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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Mine doesn't work cause I cut the cable off and it passed.. But if that is the case just get an led light instead
  2. I found the same happened on my NSR, I just turned OFF to the ON position and it stopped might be worth a try before you spend any money.
  3. You don't need one to pass an MOT.. So you could just leave it.
  4. Adam

    Possible blown fuse?

    That's what I was thinking, the lense is misted up so there's obviously moisture in there so that can't be good! Might just by a replacement light as tail tidy's are so expensive!!!
  5. Adam

    Possible blown fuse?

    Well it works fine with the original tail light unit but not with the led one! To be fair it looks in poor condition so I might just splash out on a new one
  6. Adam

    Possible blown fuse?

    After a bit of investigating it was the indicator fuse that had blown so I put the new one in and hey presto everything worked again didn't try reconnecting the number plate light as I only had one spare fuse.. I don't think there was a resistor on the bike which is why it failed on the MOT as the front brake light didn't come on immediately it flickered and sometimes didn't do anything!! So if I put the tail tidy back on what sort of resistor do I need? By the way thanks everyone for your help
  7. Adam

    Possible blown fuse?

    I did have a quick look yesterday but didn't have much time, I've disconnected the number plate light and its still the same which makes me suspect its a fuse
  8. Right so I changed the rear tail tidy on my bike back the the standard one because it failed the MOT and when I turned the bike on I had nothing no lights indicators horn basically anything on the left hand side of the handle bars, also I have no digital display. I will just add the old tail tidy was just an led tail light and 2 indicators, and the one I've fitted has a standard rear light 2 indicators and a number plate light. I think the number plate light is causing the problem because I checked the light and indicators before I fitted it to the bike and they worked it wasn't until I connected the number plate light that the problem started. I'm hoping it is just a fuse gone want to get her MOT'd tomorrow. By the ways it's a Yamaha WR125R 2010 Thank youu Edit: Forgot to mention the bike starts and the kill switch works.
  9. Performance wise it can be a number of things, tyres, tyre pressure, chain, sprockets, chain tension, spark plugs, engine oil, air filter, fuel etc etc etc
  10. Adam

    Rear Brake Sticking

    I get what you're saying Steve but the caliper is attached to a mounting bracket and that's where the slider goes into. I've looked online and you can remove the two to separate the caliper and mounting bracket but I can't find a guide anywhere! Could it be that the slider pictured is just held in place in the mounting bracket? From the pictures I've seen when the caliper is removed from the mounting bracket all that's left is the other slider (not pictured) and a hole.
  11. Adam

    Rear Brake Sticking

    I'll see if I can pull that rubber bit back, the other slider has a nut so it might be that. If all else fails I'll go see my local yamaha dealers and ask them
  12. Adam

    Rear Brake Sticking

    That's the thing, there isn't one! The bit you can see is just a perfectly round head no spanner will fit it..
  13. I took my bike for its MOT and it failed because of a sticking rear brake. I've taken the rear wheel off and had a look at the brake caliper and it seems one of the sliders has seized up. I can't work out how to remove the slider though, I've taken a picture of the slider in question there just isn't anywhere to remove the bolt one end it a round head and the other is the end of the bolt. Any ideas? Bike is a 2010 Yamaha WR 125R http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae119/AdamWhymer/image-3.jpg The bottom is the round head, the black bit is something rubber and the top bit is where the bolt goes into.
  14. Adam

    Rev Jumping

    A lot of people say you aren't supposed to rev a cold engine, it will warm itself up.
  15. My nomination goes to the driver of a flat bed truck who decided to swerve over from one lane to the other forcing the car in front of me to slam their brakes on to avoid being side swiped which then caused me to slam my brakes on as well! I have a second nomination as well further down the road there are road works so the traffic was backed up (it's a wide road with enough space for 2 cars side by side) and a mondeo driver decided it was okay to park his lump of metal with his wheels on the white lines forcing me to over take him on the other side of the road! And finally my third nomination goes to the driver who decided to cut another car up at a round about and nearly took him out then proceeded to argue with the guy whilst holding all the traffic up. All that happened on my ride home which takes about 10 minutes!!! But on the bright side a Subaru driver pulled over to one side to let me filter back into the traffic so he got a thumbs up from me.
  16. I need some decals made for my bike nothing difficult just Yamaha and WR x 2 in red carbon vinyl. I already have the vinyl so can just send it to whoever can do it for me. I remember there was someone on the forum who used to make them I think his name was DeeJay but I may be wrong and haven't seen him on here for a while. If anyone can help please let me know Thanks Adam
  17. You might as well just buy one of these http://bit.ly/19K1vWX and let them have fun trying to find it ;D
  18. Adam

    Rubbish rs125

    Yes one for 2 stroke oil and just a normal petrol tank!
  19. To be fair it sounds more like the dealers fault for not servicing the bike before selling it to you..
  20. Your step dad must have a multi meter, check the voltage of the battery it should be around 12-13v. It sounds like you got it bump started already so you should be able to do it yourself, I do with my nsr. Just put your key in ignition on run down the road and put it into first or second. I find first easier because you just put your foot on the gear lever, remember to pull the clutch in straight away otherwise the bike will go for a ride by itself!! You can do it whilst sitting on the bike away just try to find a slope it'll make it a bit easier.
  21. Adam

    Fuel Cap Vent

    BANG!! And your pistons are gone!
  22. No, I didn't really explain that very well. The battery reads 13v when I press the starter button, I put the multimeter on the connections for the horn and pressed it and it read 6v
  23. I bump started it a few months ago but the grass is too wet to be running up and down the garden at the moment so I don't know to be honest. But it was the same situation back then as it is now. Yes I cleaned the connection points but I can't find where it's grounde to the frame. I've been out there most of the day unplugging connections and giving them a good clean with some sand paper and wd40. Really stuck now I tested the voltage when pressing the ignition and it was around 13v. I read about testing the loom for faults with the multimeter but I'm not sure how I go about that.. I tested the horn with the multimeter and that was around 6v which I don't know if its meant to be that or 12v? Really don't want to take it to the garage with an electrical fault cause I know they'll see the £ signs!!! But it's looking like I'll have too
  24. So after fitting the solenoid and putting the fully charged battery I'm still in the same situation!! Not impressed what else could it be?! I did notice when i press the horn it just makes a pitiful noise, not even a beep so I'm assuming its something to do with the loom that end? I've taken the clocks off and checked all the connections they all seem fine so I'm stuck now with what to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as always
  25. I unplugged it during the night and its dropped down to 16v so I guess I'll just put it in the bike and hope for the best!!
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