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Posts posted by Decor58

  1. Are you making sure to put the side stand up?

    There are safety devises so that you cannot start the engine while the bike is in gear, the side stand is down and the clutch is out. So if the sensor on the clutch isn't detecting it's in and the side stand is down it will prevent the bike from starting.

  2. If it doesn't already have acid in it then it will probably need charging.

    However if you buy one with acid already in it shouldn't require charging. When I required one I phoned up the garage and they put the acid in and fully charged it for me ready for when I got there.

  3. They will still try and repair it as it's often cheaper than recovery, if it's been stood for that long the battery probably has gone flat but should still be able to jump or kick start it unless it's 100% flat.

    However once it's running the flat battery shouldn't be affecting the ride, so next thing to check is fuel, it can deteriorate and become contaminated over time.

    Another thing to check could be the pipes/tubes, if it's been to a garage check they've all been connected up properly.

  4. I think the bandit uses the same breaks as my gsx600f so I know your pain!

    Them callipers really are crap, they're the one thing on the bike which I don't like.

    I've rounded a screw off on both fluid reservoir, the front one I managed to get out with a hammer and flat screwdriver, the rear one I said sod it about bought a new reservoir. I've also sheared off a bolt on the rear calliper which attaches it to the bike which I've yet to sort.

    Can anyone suggest a decent substitute calliper from another bike?

  5. Alex the inflatable bit is where the poles usually go, not on the bottom, so risk of punctures should be very low.

    That said, if you did get one while packing away you're screwed, at least if a pole snaps you can gaffer it. I'm also not convinced about how rigid they would be in the wind. Will reserve judgement on quality until I've actually seen one, though at that price I don't think I'll be seeing to many any time soon.

    Vango do make good tents though so would expect good things from them.

  6. TC







    mojobanana (tentative - tent-ative, geddit?! I'll get me coat...)

    Yoshi (dependant on me being bothered to get out of bed!)







    Grumpy Old Git (work release pending - Got tent - Got wifey's permission)

    Daz (Saturday Night)

    littlecat (late friday)

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