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Posts posted by Aaron

  1. Just to get started practise pushing on the handlebars to dodge manhole covers or road markings. Concentrate on not moving your body (so even if you fail, which you wont, you wont crash. You'll just go over the manhole cover) and just pust forwards on whichever side you want to go.

    After about 5 minutes you'll realise how simple and easy and effective it is.

    REMINDER: DO NOT MOVE YOUR BODY AT ALL (when practising dodging manholes). Justpush forward on whichever side of the bars.

    Then when you use it properly on bends you can move your body too if you like. But isolate it for practise so that you can understand it properly.

  2. Failing him for that is bullshit. You don't even need a theory test for CBT. You can't "fail". You can only have your certificate withheld if you're considered too unsafe. Misundertanding or being a bit lax with a road sign is not enough to "fail". If he repeatedly didn't stop even after instruction to do so then fair enough.

    I could barely make the bike go. I kept putting my foot on the back brake trying to accelerate as if in a car. The instructors spoon fed us what to do over the radio. I managed to get to grips with operating the vehicle. I wasn't oblivious to the road dangers and i wasn't swerving all over the place. I chucked in a lifesaver before moving left or right. Hey-presto... got a certificate.

    If failing to completely stop at a stop sign (assuming it was the first occasion) is the kind of thing to stop you getting a certificate then what's mod 2 for?

  3. Maybe, if he was really struggling, the instructor could tell that by the time it was time for the road ride he wouldn't be able to do it. Also he knows that it just needs a bit of practise and that if he gets a certificate on a scooter then afterwards he can learn clutch control at his leisure for free. What he'll learn about roadcraft on the twist&go is worth more than learning clutch control which is just muscle memory.

    However, if they were rude and impationt like you say then it may well be that they couldn't be arsed. But at the same time i imagine if they just let him do a full day and failed @ a cost of £100, or whatever, you'd be even worse off.

    I think the important stuff doesn't matter if it's geared or not though. As soon as hes got the certificate you can take him up the industrial estate and iron out the wrinkles :)

    good point well made :)


    Might be wrong, but it's the only explanation i can think of other than them being rubbish.

  4. Maybe, if he was really struggling, the instructor could tell that by the time it was time for the road ride he wouldn't be able to do it. Also he knows that it just needs a bit of practise and that if he gets a certificate on a scooter then afterwards he can learn clutch control at his leisure for free. What he'll learn about roadcraft on the twist&go is worth more than learning clutch control which is just muscle memory.

    However, if they were rude and impationt like you say then it may well be that they couldn't be arsed. But at the same time i imagine if they just let him do a full day and failed @ a cost of £100, or whatever, you'd be even worse off.

    I think the important stuff doesn't matter if it's geared or not though. As soon as hes got the certificate you can take him up the industrial estate and iron out the wrinkles :)

  5. To start with i'm gonna take my front calipers off to see if i can stop the squealing. But in the long run i'm expecting to have to do 20k+ miles each year to work and back soonish which will mean 5+ services a year. I think i'll forget about the warrenty and just change oil etc myself. So i think i'll end up building up a collection of tools as i start doing more and more bits and pieces.

    Thanks anyway.

  6. Are you guys going on a typical few-hour ride (i.e worthwhile me getting to the start)? If so then I might just rock up at the Marina at 11:00.

    Can't be sure for now 'cause i'm going out tonight and don't really want to leave my girlfriend home alone again tomorrow if she's not got anything to do.

  7. Cheers. Sent the PM.

    If it's early then i'll probably go straight to yours as i know where it is.

    If i've got contigency time (incase my mental compass fails me) then i'll meet Darren if he's up for it.

    Just hope it's roasting again so I can bunjee a canoe bag with some dry skids to the back seat. Nothing better than peeling the leather off for a quick dip.

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