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Posts posted by Lumor_uk

  1. Traveling home from work at 6am guy stumbling in the middle of a usually very busy main road, drunk he said he'd walked from 12 odd miles away, said he was a prison officer built like brick shit house and tattoos to boot. Gave him a lift home. Months later a guy is walking on the side of the road where a lady had been killed the week before so I offered him a lift, turns out he's just been released from prison. Was a Sunday late at night gave him a lift into town to catch a train. He gets out days he's lost his change in my car. Is fumbling around for ages I think great this is where he shanks me for my pocket change. Thankfully he gave up and wondered off. Last lift I gave :lol:

  2. Can you get done for being drunk in charge of a push bike with electric assist? I know in Germany you can be but not sure about the UK.


    I told a policeman who almost knocked me off my bike (not electric) twice with his car that I had drank 3 pints, he was more concerned with me having no lights on my bike. Was 17 years ago though.

    I think the law is being drunk in charge of a push bike and can affect your driving licence too. They don't do a road side breath test, it's the same as being drunk and disorderly in public. They don't arrest every tom and dick coming out of a pub, it's when you cause a nuisance or appear a danger to yourself or others.

    With regards to an electric bike, I'm interested in the Seat electric scooter (forgive me I have sinned)

  3. Just had a hearing test, my left ear is down 5 points...it almost stopped me getting a job. Though I did hear a very faint beep I stupidly didn't press the button which might explain the result. You can hear your heart beating more than the sounds in the ears they get so quiet. I usually only do short rides so not been wearing them, will be wearing them now.

  4. My feeling though is that a loud bike is generally a safer bike as the twat who inevitably pulls out on you cant say they didn't hear you coming at the very least


    I ride my bike to work sometimes at 515am...would you feel the same about it then? :?

  5. Well my cheapest is £765 fully comp. that’s for 3000 miles, with a Datatool alarm and ground anchor. Called a few others and they either quoted almost £2000 or refused to quote. Looks like I’m sucking that up and paying it :cry:


    They know datatool is pointless, got two paper clips in mine to disable it.

  6. I looked at it and thought it was screwed, I literally did 4 turns on the chain tensioners and it was at spec again :( someone say something supporting please? :cry:

    No I haven't tightened it all up yet :wink: actually looking at it. It's going to be 2nd from last notch.

    Edit: Okay so DID X chain and sprocket is £95 or SSS o ring and sprockets for £100?



  7. I stupidly didn't check my chain, knew it was loose but didn't realise how bad.

    Drive chain worn to excess

    Drive chain excessively loose

    Now I asked if I could get away with just tightening it to which he said no it's had it showing it swaying side to side. They don't do motorbike repairs so he's not gaining the business. As I was looking at the notches at the back he said he would have tightened it if he thought it would work. I've gone and tightened it anyway and looks fine now within spec. It's just gone past half way on the notches at the back. Am I looking for something else on the chain to make him think it's had it? It's relatively clean with no rust.

    Do both those wordings mean the same thing and I'm reading too much into it? I feel like a duck for not replacing it when he said I should.

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