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Posts posted by polecat

  1. Divvy 600 engines do have a tendancy to be a little rattly so if it's not very loud it's probably normal.

    The engine note going up and down sounds like the carbs could be slightly out of balance, but they should of been balanced when the restrictors were put in? So perhaps it could just be a side effect of the restrictors? How much does the rev counter needle move when idling?

    Its not a great deal ,just a pulsing maby 50 - 100 rpm Max ?

    The rattle was the clutch and I was told putting it at the correct RPM on tick over sorts this out but the tapping is just a regular beat the whole time the engine is running.

  2. If you Don't ask ......

    1. there is a Tapping noise coming from the engine but it does not seem to increase with revs, just a constant tap tap or tick tick maby ,could this be the Fuel pump or something more serious?

    if the startermotor runs, then its not the starter relay, when you switch the bike on, you should hear a couple of ticks, as the pump pressurises the carbs, it wont run if the pump is faulty, not even on prime, so make sure the pump is working

    so you have a fuel pump, which would explain this ticking, i dont, as mine carbs are vacuum fed, hence the google..

    2. when the engine is at idle 1400 rpm the engine note goes up and down slightly in a regular manner ... is this Carb balance or somethng else or nothing to worry about :) ?

    the engine at tickover/idle is not far from stalling this is the engine note that you are hearing..


    Learning to be a Bike mechanic so bear with me please :cheers:

    useful linky


    this is bike specific forum,

    THANKS FOR THE LINK :cheers:

  3. If you Don't ask ......

    1. there is a Tapping noise coming from the engine but it does not seem to increase with revs, just a constant tap tap or tick tick maby ,could this be the Fuel pump or something more serious?

    2. when the engine is at idle 1400 rpm the engine note goes up and down slightly in a regular manner ... is this Carb balance or somethng else or nothing to worry about :) ?

    Learning to be a Bike mechanic so bear with me please :cheers:

  4. a broken cable will revert the choke to "off".

    some days its warm enough not to need it, others arent.

    get a new cable and fit it following the old line (you'll need to remove the seat and tank to do this)..

    leave it and you'll want the bike one cold morning and not have a easy choke, which means playing about under the tank pushing the choke mechanism by hand,..

    leaving the choke on after its needed wont do any harm, you'll just use more fuel, if its on too long or too rich the engine will tell you..

    hope thats what your after...

    wemoto will be able to supply you a choke cable for your XJ600n

    Thanks WF that covers everything :)

    I bought a new one on Ebay £9.50 the same day it happened as I like everythng to work !

    Just wanted to know about Chokes as My last bike was Fuel injection,so thanks alot For the quick reply :cheers:

  5. When the Choke cable breaks is the Choke in the off position without the cable ?

    Another thing...I always use Choke to start the Bike but after the cable Broke I tried to Start it up (after 4 days not running) and it Started First Chug of the Starter so Soes the Bike even need Choke (other than Winter)

    I bought a Replacement Cable but Now I am wondering how much I should really Use it when its FIxed ?

    Sometimes I have forgot to turn the Choke completly off and realised a couple miles down the road ! ...Is this Bad for engine ?

    Any Clarity regarding these questions Gratefully received :)

  6. hi everyone,new to this forum...

    a question for you...i have a shark helmet which is 14 months old but i have scratched it in several places (doh) not been dropped so is there a special spray paint that you can use on a helmet without making it weaker..

    thanks in advance for any replies

    Raymondo bandit 650

    My helmet care leaflet states quiet clearly this product must not be painted or have adhesive stickers applied to it,so I guess its not a good idea ?

    I know some people Do paint their helmets but the only thing I can suggest is you use a non solvent based paint like acrylic so it Does not eat into the Helmet then cover it in an Acrylic clear coat to Protect the paint work.

  7. How have you mounted yours?

    I am still having trouble getting the correct horizon !


    Polecat, have you managed to play your video's on say a PS3 or Xbox?

    I do not own a game console, I just play them on my laptop sofar.

    Fixing to a Bike would be releativly Easy....Its when its on the helmet it gets tricky !

    SOmetimes it films just road sometimes just sky and sometimes Just right.

    I have tried marking the mount ect but It is Such a small amount of movement on the camera between all sky or all road that it is hard to get consistent filming.

    A Nice suprise when I get home and the perfect film though :)

  8. I received my mini dv S80 rip off from Ebay (HK) £7 inc p&p last night, powered it up popped in a 16gb sd card and its pretty impressive for the price, it's not HD but its pretty damn good.

    Downside is the power, 2hrs at the most but i am looking at either locating an external usb powered battery pack or something to enable me to use the power from the bike or easier just buying two more which will give me 6hrs recording for £21!!


    How have you mounted yours?

    I am still having trouble getting the correct horizon !

  9. all the best riders pass 2nd time round! :)

    the time will go quicker than you think, just don't dwell on your mistake too much as its the worst thing you can do (trust me i know, i failed for something really stupid on my first go at mod 2).

    good luck for next time!

    This is true 2nd time you will pass

    I failed first time cos i did something stupid also and kicked myself afterwards but c'est la vie :)

  10. I think the problem is understanding the concept of clutch control more than the gears

    If you drive a car it is normal to you to release the clutch under preasure but for someone never having used a clutch before it can be a bit confusing.

    so I think A car Driver will not have a problem with the gears,its More complete Newbies to the gear/ clutch thing that may Struggle in the time given.

  11. I agree with everything said but the sad thing is the CBT will make some people think they are Bikers because they passed and other people will feel disillusioned that they are not instantly able to take to motorcycles as seems required by the CBT and give up completly.

    It seems to me that the way the CBT is presented it serves No purpose in keeping chavy Riding scooter riders off the road Or potential sensible careful motorcyclists from getting On to the road ?

    I would prefer to see a DSA run competence to Learn course Run over a weekend maby and in that you are taught Road saftey Slow manouvering on the first day and on the second day taught Road craft and Defensive Riding techniques ect and I would expect to pay maby £150 for this course Subsidised if necessary by the european transport safety council.

    Just my Opinion :)

  12. well done gilly. Just a shame you did nt do it on the 500 though. The next 2 years are gonna drag and drag and drag and so on :mrgreen: again. Well done :cheers:

    I don't think my next two years are going to Drag on my XJ 600 I am Loving it and I am missing Nothing by having restricted as Its Awsome up to 90mph but only need up to 70mph :roll:

  13. I think it's the school's fault!

    my son decided he wanted to do his,

    he'd never been on a bike apart from the odd

    pillion with me.

    I sat him on my bike, on the stand, and showed him

    where all the controls are and explained what they did.

    Then sent him off to the school on a saturday morning,

    he came back with his CBT certificate!.

    He said he struggled, for maybe the first hour, but

    the instructors were really patient and friendly

    and then it just clicked.

    I'd try another school!

    cool,I did that also :) showed him how to release the clutch under pressure ect but you are right at the end of the day, They should have taught, as thats there function !

    He is not Dumb, he is an A level student and he surfs and dances so he has some kind of balance and coordination So there is no reason he should have failed with a good school.

    If he decides to have another go I will suggest another CBT school :)

  14. waterproof outers. ?? or coat with something like Fabsil (try an outward bound shop..)

    I put mine on the top of the engine to dry as the engine is hot, whilst i stop for a brew and a butty.. nice and warm when i put them on too...

    Thought I was the only one who did that too,So another Dinosaur Roams this land huh :thumb:

    thats only cause these plastic fancies cant see the engine... lol

    True !

    I even remember in the old days putting my gloves "on" over the Twin exhausts to warm them up in the morning and blasting the heated air through them (not sure how good that was for the engine though !)

  15. hi guys

    just put aftermarket indicators on my yamaha xj,they were working fine,nice and bright but then the fronts kept going off from time to time,traced it to were the 3 black wires connect under the headlamp for the indicators,i connected all three with the aid of a block connector and now they work but are very very dim and you can hardly see them now,any ideas guys and girls???

    cheers ken

    have you tried scotch bloc connectors they produce a better seal

    What year is your yammy cos I could scan the wiring Diagram if you Dont have one ?

  16. Hey Guys,

    I have my DAS this Saturday, test training on Sunday and MOD 1 on Monday at 8:45.

    I have had a look at the MOD 1 experiences but am started to get pretty nervous. Does anybody have any further tip's that could help me during the MOD 1.

    I am doing the test on a ER5 so I think getting up to 31MPH shouldn't be a problem.



    The only reason I failed MOD 1 is having the confidance to wack it through the speed trap If I am honest :oops:

    So Perhaps a Faint heart will mean a fail ?


  17. I think the problem is that the market is saturated with people wanting to get their CBT/DAS/etc done and as this is UK most companies care only about easy money and they don't want to risk accidents or train people when they can get someone else in their place who will ride the bike safely.

    Just call any motorbike school, almost the whole duration of summer they are fully booked and you have to wait few weeks before you can get your CBT or any training done, it's the same when booking MOD1 and MOD2, 1-2 months waiting time is nothing unusual.

    Maby thats why I passed cos I did mine in november !

    I am thinking the whole CBT thing is turning into a Racket, I know The schools have to make money but surely they should think ahead and train people properly not just see if they can pass if not fail them ?

    Maby it should be a 2 day course for say £150 and the first day is teaching and the second is assesment then Those with Prior knowledge could skip the first day ?

    Surely that would make alot more sence and take the pressure off complete Newbies ?

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