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Everything posted by wannars125

  1. Both for me. I don't really mind which way I have to turn and both can be as exciting!
  2. Nice one gavskin! Had my fair share of donuts, ice cream and candy floss! Have a look at my post in the rideout reports and pictures section!
  3. Didn't think a scooter would be quite your thing PPF
  4. Thanks Mark, yeah we did. Time to trade in that Astra for a bike methinks so you can join us next time!
  5. I don't think anyones meets there anymore. I know Ade who was organising had a few things come up and haven't seen him around on here in a while. I'm not really up for doing anything midweek anymore as it just takes too long for me to get back from London after work but keep an eye out in here for stuff going on on the weekends. I'm sure there'll be more rides coming up and if not, suggest one!
  6. A quick search on youtube found the rollercoaster ride that we went on! ">
  7. Where to start with such an eventful day......? 8:30am Went out, got the bike started and warmed up ready for Jixermans arrival to be greeted with a few spots of very light rain. Great, the BBC lied again! 8:58am Bike gear on and burbling from a very loud exhaust outside the house, jixerman must be here. Went outside new tax disc in hand and had a look at the new bike. Very tidy! New tax disc in and virtually ready to go but forgot the camera! After a quick run back in the house, camera in pocket we left Farnborough. A trip up the A322 towards the M40 then down to Hanger Lane to head along the north circ to the Ace Cafe with a stop for cash. Rode straight past the Ace Cafe ending up in Barnet......Ooops (sorry Jixerman)! Turned back and eventually got there watching the bikes head off for Southend in the opposite direction A breakfast later and a spilt cup of tea over a poor lady sitting opposite me we were ready to head off again to Southend having consulted Google Maps as neither of us knew where we were going! The journey, being mostly motorway was quite boring. Sadly saw one bike accident with abluance on scene and another fella sitting on his bike with a lot of fairing missing. Hopefully wasn't too bad. I think the award for best outfit went to the three that we saw on a bike with sidecar dressed as the three bears! We eventually arrived at about 1pm on the beach in Southend. There were quite a few bikes but not as many as the Brighton Burn-Up. Maybe the fair weather riders didn't want to risk it with the clouds looking threatening! We eventually found MonkeyKnuckle and Foz along with a couple of others and had some candy floss and a drink and a bit of a sit down before going for a wander to look at the bikes. I'd always wondered how people could reach the handlebars on a chopper. I now know you need go go gadget arms! After walking around for a bit we bumped into Mikey and a friend of his and after a chat and some persuasion, a few of us decided that we wanted to go on one of the fairground rides (what trip to the seaside would be complete without this?!?). As you can see from the picture, we thought it was quite good! Well done to the kids behind for managing to make funny faces! We eventually headed back at around 5:30pm and as there didn't seem to be many interesting roads to ride on the way back, we followed MonkeyKnuckles satnav which took us round the M25. Our adventures weren't yet over. Crossing the Dartford Bridge, Jixerman took the lead and obviously concentrating so hard on where he was going, didn't notice himself veering towards the Cars Only lane! Trying to get MonkeyKnuckles attention to stop him from heading the same way, I beeped my horn but it was no use! Sudden visions of motorcycles trying to reverse out of a busy lane causing a massive queue came to mind as I went down the correct lane. Looking over, the chap that had to raise the barrier didn't seem best pleased! A quick stop at Clackett Lane services and our day was nearly over. Some Anadin for me to get over the headache that may have been caused by excessive amounts of sugar (candy floss, coke, donuts, ice cream....) and a refuel and we were off on our way. A lovely day out altogether seeing people that hadn't met up in nearly a year or more in some cases and meeting new people too.
  8. Cross confusion. Whose idea was it to talk in two threads at the same time?!?!?!??! John, I'll give you a call this evening!!
  9. Sounds good if you can meet me in Farnborough. I've got no internet so I'll give you and MK a call.
  10. No problem Jixer! Houltmac, did you still want to do Friday or shall we just leave it for Monday. What's the plan for the Shakedown?
  11. Oh, for Monday, maybe Jixer and MK could pick me up on the way then head to the Ace and meet Houltmac there? Or if easier, maybe meet Houltmac at the Target Roundabout McDonalds (would be easier to find each other maybe?)
  12. Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! I'm still up for Friday!!! I wanna go tooooooo *jumps up and down*!!!!
  13. Is anyone starting the Shakedown at the Ace or are you making your own way there?
  14. Where you leaving from Andy? I may be up for coming along and I'm kinda down your way now or you'll have to pass me to get to the Ace Cafe (am in Farnborough now).
  15. I can't stand filtering. To me it's a necessary evil. I've just been very sad and calculated the length of road on google maps that I have to cover filtering most, if not all of the way. It equates to 10.1 miles. And this is on the way into work only. I get the same on the way home. It's mentally exhausting. Not only do I have to contend with cars but the sheer amount of other bikes and scooters trying to get into central London. I don't mind the occasional bit if I'm on a journey but the filtering I have to do makes up a quarter of my commute and half my journey time, if not more!
  16. rs50soulja, I wouldn't worry about it too much. We've all had near misses. How old are you and do you have much road experience (cars bicycles etc)? If not, I'd say get out on a pushbike for a little while and think about where you need to position yourself and looking out for how others are driving and what to avoid. You've not mentioned if you've done your CBT with the same place. I would look at going to another school. Explain to them what's happened and you've had your confidence knocked. If they're a good school, they'll be patient with you before taking you out. A CBT isn't a test. Compulsory Basic Training. If you're not being trained correctly (which it doesn't sound like you are), find somewhere else! Good luck next time round and keep at it!
  17. Friday might be a good one for me but Monday even better...! Can I be really lazy and leave the route up to someone else?!?!?
  18. I've been caught out a couple of times. Good advice there. I know the time of year has passed but when I last had to ride in very thick fog, it actually created ice on my trousers and jacket!
  19. Pete, maybe you should think about changing your name to Niles, then you'd be getting the ride you've always wanted
  20. As above, glad you're ok. I stick away from naming vehicles. I've done it before but as soon as you give it a female name, it takes on female traits and becomes nothing but trouble!
  21. No I don't believe you need anything to take a theory test. The reason being that you could be over 21 and going in to do DAS in which case you might have no prior experience of riding.
  22. Quite useful video if you're just going into your Mod 1 I think. Certainly would've calmed my nerves seeing that. As it stands I passed just before they brought in the new test but that didn't really look bad to me.
  23. I noticed that when living in Suffolk that they don't seem to like bikers filtering. Now I know why. I bet your other half will be well chuffed when she realises she's just knocked you off.....
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