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Posts posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. They fasten by Velcro so I am not sure how secure it be on a bike at speed. It might be possible to attach other fasteners to make it more secure.


    I got so sick of the velcro on the bike school bib giving up on the road and flapping around that I got a heart rate monitor strap and used that to secure it. One less thing to worry about on my test.

    I personally would always go for a zip up one

  2. Nice work @SometimesSansEngine nothing more annoying than a bast*rd biker.

    I was probably someone's knob of the day so I'll write it from their perspective.....

    *wavy lines*

    lolz yeah so like totes finished work and driving home and OMG the traffic coming up to mill hill was like totes crazy man. Was totes backed up, we're like doing ONE mile an hour lol. So like you know how traffic is like soooooo boring yawn! So totes checking out facebook OMG did you know Chelsea is totes cheating on Brad with Finley! anyway like so judging Brianna's new haircut I don't know why she thought she can pull off a fringe you know what I mean right and suddenly out of NOWHERE this biker revs the shit out it RIGHT BY MY WINDOW and OMG I like jumped and dropped my phone in the footwell like shut up! omg they shouldn't sneak up on you like that in broad daylight with their lights on and all bright green you know


    I once got on the wrong side of a work colleague by cycling alongside their driver window whilst they moved forward in traffic. Staring at their phone the whole time, moved forward about 30 metres without realising I was there. I even had a helmet light on FFS.

    Eventually she spotted me, looked surprised, then broke out into a grin, said "morning" and laughed.

    "Put your f'ing phone down!" was my reply and then I carried on to work.

    Five minutes later in to work she walked, "thanks for the lecture but I was keeping an eye on the road"

    Yeah, clearly.

  3. Yeah I saw you. I bet it was way before you thought I did too. I was travelling along the main road at 50mph, coming up to that dodgy side road where people are inclined to pull out. I was keeping an eye on the van when in a gap in a hedgerow I saw a flash of a bike.

    And yes, as I passed the junction I saw you emerge out of it in my mirror. Funnily enough just in front of the van, and I heard the van honk his horn at you, clearly surprised you'd pulled that stunt.

    Going up the offside of a van waiting to turn right out of a dodgy junction really isn't a good idea chap.

    Then as we hit that queue of traffic on the sharp left hand bend I saw you come right up to my back wheel and stop at the last millisecond, clearly thinking I was going to filter. You probably don't think of it this way, and maybe I'm being high and mighty, but I probably saved you a nasty injury because did you spot that oncoming coach that came around the bend that would have taken you out if you had proceeded? I did.

    To be honest, I wasn't bothered when you overtook me. I'd rather you were in front of me where I could see you rather than up my chuff.

    You probably think I'm a fuddy duddy, but with riding and forward planning like that I fear you'll be injured or dead before you get a chance to take those l-plates off buddy.

  4. Thanks for all the valuable feedback, guys.

    Does anybody know how long the Mod1 last?

    I really want to pass next time, but in the case that I don't and I need to carry on doing, the weather might turn for the worse and I might need to postpone the next attempt...


    Normally no more than 10 minutes.


    Just realised my question was SHITE! hahahah

    How long does it stay valid for, I meant... :cheers:


    It's valid for as long as your theory test pass certificate is.

    eg if you have 18 months to go until your theory test expires, you have 18 months before your mod 1 pass is invalid.

  5. Hey [mention]Seidinger1986[/mention]

    I failed my car test three times if it helps :) But joking aside, loads of people will be in the same boat as you.

    If it helps, reading what you've written you have the right mindset. You're being reflective and not ranting and raving about some outside influence that means your failing. The main thing from here is to not like that reflection become doubt and tenseness in your riding.

    The advice I always give (and if I feel like I'm riding badly I remind myself of) is slow in, fast out.

    On your test on approach to a hazard (eg junction you're turning into, roundabout, parked car on your side of the road etc.) drop it down a few mph slower than you normally would. Not enough to look like your dawdling or hold up traffic behind you. But it gives you plenty of time to assess. Aim to go but plan to stop.

    Then after you passed the hazard, acclerate confident and briskly to a safe speed.

    This gives you more time to assess and make that right decision your instructor is talking about. You'll look very confident to the examiner too with good anticipation.

    The good news is you can practice this on your 125 every time you ride.

    Practical examples for each of your three failures:


    1. You complete your turn, part of your slowing down is you mentally repeating that you need to cancel that indicator and then briskly accelerate
    2. You slow to a crawl, you are effectively doing slow control ala mod 1, you turn in whilst neatly slipping that clutch, assess ahead as you enter the junction, check blind spot then move out and around the first parked car then briskly accelerate
    3. You see the light ahead is green and has been the whole time you've been approaching, so you know it's very likely to change. You knock a few mph off and are planning to stop, but aiming to go. As you pass the light you glance in your mirrors then accelerate back up to the speed limit


    Keep your chin up :thumb:

  6. Hi all

    Failed my mod 1 for the second time last week, frustrated isn’t the word.

    Both times I’ve failed on the hazard avoidance, the LAST exercise aaaaaargh.


    Hey Joe, sorry to hear this. It sounds like everything else is in place so you'll get there.

    Third might do it. The main reason for plumping for 2nd is you're sure to get it up to the 50km/h. But I've heard that if yes the noise etc is unnerving then 3rd will give you that extra reassurance and the bike should accelerate well enough if you're not going to slow around the curve.

    Have you seen this vid by Roadcraft Nottingham? He advises one of his pupils to do just that


    For the rest of it, don't overthink it.

    The examiner is looking for a deviation out and through the cones, then a second clear direction change to get back on your original line.

    So it's a HARD push one way whilst looking at the further blue cone, then a HARD push to get back on line, then focus on your braking to a stop.

    Trust me, anything else is overcomplicating it and I don't think will help you.

    Know that at that speed the bike isn't going to lose traction on the test pad surface. [mention]mikestrivens[/mention] advice is spot on. Practice so you know it instinctively (especially as it might save your life one day anyway)

  7. But therein lies the rub Mike.

    I have no doubt that over time things will sort themselves out. But they're trying to negotiate an awful lot of changes all at once. How we operated outside the EU came about through many years of agreements as and when they were required. not rushed within two years.

    The transition deal, as much as some leavers bemoaned the concept of fudging us staying in the EU would give us the time to sort everything else out.

    Leave with no deal and technically there's a lot of agreements that cease to exist.

    I don't personally think we'd go months with no planes landing or ferries crossing, but at the same time there will be a period of pain where the powers that be come to an agreement and then those instructions filter down to the actual people on the ground.

    It'll come out in the wash.... but if there's no deal it might be quite a long cycle :lol:

  8. I have booked the course and tests away from my own town and don’t know the roads well. Will this be a particular disadvantage with mod2?


    Not necessarily. It'll force you to focus on the roads and signs.

    I find I take note of road signs loads more on the bike then whilst in the car and consider what they could mean for me in the very near future.... See if you can do the same as it'll help you out no end even if the road is unfamiliar.

  9. This is about as personal as I want to get on here, but I want to balance that a bit.

    A few years ago I got a phone call at work to tell me something similar about one of my children.

    I drove home.

    When I got home a paramedic who had been attending my house drove me to A&E under blue lights.

    I should *not* have driven to A&E so I'm glad I was given a lift. No way was I in a fit state. I shouldn't have driven home either really but did.

    This isn't too condone the actions of the magistrate, but trust me you shouldn't drive when you are in that mental state. You could easily become an incident yourself.

    My best advice to anyone in a similar circumstance is to beg a lift. Please.

  10. My son did lego animation when he was in junior school and Ive just quizzed him- he doesn't remember a thing so no help there! Id try the schools art department they normally have all this stuff set up and can't wait to let you know in minute detail what would suit and why.


    My son did similar, could have even been the same scheme (Computer Explorers I think?). I remember when we looked up the software it was £

  11. Do you already have the images?

    If not, try the StikBot Studio app on mobile and use that to capture them. Works very well. In fact, I think you can import pictures into that so might still work...

    I've used ScreenToGif on windows too, which might do the job for you.

    Just a few ideas hope they help :)

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