei went down as well. Ive always loved to hate her character and alwyas wanted her to be literally killed by jaime, but something about that scene with them both had me bawling and i really felt for them both haha. I didnt mind that it wasnt a great big showboating AH HA NOW I KILL YOU MOMENT, I liked the simplicity of it. Theres a few people griping over the prophecy regarding her death, though in theory, it was jaime who got her killed... i may be reaching a bit there, but i loved the whole scene

    Arya should have just stayed north - stop being a little bitch and go be with gendry

    Also, varys. God DAMMIT tyrion, i like you dude, but you go tell varys that secret, then go and get him killed, dor a smart man, he should have known how varys would react to that news. So that annoyed me.

    When dany said to jon, she will rule by fear, it was pretty much a dead cert she waa gunna light up KL. And when Jon saw drogon atrack KL after the bell was rung, i think he knew at that moment when she attacked that he knew what he had to do.

    I enjoyed the episode, glad euron is dead. Not glad varys is dead. Tyrion is an idiot. Looking forward to seeing how it will now all wrap up

    Also one of the supider theories actually while im here, people saying bran or jon would become the new night king either after battle of winterfel, or bran to help with the KL scrap. Ive seen more than one person comment saying there alwyas has to be a night king. NOW, im not sure about the books, but this isnt the lich king in World of Warcraft. WHY do people think this? The NK was created by the forest children to aid their own agenda and it back fired. There doesnt NEED to be a night king

    Also glad that arya didnt kill jaime and wear his face to kill cersei. that was a dumb fan theory as well imo, and its already been done with frey

    And to the people saying dany cracked up to fast, come on, this has been alluded to for years. I just think season 8 has suffered from lack of direction more than anything due to having no source material to work from as discussed above. We could maybe have benefit from either another season or more episode as things certainly seem to be more fast paced from earier seasons but eh. Am still enjoying it lol

  14. Years ago one of my friends saw a group of masked pikeys breaking into his van one evening. He was so incensed he grabbed his samurai sword (only decorative unfortunately, but they weren't to know that) and burst out of his front door wearing nothing but his y-fronts, wildly waving the sword at them and screaming "I'LL CHOP YOUR F*CKING HEADS OFF!" Needless to say they legged it.

    I'd have given almost anything to have seen it. :lol:


    What the..... hahahahahaha

    Genuinely laughed out loud hahaha

  15. Its only a matter of time before people start taking the law into their own hands. Over the years myself my mum amd my husband before i moved in have been broken into and all you get is a crime number and 'doubt anyone will be caught'

    Boils my piss. I work hard for what ive got as do most of us, then we get f**kers like this who i genuinely wouldn't give two shits about if i heard they all crashed and died, they wouldn't be missed and people might sleep easier.

    Of course it would be all over the papers then 'little timmy was a cheeky chappy, wouldn't hurt a fly'

  16. Just to play devil's advocate here... Theft is of course bang out of order, but if someone were to ram a thief off his moped he could break his neck, which seems an unfair punishment for theft, really. In the same way that I wouldn't want to be rammed off the road for speeding...


    Dont steal motorbikes and there's no danger of this happening to you is there?

    I for one would have no sympathy if one of these little scrotes end up maimed or dead as id rather them than an innocent come to any harm over their antics. I genuinely dont give two shits if i hear that someone has died due to this tactic.

    Might actually make them think twice about stealijg someones hard warned property and terrorising the general public


    Fair enough. Maybe we should have the death penalty for speeding too - I mean, it *would* stop me from doing it :-)


    Were not talking about speeding though, we are talking about criminals KNOWING that if they are stealing and being dangerous, you know, riding on footpaths, attacking people with knives, armed with guns in some cases. they know the risks -.its not comparable and you know its not. These little thugs are terrorising people up and and down the country

    We are talking about tactical responses to stop them. Cant really boop a driver off their car for speeding can you

    If you dont want to run the risk of being knocked off your bike then dont ride round on someone elses property hurting innocent bystanders. What then, would you suggest? They are just allowed to continue because heaven forbid, one of the little angels gets injured.

  17. Just to play devil's advocate here... Theft is of course bang out of order, but if someone were to ram a thief off his moped he could break his neck, which seems an unfair punishment for theft, really. In the same way that I wouldn't want to be rammed off the road for speeding...


    Dont steal motorbikes and there's no danger of this happening to you is there?

    I for one would have no sympathy if one of these little scrotes end up maimed or dead as id rather them than an innocent come to any harm over their antics. I genuinely dont give two shits if i hear that someone has died due to this tactic.

    Might actually make them think twice about stealijg someones hard warned property and terrorising the general public

  18. [mention]Gin[/mention] absolutely agree with every point youve made there, it does feel rushed despite making us wait two years, i dont know if any of you watch anime, but i resd something that sunmed it up quite well on regards to the tv story finishing before the books as full metal alchemist struggled with this too. It was completed before the manga was, then when the manga was complete and they had full material tonwork off, full metal alchemist: brotherhood was then released and it was superior in many ways

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