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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Soz Nman ya want out on sun meet ya at peterborough for 10.00 10.30 ish shall we say
  2. Neil are ya doing out this weekend ? Fancy a run to the sea be back for the racing on sunday at 4, not fussed on the sat Anyone else want fish and chips
  3. So if some nice peeps are going in motors with lots of room could they poss get the grub for us all and then let us poor bikers dosh em up when there ??????
  4. yorbandit

    NSR 125 Electrics

    Well now ya need a volt meter mate and find where ya got power and where ya have not
  5. Was that the 2nd day of testing rock on the brits
  6. Me will be there not sure if it might be just the day yet but will sort summat out nearer time
  7. Me thinks this 125 year is gonna be the most interesting from a brit point of view
  8. Well me and golach was there today nice to see ya again topps, Went from raunds to hitchin to ace to foxes and then back home 240 plus mile all done on a grin lol
  9. That what is so good about you techno !!!!!! LOWER THE TONE
  10. Hey look on the bright side at least the rest of us will now get some lol
  11. So jealous now but no worries will sort it out sooner or later
  12. Me will be in bed watch highlights tomoz 5.30
  14. Wot my roast dinner !!!!!!!!! Me think not want it all to meself
  15. Erm !!!!!!!!! Treacle tart, chocolate cake, cheesecakes, jam tarts, gateux, apple pie and ice cream, knickerbockerglorys, jam sponges, tiramousou sorry bout some spelling more interested in scoffing em normally
  16. Rock on or what ???????? Was he on a qualie and nobody else bother ????????
  17. Anything ya want so i can then claim i made it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Ok peeps got to drop some stuff at princes so gonna go there first so prob at foxes for 11 brew and bun then troll down to ace or meet at ace about 11 then ride back up to foxes
  19. Or at least we thought he was ???????
  20. not make foxes b4 10 i afraid but can do ace at 11.00 - 11.30 i should think
  21. So just ta make sure i go this, racing on sunday, camp on site nearby and ya coming home on monday yep not sure if i can make it yet or if i on me own or with me boy
  22. Well prob come over to foxes for brekkie and then to ace if ya want to meet at 11.30 at foxes ???
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