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Posts posted by Kelbam

  1. I get my first years ncb in February but I've just bought a new bike and paid £103 to cover thget next 4months, paid £284 for the year for th 125, then when I changed my licence to fullgot charged £44 plus£44 admin fee.

    Well and truly slapped but I just took it on the chin

    I am so poor now though ):

    As for doing you DAS, there's no time like the present! Might as well just wrap up warm and get it done! Did mine over 5days, passed mod1 first time but second time lucky for mod2. Even if you decide not to get a bigger bike til may, you still have that full licence. Though my plan was also to wait for my no claims and lasted all of about two weeks,bought the bike on Saturday and pick it up Sunday coming lol

    Good luck!!

  2. There were so many bikes I wanted to take home but sadly my budget was just like lolno

    I knew when I saw this bike online though I was going to have it, went to loads of different places sat on loads of bikes (in a stupid short polka dot dress which I well didn't think through) finally got to see the one I'd been looking at and I stood there and guarded it while my step dad went to get a man to tell him I wanted to sit on it. Someone looked at it and I was like woah dude you're not having it #crazy

    Problem is now I just need to be rich so I can have a different bike for each day of the week 😩

  3. I'm just concerned about the size of the thing and manoeuvring it in my back garden and down the ginnel, i will, however worry about this at the time lol

    They rang me today to say it was ready and I'm like omg I can't come til next Sunday I am gutted D:

    Extra £103 to insure it for the rest of the year (til Feb) and thankfully they waived the admin fee because I bloody paid last week once already to tell them I'd got my full licence 🙄

    Ah I suppose I need to tax it as well. Been a very expensive month. Bike cost more than my car <_< (car passed its MOT somehow so I totally deserved a motorbike shaped treat)

  4. I did my CBT back in January, got a bike a few weeks later and wondered what on earth I'd bothered for as all of a sudden I was sat on an unfamiliar bike (I also have a lexmoto btw, its not fallen apart on me yet lol) kept stalling and dropped it twice the first day hahaha. It took me three weeks to get off my own street because I was just going round the block absolutely shitting myself, finally progressed to riding to work, actually made the husband drive in front of me and I followed him just in case I died. I'm so dramatic.

    I hated hill starts at first too, but you will get used to it. :)

    I'm going bike shopping next weekend for my first 'proper' bike as I passed mod2 last week so you will definitely get there!

  5. I've got a lexmoto venom (please let the judgement flow through you lol) and it's serving me quite well so far, however I passed my test this week (woohoo) so plan on getting something in the next few weeks. I wanted a ninja. Step dad said no I've to get something more sensible (?) I mean it's ME that's not sensible lol. So I've asked for a bandit instead and il put the ninja on the back burner and just get a 1000cc in a year or two. Was quite happy with just getting a 600 lol

    I'd upload a pic of my current ride but I'm on my phone and I can't do it plus I don't think anyone wants to see my Chinese bike anyway xD

  6. Welcome to the "second attempt" club :lol:

    Nice feeling knowing that the stressful part is over.


    Haha absolutely, I was panicking thinking if I don't pass this time my mod 1 will run out before I know it and have to do it again. The morning of mod2 whilst waiting for my instructor to come collect me I was riding round their car park doing all the mod 1 exercises to make sure I could still do it haha. Thankfully I don't have to worry about that ever again lol

    Got my weekend back off work in the next few weeks and looking forward to seeing what's out there!

  7. 2nd attempt but whatever I got there in the end. I was planning on waiting for my first years no claims in February before getting a bigger bike, but already had the step dad on the phone telling me we are going bike shopping haha

    even though I failed it first time mod 2 was definitely the easier of the exercises. I think it helped having a really nice examiner as well though. It just felt like a nice easy ride out. I got told off, off my instructor for speeding on the way down to the test centre so I was concentrating on that most of all lol

    Picked up a few minors (five in total) for following too closely to traffic in front and also exiting a couple of mini roundabouts on the right, thought I'd messed up right at the end though. I went through some traffic lights and left the examiner behind. He said it was all good though

    Overall, I really enjoyed the whole learning process, I absolutely hated my driving lessons but you can tell it's their passion when they are training you. I especially loved the last lesson we did before going for mod1, where Robin laid out a load of cones which we had to kick over scoop up and drop them in our own bay and see who had the most at the end

    Kinda sad it's all 'over' now though so I absolutely plan on doing some advanced lessons once I've got a bigger bike, but I think i will wait til after Christmas as I am now broke lol.

    There's not a lot more satisfying than taking your L plates off though

  8. I might be the nob but the other guy is also a nob because I was minding my own business filtering (not past a junction this time lol) and as I was passing a slow moving couple of cars one decided to pull out as I was already right next to him. Guess some peoples mirrors just don't work 😤


    Like indicators...they're optional extras on some cars :roll:


    Ah yes, that too! Bloody idiot in his big stupid car

  9. I might be the nob but the other guy is also a nob because I was minding my own business filtering (not past a junction this time lol) and as I was passing a slow moving couple of cars one decided to pull out as I was already right next to him. Guess some peoples mirrors just don't work 😤

  10. I've got a list of questions for it and half of it even with the answer there I don't know where it is on the bike haha (that reservoir one is definitely one of them lol). So hoping they just ask me to show them where the engine cut out switch is or where the oil is as that's all I know Hahaha

    I don't suppose "il ask me step dad" will be an adequate answer lol

    I guess il just read read and re-read this and when I go on Wednesday ask my instructor to point at things for me lol

  11. Hello all :)

    I've got my mod 2 on Wednesday (already bike shopping and got shouted at off my mum haha)

    I'm no where near bricking it as much as I was for my mod 1 and kinda not bothered if I fail first try because I'm still just relieved I made it through mod 1. (though I'd rather not im not made of money lol)

    Can you fail on these show me tell me questions though? My mind has a habit of going blank.

    "So, where are the wheels?" I DONT KNOW?!

  12. You have yours the week before mine and i am so rubbish at slow riding! I have booked a crash course type hing costing me a small fortune but hopefully it will be worth it in the end, I am more worried about mod one that two as I second guess myself when I am slow riding thinking I am going to fall off. D:

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