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Everything posted by wannars125

  1. Yep MK, it certainly was. Love having lunch there when the weather is nice. Much better than Gunwharf as it hardly ever gets that busy.
  2. I kept them public but..... Just for you Ratser!!! have a look at the hotel sign! have a look at the hotel sign!
  3. Lots of good additions. As Bex says, manners doesn't cost anything. I usually wave to the left and nod to the right! Just to add, I felt a lot more comfortable filtering when I got on a larger bike. More audible and you have the option to accelerate out of a situation as well as slowing down. As for fitting back into the traffic I hang between the cars I want to get in between and do a lifesaver to see if there's enough room. Most drivers see this for what it is and slow down to let you in. If they don't, carry on going if safe or slow down and let them past. Chances are if they don't want to let you in and you push, it'll annoy them and they'll be up your backside until you start filtering again.
  4. I've seen filtering come up in a couple of posts recently so thought I'd pop up a thread for it. I know I've not been riding that long (only 10 months) but in that time clocked up a fair few miles - just above 10k mostly commuting. My commuting journey is roughly 35 miles eachway and incorporates Motorways (M4, M25, M3), dual carriageways (A4), and thick of it city riding (central London). In the few months that I've been doing this I've become more confident with the filtering and thought I'd put up my thoughts on it for people that are just starting out. 1) Start slowly and get to know the dimensions of your bike. Initially wait til the traffic has stopped and you can see a clear way through and progress at a speed where you can stop if someone puts their indicator on to manouvere. 2) If possible, observer other bikers going through traffic - you can learn a lot by doing this. 3) If filtering through slow moving traffic in the centre, try to do so when the cars aren't side by side. Being sandwiched isn't much fun! 3a) Check your mirrors often for other bikers and other hazards that may be approaching behind. 4) Other bikes may filter faster than you. This may not be safe in your opinion but that is their choice. Pull in safely and let them pass. This reduces the pressure on you to go at their pace and results in you getting through safely. It also clears a path for you as the cars notice them going through and seem to instinctively part! 5) Look far ahead. This gives you opportunity to slow down and react to what drivers may be doing and could give clues as to where you might need to slow down due to large vehicles or vehicles that are close to the line. Look to see if there are gaps in one of the lanes. If so, the car in the opposite lane may switch lane rapidly to improve their place in the queue. Some may not indicate, others may start moving then indicate, others will indicate but remain in place to let you pass. 6)If you see a car starting to waver around the centre line, slow down. In my experience 9 times out of 10 this is a good indicator of an intention to move. If they don't move wait for a large enough gap in the opposite lane to allow space between you and the car incase they do move. The extra space gives you time to brake/accelerate out of the way or blip your horn to let them know you're there! 7) If the driver has indicated but is not moving, stay behind the vehicle, they can move at anytime without warning! You can even assist if you're already in the opposite lane by slowing down gradually allowing them space to move in. Once they've moved you can progress safely. 8) On wet roads try to avoid the white line - they're slippery! Use caution in adverse weather as you would when riding normally. 9) If you're not confident of the gap, wait until the space increases. There's no need to put yourself at adittional risk. 10) Try not to filter near junctions. There are many drivers that will be wanting to swap lane to increase their place in the queue, leave or enter the main road. 11) If filtering on the motorway, my experience so far would be to watch out for people swapping lanes even more so than town riding. This seems to be more prevelant here. 12) If three lanes, I've found there to be less movement of cars between lanes 2 and 3. Don't know if there's any fact behind that though! If anyone else can think of anything else to add or someething you've seen that you don't think I'm doing correctly I'd be interested to know. Essay over!
  5. I got a new back tyre on Saturday and had to get it scrubbed in ready for today so went for a bit of a ride! http://www.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8 ... 4&t=p&z=11 The pics from my journey are here - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... 083e3929a1 There's a couple with comments about looking at the name of the hotel! Pay particular attention to this!
  6. Have a great holiday!!! I've put my vote down for the 16th!
  7. Sounds like fun! Count me in and I'll try and get the missus to come along too Willow, would it be ok to camp over too?
  8. What else would I be putting in them Jixer?!?
  9. Can't say I have ppf, are they as smelly as my gloves?!? Yeah I'll give the anti bacterial spray a go. Fingers crossed!
  10. I was wondering if anyone else suffers with this? The gloves got majorly soaked on Monday. They've never left my hands with a great smell even from new but now I have to take the gloves off and go wash my hands it's that bad. Are there any cures for this problem? The gloves are kangaroo leather ones.
  11. Woo! Commando Pete lol eugh! I'll definately give that a go the next time it gets unbearably hot! I know during the winter I don't get too bad on the legs, thermals and jeans are fine. On top though, 2 t shirts, a shirt, a jumper, thermal layer on coat and coat lol!
  12. Ok, so I'm not going to go out in shorts and t-shirt. Too scared of ripping myself to shreds. Haven't got enough cash to invest in leathers or kevlar jeans either. Is shorts and t-shirt under the textiles with the air zips open as far as they can go safe or would I still getting a proper bashing if I fell off?
  13. Right, here's my F**K IT rant. F**k it, I'm living with my parents and I'm 27. F**k it, my job takes the p*ss. F**k it, the car broke down on Friday and I had to get it towed back to London last night which is gonna cost money I don't have to get fixed. F**k it, I've had to come into work for a half day and have the rest of the week off because the workplace wouldn't give me unpaid leave of half a day. F**k it, my dad woke me up screaming at my sister at 2:30am and I've not been to sleep since. F**k it, my bike is in Felixstowe so I had to take the tube to work. rant over. Feel better now.
  14. Hey, if anyone fancies a trip to the ace this eve give me a shout. Mobile is in contacts.
  15. Well, after not having my bike for a week I spent the weekend catching up on riding and getting used to it again (as I've only had it 2 weeks) and ended up planting 500 miles on it Saturday went up to Cambridge from Suffolk and took a pic just outside Ely with the cathedral in the background then Sunday went from Camberley down to Portsmouth with a stop at Loomies for breakfast and meet up with Jixerman then down to Portsdown hill and finally to the seafront for an ice cream! Not 2 wheels but I liked the look of it!
  16. Hey hey, right things are confirmed! Saturday I can meet you if you like mikey in the afternoon (lateish around 3pm). Get yourself permission to see contacts and give me a shout or pm me your number. Sunday I'll be heading down to pompey. Jixerman did you still want to meet at loomies? Breakfast at 9.30am? Again feel free to give me a shout I'm in contacts. Wonder if MK might be up for coming out too?
  17. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing at the moment. Turns out the gf is working late Saturday and early Sunday so not going to be staying at hers and don't fancy staying at parents so chances are I might be in Suffolk. Just looking around now to figure out where I might go riding as I have the entire weekend to myself (this hasn't happened in 4 years so I'm in a confused state!).
  18. After getting the 125 I had to swerve to avoid a car that was turning right at a crossroad junction from the opposite direction. The CBT had no mention of how to swerve at 30mph and I'd not practised. Have no idea how I managed to pull it off (tried again when not in danger situation and found it very tough) but I did. A bit of trainin would have been helpful! The test needs to cater for everyone.....
  19. I've noticed a bit of a change in nodding habits over the last few weeks that since the weather has got better the ratio of nods to nods back is going down.... don't know why but something I've just observed.
  20. I'm just curious as to who said "no"?
  21. I nod to almost everyone. The only exception is on the motorway if I'm concentrating on what's going on around me then I feel bad for not being able to. I think it's nice to nod to all on L plates. I remember being on my scooter when I was 16 and getting all excited when someone on a big bike made the effort.
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