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Posts posted by chris128

  1. OK well I've just booked it, its next Tuesday at 11:45 :) I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes :D

    One quick test related question thats probably not worth its own thread - at the moment I ride around in textiles top and bottom and gloves but I do not yet have any proper boots so I ride in my trainers. I was planning on buying some in a couple of weeks before I did my test but obviously now the test is a lot sooner than I thought. So my question is, do you think I should rush out and buy some boots at the weekend before the test or will they not care that im in trainers? The only thing I'm concerned about is not being used to them by Tuesday for the test as I'm sure its a bit different to wearing trainers.. but I dont know having never worn any proper biking boots.

  2. I think, if you aren't worried about the £80, then you should consider taking it. It coudl be suggested if your training school have contacted you, rather than the other way around about the test, maybe they think you are ready.

    However, my concern, in honesty, is that once having a full license, you will just decide to have no further training. However looking at your posts, you seem to think you need more training, and based on your posts alone, as i have never seen you riding, I think you would benefit from more training too.

    Motorbikes are fun, but they are also death traps if not used properly. I passed my test fully confident that i could control a bike, having sat the correct training, I have had a couple of near misses, but i think due to my training, its how they stayed as a near miss, and not a crash.

    I personally would not like to ride with a full license, knowing im not trained fully.

    Also have you sat your theory test yet? Have you read up on the show me tell me questions, and the pillion questions?

    Are you comfortable with emergency stops, U turns, and such like?

    If all of the above you are, then go for it. But IMO, definately seek further training after your test.

    I have not read up on the show me tell me questions as I didnt realise there was a website or book that listed them, I thought the instructor would just go through those with me at the weekend. As for U turns and emergency stops, I've been out practicing them tonight - U turns sucked at first but I think yet again that was down to my super squeeky back brake that almost shouts at me whenever I press it, as once I had lubed that up a bit and it shut up so I wasnt afraid to use it, I could do them fine 9 times out of 10.

    Like I said - I dont feel like I am ready for my test right now but I'm hoping more practice and 4 hours of lessons over the weekend are going to make me a bit better :)

  3. Ask your instructor if he thinks you are up to the required standard. If he thinks so go for it, if you do pass and wish to have a bit more training you can still do more before you go for a bigger bike.

    Your shout.

    thats the thing though, as I have only had one hours worth of lessons and that was mostly just an introduction to the various manoevers and techniques etc (and that was nearly 2 weeks ago) I dont think my instructor really has much of an idea of my 'standard' at this moment in time. He did say that I had good general bike control etc but obviously there is a lot more to it than just controlling the bike :)

  4. Looking at some of your recent post you seem to be a thoughtful rider, but possibly too analytical: road position, lifesavers, left turns etc..

    I dont know if your saying me asking about road position, life savers etc is a bad thing but I only asked about them because I wanted to make sure I was practicing the 100% correct thing for my test (and for 'real' riding too of course). I didnt want to spend the two weeks between my last lesson and my next one practicing on my own only to find that I had been doing something a bit wrong and had got into a bad habbit thats all :)

    However I do certainly appreciate that if I do pass my test next week then I could do with some more training as I will still be very new to riding and will have (hopefully) a 600cc bike sat underneath me, albeit a restricted one.

  5. hi guys,

    I've had my CBR125 for just under 6 months now but I've only recently started to ride it a lot and although I'm getting better at general control etc I'm certainly still no pro and make a few mistakes (which is to be expected). I've started to take lessons with my local bike school for my A2 (restricted) test and have only had 1 lesson so far (for 1 hour).

    I had assumed that I would have to do the new test but the bike school just rang me to tell me that there is a test available next tuesday but they need me to confirm whether or not I want it by 1 PM tomorrow.

    If I didnt have any lessons between now and the test date then I would definitley decline it but I've got a 2 hour lesson booked on saturday and also just booked an extra 2 hours on sunday. I wish I could wait until after those lessons to decide if I want to take my test next week but unfortunately I cant..

    I know its impossible for you guys to give a definitive answer, especially as you have never seen me ride etc but anyone got any advice/comments? Should I go for it or should I wait until I have had more lessons and do the new test?

    Perhaps anyone who has taken their restricted test recently - how many hours worth of lessons did you need?

    I'm kind of leaning towards taking this one next week because if I fail then oh well its only £80 down the drain but if I pass then I've probably saved a fair bit of money on lessons (and petrol riding to one of the new test centres) plus I dont have to wait anywhere near as long before I can get a bigger bike... but I dunno.

  6. saw this and couldnt resist posting

    http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... 0&nmt=Govt

    they've been rigging traffic lights for god knows how long

    so we use more fuel to pay more tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    whod have thought that with all the green stuff they spout

    and the move towards car tax going up to £450 a year

    for subarus etc cos of co2 output.

    maybe we shouldnt always swallow the sh*t they spoon feed us?

    Maybe you shouldnt always swallow the sh*t that the media feeds you...

    So just because one reporter on one news website says (without any evidence) that the government make traffic lights red to cause us to use more fuel, then thats it, its a fact? Im not saying that it definitley isnt true, im saying that just because its on a news website it certainly doesnt mean it is fact...

  7. well that was a bit of a disappointment :( I got there at about 12:45, sat on my own for a bit and then text'd a few of you to see where you were... didnt get a reply from most so after about an hour of sitting on my own like a retard I went for a quick ride and then came back, tried to call some of you and then found that some people had already been and gone... so I sat around for about another half hour on my own, then got bored and went home. Oh and to make it even better it pissed it down all the way home. Good times.

  8. cool beans :D (god how gay do i sound)

    You cant really miss it if you get to Market Rasen - you might even go past it on your way to market rasen as there's basically 4 roads that lead in to market rasen (its a tiny town/village) and willy woods is about a 1 minute ride away from the entrance to market rasen.

    When will you know if you are both coming or not? Sunday morning?

    Oh and as for a time, whenever suits everyone else is fine by me but yeah I would say around 1 PM would be ideal.

    So hopefully we have:






    as well as the 50 or so bikers that will be there anyway if its sunny of course :P

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