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Posts posted by scrowe

  1. If you go for the full Direct Access you can do what you want.

    How many people get a bigger machine within the first year of riding.

    there is nothing to stop you getting ya full licence, buy a bigger machine (sv 650 or the like) get it restricted for 6months or a year then remove them when your confidence is up.

    saves you buying another bike further down the line so in the long run will be cheaper than restricted license, buy bike, 2years later full license appears, sell bike then buy new bike!

    this way you get 2 bikes for the price of one!

    plus having a restricted 600/650 will pull better than a 250 any way!

    could get an older bigger machine for less money with carbs then its just a matter of putting dics on the carb inlets. piece of pish!

    i bought a gsxr 600 srad for £1200, i didn't know it was restricted till i got it the open road as it pulled well below 9.000 rpm and up to 115mph.

    when i pulled out the discs it was a different animal alltogether. instead of 33bhp i got it dyno'd at 98bhp at the wheel.

    doing it that way gotta be cheaper in the long run!

  2. Hiya,

    I've found (and this sounds odd) that using extra strong hair spray works well for getting the new grips on and when it dries holds the grip in place. it acts as a lube in the 1st instance but dries quickly and wont budge. it's also easy to "break the seal" with i thin screwdriver when you want to replace the grip.

    it wont leave any hard to move residue and dries totaly clear plus washes off with warm soapy water if it drips on the fairing.

    i've used it on all my mountain bikes (even on the twist grip gears which get alot of hammer) and motorbikes over the years.

  3. never a problem, just taking the pish.

    it's satisfying to sort a problem out isn't it. makes you feel good!

    go ride, enjoy but wrap up well it's rather chilly out there. like ya mum will had said "you'll catch a cold otherwise".

    cheers mate.

    ride safe.

  4. sorry the vaseline thing didn't work.

    i allways look at the cheapest option first and work back from that.

    have you actually opened the bar controls to look at the connections inside. no loose/ bent or broken tabs?

    the problem could be all of the above in your other post but look for the little things first.

    good luck.

  5. i recon its either the connections in the bar controls (try spraying wd40 in the gaps) or a connection further down. did you use copper slip or vaseline on the battery terminals? if their dry with a bit of corrosion on the connetions might get need a clean up.

  6. Hiya,

    It sounds like you have managed to get air in to the system and yup, you will need to bleed them.

    Bleeding brakes is an excercise in patients at the best of time (i just put on braided lines and it took a few hours to get them right).

    i'd say go to halfords and get some fresh fluid and a bleeding kit, they cost £5 or so, all it is is a clear pipe with a one way valve on one end to spot air going back in to the caliper, the other end fits over the bleed nipple. un do the nipple a half turn and slowly pump the lever. when the lever gets to the bar do up the nipple, relese lever, undo nipple and pump lever.

    repeat pumping and nipple action untill firm!! oooh errrr!

    it is pain in the backside and it will take time but be patient and all will be good. don't forget a beer while you're at it. it helps the teedium.

    hope this helps.

  7. I only Joined today but looking through this thread i feel it's largley irrelavant and i don't mean any dissrespect to other members giving advice but the bike you go for is the one that makes you smile like a cheshire cat. If there is one machine out there feels right, looks right and goes right more than another then thats for you.

    Bikes are a heart buy, not a brain buy! if you buy a bike on some body else recomendation you still have to live with it, and all the niggles that there might be.

    simple answer is ride them all (properly out on your favorite roads) and make your own decission after all one mans w**k mag is another mans chip wrappers!!

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