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Posts posted by chris128

  1. haha i saw about 10 bikes on my 2 hour ride just now (surprised i didnt see more) and i nodded to each one of them, only about 4 nodded back though :( and those 4 were the ones on similar style bikes to mine, so it does seem that a lot of people only want to nod to people on the same type of bike for some reason lol

  2. OK so i got my A2 license a couple of weeks ago and got myself a lovely CBR600, which is restricted to 33bhp. However, im 21 at the end of July so I was planning to do my DAS then and get my CBR derestricted. BUT then I just saw this on the DSA website:


    Direct access scheme

    Direct access is a scheme which allows a person over the age of 21 to avoid the two year/25 kW restriction by taking a test on a machine of at least 35 kW (46.6 bhp). A pass allows you to ride any size of bike. Any instruction given on a machine that exceeds the normal learner motorcycle specification must be supervised at all times by a certified motorcycle instructor who should be in radio contact. You should also wear fluorescent or reflective clothing and follow all other provisional licence restrictions.

    Accelerated access

    Riders who reach the age of 21, while still within the two year period where they are restricted to maximum 25 kW (33 bhp) machines, but who wish to ride larger bikes need to pass a further test on a motorcycle of at least 35 kW (46.6 bhp). They may practise on bikes over 25 kW (33 bhp) under the same practice conditions for direct access riders. You will revert to learner status while practising (on a motorcycle greater than 25 kW (33 bhp)) although test failure will not affect your existing licence.


    So as you can see the second section, accelerated access, applies to me as I will be 21 before my 2 year restriction period is up. However, what im not quite sure of is what on earth the difference is between the DAS and the accelerated course. I mean it says I could ride a bigger bike but under the same practice conditions as DAS riders, so presumably that means I would need L plates and would have to be with an instructor at all times... in which case i dont see any difference between the DAS and this :S

    Anyone know if there is any difference? (im secretly hoping it means I can just stick L plates on my 600 and then get it derestricted and practice on my own but im pretty damn sure that isnt going to be right)

  3. i just did this at croft yesterday on a go pro wide.

    you loose a tad quality uploading to youtube and i seem to have a bit of a warped disc on the brakes which doesnt help.

    i`d say they are a great compromise of quality and cost



    yeah that certainly doesnt look too bad quality wise, and nice vid in general ;) looks fun.

    My dogcam camera package got delivered today... but no one was in :( gotta go collect them in 72 hours

  4. I just got an email from dogcam saying my order has been despatched :) and im going to pickup my CBR600 at 4:30 today so if the weather is good next week I'll get some filming done :D

    Oh and I just looked at the order and this is what Im getting:

    DV500 with bullet camera package (8gb card, Pro 520 camera) + suction mount

    So I think it must have been the mid-range camera I ordered :)

  5. Yeah I think I ordered an 8 GB one with my camera as it was only like £5 more than the 4 GB one or something. Longest I have ever been on my bike for is about 2 hours so I figure it will be fine for me :)

    I dont know how it works when you fill it though, i mean its not quite the same as a conventional tape camera is it where when it gets to the end of the tape thats it its impossible for it to keep recording. I assume its the same kind of thing though, ie when its full it just stops recording it doesnt start to overwrite the first part of the film (if you get me)

  6. cool korben look forward to seeing some vids from you too then ;)

    I made a short video earlier today before I went for a ride like I said I would, its nothing special but here ya go:

    Pleeeease press the high quality button as its all jerky and naff without it... well it is on my PC anyway.


    EDIT: dammit the HQ button doesnt seem to appear sometimes on the forums, if it doesnt appear and you want to watch it in high quality then click here:

    &fmt=18 :)
  7. cool yeah post the summery footage up when its edited :) all this talk of cameras has got me wanting to make another video... my last one was a bit limited as it was raining so it was all in my garage.

    Here's the last one, but im off to go make another quick one as im bored and its sunny for once!

  8. thanks for the example Dan. I did a few calculations and it looks like i should be able to afford a back protector and a camera setup this month :P so i just ordered the dogcam dv500 setup :D I was going to go for the 4kam package as it was a bit cheaper but then i saw 3 or 4 reviews that each said they had problems with the video skipping and being generally low quality, even on the £200+ systems they provide ... so i figure its worth spending a few extra bob on getting a setup that I know will be decent quality.

    So, hopefully have some videos up soon of my CBR600 when i get it at the weekend :D

  9. I only just passed my test the other day so im used to riding round with L plates on and it does make you feel good when 'proper' bikers give you a nod. I think the trouble a lot of the time is that you get an awful lot of young chavs on L plates (be it geared bikes or scooters) or at least you do round here anyway... so I dont know if I would nod to that many people on L plates when im on a bigger bike because most of them would probably be thugs thinking i wanted a fight or something haha

  10. yeah im just looking at the dogcam ones now, they are a bit more expensive but then the example videos do look a fair bit better... hmmmm decisions decisions. I guess I had better buy the important things first though like a back protector and a chain+lock :) then I'll worry about which camera to get :D

  11. yeah especially examples on youtube as youtube just rapes the quality of any video. I always add the old &fmt=18 onto the youtube URLs to make them high quality but even then they are not always great...

    I just found this 46kam website though - http://www.4kam.com/bike_camera_motorcy ... ckages.htm that looks rather promising :) I do like video filming/editing so i think i'd rather pay a bit more to get a better quality one, plus they do solid state recording devices which is always handy when its going to be carried around on a bike getting bumped around all the time.

  12. I was just wondering if anyone could recommend any bike/helmet cameras for filming with? I've seen a few websites that do them but a lot of them seem to be just the camera lense that you buy and you are required to plug it into a 'recording device' that is usually a normal camcorder or something similar. I would rather buy a full system if you know what i mean, with the camera and something for it to record onto, instead of buying the camera and then also spending £300 on a normal camcorder that I have to stow somewhere on my bike.

    Oh and it has to be fairly decent quality :) anyone got any suggestions or websites I can look at?



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