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Everything posted by learningtofly

  1. Damn. Those leaves are a nightmare. Speedy recovery - how did the bike fare?
  2. Oh, Elizabeth - what a bummer!!! At least it's winter, so all you'll be missing is shite weather. Good luck next time. You're learning from these incidents, remember.
  3. That's a horrible thing to have happened, Emma. I can understand that you'd be really upset about it, so ignore the silly comments posted earlier in this thread. Have a good think about next steps, as there's no need to jump into anything too quickly. We're also facing a couple of months of (no doubt) horrible weather, so unless you need a bike to get around on right now, perhaps consider waiting until the spring when you'll be able to enjoy a new ride properly. Perhaps you could even save up a few quid between now and then.
  4. I made a right turn. In the debrief the examiner said the gap was big enough for me to safely move in to but he didn't feel it was big enough for him to also follow me so it was a fail. No other major or minor faults. What? That goes against all the training I received, and also flies in the face of something said to me at my own debrief (at Enfield). I said I didn't take a gap as I didn't think he (the examiner) could get through, and he said I wasn't riding for him! I'd be miffed too, but no choice but to put it behind you now.
  5. Shame - Spurs are at home on Saturday. We’re fated never to ride together.
  6. Im lucky, actually, in that I met Mrs LTF in Tenerife. She moved over here about 12 years ago, but the plan was always for us to go over there when I stop work (currently planned for about three years time). Given that she's about 18 years younger than me she'll continue to work over there, and I'll also rent out the house here for some extra income. Sadly, when I reach pension age it'll be so paltry a sum that I doubt it'll have much of an impact on our standard of living. God knows what I'd do if we were staying here, as my pension planning has been awful, not helped by being effectively self employed for years and so not part of any kind of corporate scheme.
  7. Oooh, just been offered a lift up on Tuesday. Bike show and a Street Triple in the same week
  8. That and the fact that it’s 5 st lighter! So fast and nimble, and just a joy to ride.
  9. Ah, well... I took the Twin in for its 500 mile spa and tested the Triple for a couple of hours... absolutely LOVED it. When they tried to sell me one I told them the only way I was buying it was if they were prepared to give me everything I spent on the Twin towards it. The rest is history
  10. I think this baby deserves a new thread. My fella is looking at getting a street triple and I darent ride it as I know i wont want the MT anymore if i do that ! Seem like awesome bikes I think you're right - I'll start one when I pick it up The MT is lovely - just don't take your bloke's bike out for a ride! I was only meant to be wasting a couple of hours while they tinkered with my Twin
  11. Just a quick update, but the Street Triple arrived at the dealership yesterday, so I popped over there today to have a look at it and sign some papers. It's bloody beautiful, and because I opted for the R in the low ride height I can flat foot it too (I know it's not 100% necessary, but I was on tip toes with the standard height bike and I have a lot of manoeuvring to do at home, I filter a lot, etc etc). I'm collecting it next Thursday morning, and in the interim they're fitting heated grips, tail tidy, grab rails, frame protectors and paddock stand bobbins. I'm really excited, and the day after I collect it I'm booked in for an ACF-50 treatment. That's in Chesham, which is a lovely ride from where I live.
  12. Well, nobody could accuse you of taking the easy way out
  13. learningtofly


    Every day's a school day
  14. Thanks all. My thinking, actually, is that I'm more likely to do something silly with a paddock stand than with an Abba, on the basis that there's a bit of a balancing act required each time it goes on. Am I wrong in thinking that? I really do like the 1jac a lot, and it would be a no brainer if it wasn't for the cost. Anyone use the 1jac here?
  15. As a mentioned above, Mike, I don’t think you can fit a stand to th Triple. It’s just a question of deciding which paddock or other type of stand to buy.
  16. Yes, the Abba is definitely in the running, as is the rather expensive 1jac that I've been pointed towards. I'll speak to the dealership too, though.
  17. Well, so far as I'm aware there was only one stand - an aftermarket from SW-Motech - for the 675; however, I don't think there's any way of attaching a centre stand to the 765. It's a paddock stand of some sort or nothing, sadly.
  18. I pick up my new Triple next week, and one of the things I want to do fairly immediately is pick up a decent stand for it. At the moment I'm thinking Abba - for ease of use as much as anything else - but are there any alternatives that you fine people consider to be superior? My main concern is the ease of getting the bike on and off the stand, more that quality of construction, as my assumption is that any of the decent brands are fit for purpose.
  19. Haha... you’re not the first person to say that to me, Mike. I’m just not sure it goes as well with the Triple as it does with the Twin
  20. Yes, I'll probably do that tomorrow. I have a brand new set of Street Twin rear suspension units too, if anyone's interested
  21. Sorry I couldn’t join you - great weather for it, though. I think I’m getting the new bike on Tuesday, so perhaps next time
  22. Lovely bike - wish you lots of happy miles on it.
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