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Everything posted by cleedubber

  1. Sounds like a gixer junkies track day lol... b*gg*r though... you were concerned about the weather, and was the bearings that beat ya Least you enjoyed the time you had It was mad, we had a second brief after lunch where the organisor had a right go, and rightly so, he'd never had so many crashes and cases of inconsiderate riding in 9 years of running them Just spoils it for everyone when people come off, especially when its mostly not their fault, most were took out by people undercutting them etc, no sympathy for the idiots going mad on cold tyres we all lost out on at least one session due to time lost Yes I did Although in my first session I thought...oh sh*t, what have I done, felt well out of my depth and off the pace...in the bloody novice group !! Second session was cut short....to let the ambulance back in...so we did 1 lap...stop...ambulance though..then 3 laps...ooh yes tyres nice and warm I thought here we go for a quick lap...over the mountain on one wheel ...then chequered flag So last session comes and I take a good 3 laps to warm tyres and then start to feel more and more confident on the bike and with the tyres etc and my last lap I upped my pace massively, could have done with 2/3 more laps ( or 2/3 more sessions ) Next time
  2. Thats it, all home in one piece, and I had fun, so main objectives achieved, just wish had got more time on the track Yes mate, it was one of the spare wheels I got, so wasnt chuffed, was fine when it went on and test rode it, took it to the pits for noise checks etc etc.....half way round first lap...that noise from the back end you hate to hear.... hey just one of those things....the original wheel is back on now, so had to get the tyres swapped over , and I'm going to do bearing changes on them all now...just for peace of mind
  3. Hi guys Yes the rain for the most part held off, was windy though....however I had a calamity of a day, involving a forgotten key and a buggered wheel bearing which meant I missed all the morning sessions and only got out in the afternoon People were binning it left right and centre, it was bloody carnage, at least 2 to hospital I think, so only actually got 2 full sessions.... was just starting to get the feel for it ......and day over Bugger.....so looking at booking the next one now
  4. Great post and thanks I'm lucky enough to get the custom moulded ones supplied at work, so use them on my bike
  5. Afraid its not looking good guys Ah well, there will be others
  6. I know Just a case of waiting to see what happens on the day I guess Metcheck says it will be good BBC weather says rain
  7. Was a great race, Rossi showed his class yet again..well apart from in the interview when describing the way the bike had riden "it was f*cking fast" had to chuckle
  8. Picked a ramp up today...hence why I didnt make it to Cadwell So will be in my van....with tools, fuel cans, cooler for drinks and cooker to make bacon butties so I dont have to pay crazy money for food at the cafe Just hope the dodgy forecast turns around One days it fine , next day its raining
  9. ha ha, no although as crazy as she is I can imagine she'd love to be on the back when her legs are long enough...not so sure my sis would be too happy about it though
  10. Ok, but you did ask I'll be on this blade (still not took any pics of it yet ) http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/borab5nja/Fireblade/garage.jpg wearing black red and silver Spidi leathers, AGV helmet...and under it I look like this, curly hair in ponytail should give you a bit more of a clue too.....only pic I could find on photobucket...with my gorg niece http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/borab5nja/me/MenJJarcdetriumph1.jpg If all goes well and I get a ramp sorted I'll be taking it in the back of my van...so look out for this http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/borab5nja/caravelle/caravelle3-2.jpg
  11. Thanks tracey...I'm hoping so Long term forecast is promising..but knowing my luck
  12. Look forward to seeing you guys there Maybe we should swap numbers after the last time I tried to meet up with some guys at Cadwell
  13. ha ha, I dont intend to rennie will be taking it v steady and getting myself used to the bike and what its capable of took my spare wheels and a pair of sticky track tyres in today to be fitted, so at least I know my boots are up to it....now me, thats another story
  14. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y44/borab5nja/funny%20pics/doh3.jpg I was looking at wrong date (6th)...this might be a go then ...on afternoons....should be an easy swap Just realised, I've already swapped the monday afternoon shift to go to a gig, will ask the guy if he'll do tue too I'll have a look on the site
  15. I'll see if I can get a swap....but would you swap a fri/sat night shift for someone ??
  16. its a track day not track night you wont be working during the day Yes and flying round a track after working a night shift and having no sleep seems like a great idea to me
  17. Lets hope its a nice day then eh I havent got a set of wets sorted out, so think I'll be going v steady if it is
  18. I'm on nights this weekend, but its not far so will hopefully be able to make this
  19. cleedubber


    OMG I'm sooo biting my tounge now.......... Not heard a seat called a saddle in a long time There are a number of options, even down to having a look on ebay or checking soem breakers for a nother seat....might be cheaper than recovering
  20. mmmm, the mind boggles I had a great weekend at work
  21. and the reason behind it Mods.....come on tell us
  22. I always nod....but dont always get one back....so then follows a little chunter of abuse Like to nod to guys and gals on the small stuff too (L plates), as I think it makes their day to be acknowledged
  23. I was there and stood on the bank on the next corner, we were gutted It was a calamity, he was trying to get a flag off the marshalls ( oh just seen its in the vid....DOH ) , waving his arms about etc, he was not a happy chappy He has to be one of my all time favourite riders too, they were great years Schwantz, Rainey,Lawson, Doohan, Mamola(the king of the wet track),Roberts, Gardner.....some epic races Check this clip out....was what nearly every race was like.... commentators are funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFrgVRZ ... re=related
  24. I shall be mostly at work sunday afternoon....or would have joined you Have fun
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