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Posts posted by Kelbam

  1. Im inclined to agree on all points about the felling of rheagon/the iron fleet, it just doesn't make sense

    Ive started to dislike dany since she ousted jorah when she learned of his original intentions to betray her, despite the fact he had proven himself over and over again. Her slow descent into madness was subtle to begin with but now its too in your face and they could have gone about it better as it being a bit of a slow burner, for me, was working, she was becoming fixated even back then.

    I think with ghost, i am disagreeing with the majority i think, i dont think he could face that emotional goodbye - he didnt want ghost to follow him, as together they have been through so much and ghost just looked so worn that and jon probably isnt sure whether he will ever come back north and doesnt want ghost either dead with him or stuck in the south for one reason or another. I kinda think if he had gone to pet him/hig him whatver, he my have not been able to let him go. Thats my thoughts anyway. Id did proper tug at the oldnheart stings though

    As for missandei, i have never liked her, i think its more the actress tbh, i find her to be quite monotone, never liked her in hollyoaks either hahaha.

    The beginning of the episode absolutely killed me off though, was an absolute gibbering wreck

  2. I wrecked a motorbike once by hitting a dog that ran out in front of me too close for me to stop. I was doing less than 30mph yet it was like hitting a brick wall, though the dog ran off without a murmur

    Same as you, I had not made a payment on it but it was a write off. front forks bent so far back the wheel was wedged between the downpipes, tank was dented and scratched, handlebars were bent, headlight smashed. the bike somersaulted over and over two or three times after throwing me off, hence the amount of damage.

    Holy smoke!

    I would have hunted that dog down and punted it into the middle of next week ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  3. Pissed me off to be honest how dark everything was.... Turned into The Walkg Dead Was expecting Rick, Darryl Maggie and co to come steaming in ,


    I have read loads that people struggled with the brightness of it, but mine was ok, dunno if its juat my brightness on my tv was already high but i had no issuea watching it

    I dont think i am mentally prepared for next week as im sure jorah is going to have an emotional send off. Csnt cope #devo'd

  4. Thsts what the body shop guy said but im sat here raging away at myself stull, TWO WEEKS ive had it

    I was legit cleaning the yellow off in tesco car park because i didn't want to do it at home as id never hear the f**king end of it. Can only imagine what i looked like

    Wine is helping tho

    Yes that's half a melon with a spoon in it. Dont judge me


    Is that a cat with a pulse on your lap or has your furry hat slipped off your head ?


    Hahahahahahhahaaha yes, its calcifer, he's a bit shit because he is broken but he is a good boi ๐Ÿ˜‚ 450 quids worth of pedigree cat, and he doesnt know how to cat ๐Ÿ™„

  5. I hate it when I do something like that. Firstly because I did it and secondly because it really annoys me when I know that in the bigger order of things it's not the worst problem in the world but it still makes me mad with myself.

    It is why I hate buying new cars. I'm happier driving a wreck.

    I was sat here thinking i should have just kept the mini and saved myself several thousands of pounds. Ive not even started paying for it yet, its that bloody new

  6. Thsts what the body shop guy said but im sat here raging away at myself stull, TWO WEEKS ive had it

    I was legit cleaning the yellow off in tesco car park because i didn't want to do it at home as id never hear the f**king end of it. Can only imagine what i looked like

    Wine is helping tho

    Yes that's half a melon with a spoon in it. Dont judge me


  7. I went to the double bill/midnight showing. It RUINED my knees, but it was worth it

    I thought it was a bit slow starting with the set up but it soon made up for it. I really enjoyed it and want to go see it again

    It made me cry because i am a big girls blouse. Not as much as GOT did though, too soon to talk about that one hahaha, can't even THINK about it without getting feels :(


    Why did it ruin your knees :shock:


    I always get sore knees when ive been to the cinema ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Everything creaks when i get up after the film is over, never mind two in a row hahahah

  8. Am pretty sure the night king is a stark, i wouldnt quote me on this but im SURE the children of the forest mentioned it when they created him, and i know the starks were of the andals/first men doofers

    Also, the last episode. Fml, seriously. I would quite happily have sacrified the entire cast to save Jorah, i dont think ive been as emotionally invested in a fictional character since 15 year old girl me watched titanic at the cinema. I bawled like a baby and then cried again when i read a random artilce on Jorah yesterday. I need to get my act together hahaha.

    I thought greyworm and brienne were going to cop for it on sunday... though i think cersei may kill her instead now maybe. Im pretty dead set on jaime killing cersei at this point and ive thought this for a few years now

    Reckon bronn isnt gunna make it as well

    Its amazing how my opinions on some characters have changed. Ive loved jorah since day one, but i also loved Daenerys, though she's grown tiresome now and i just want her to go away, gone from hating jaime to really rooting for him now. Ive always loved cersei, i think i would be her if i was a fantasy/medievil high born woman. Angry and always pissed and smiting all my enemies

    Yeh, good times

  9. Yet again i am the knob of the day

    New car, multistory car park = scratched bumper going round a stupid bendy bend. I am consoling myself with wine, though thankfully the damage is only cosmetic, the dude at the body shop told me to go in tues and he'll sort it out for a tenner

    Am still fuming though

    Bottom two pics are after id cleaned it, bumper just needs popping back into place and that underneath bit re attaching

    That circled bit is a random bit id managed to shave a piece off somehow

    I hate today so much hahaha




  10. My nerdy wrist tats! I do have two on my back, one was done in someones bedroom about 15 years ago, no pics of them on this phone but my friend said it looks lkke like seaweed (its a dragon lmao)

    These two i got a few weeks ago and are from fi al fantasy 8 (jumbo cactuar) and final fantasy 9 (Artemicion, moogle)

    Also special mention to the one on my right arm i have had lasered off ( i was young and foolish hahaha)


  11. Lol, i think I sat in traffic for a whole one week before braving it on my 125! the only time i wont filter is if Im leading a group and i cant see enough spots to land in for everyone and dont want to get too far ahead or i dont know how many are comfortable with it.

    Yeah I bought a 125 costing 1800, sold for 1600 8 months and about 700 miles later.


    It took me three weeks to just get off my own street when i got my 125 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. Put 70 miles on the clock today, feeling a lot more confident! Sod filtering though I just sat in the traffic.


    Lol you will be filtering soon enough, sod sitting in traffic ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I pootled about on my 125 for around 8 months before going into my das, paid ยฃ1100 for it and sold it for ยฃ930 so hardly lost anything on mine. Obviously i had silly offers but as i was in no rush to sell it i just hung onto it until i got a sensible offer and just sorn'd it til it went.

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