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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Have we found out about taking the kids ???? Akey ????
  2. Got room at mine if anybody wants to crash for a night me and the boy will be going got to get him some gear, prob go on the sat so then can ride out on sunday with the boy in his new gear
  3. Weekends only for me i afraid sat or sun not fussed norm can make at least one of em
  4. Yes vicki we were out and what a lovely day it was 2 will put up photo proof of thr 3 of us tomoz.
  5. Is there any more races and could ya post dates up pleasee ?????????
  6. Me and nman going to meet at peterborough sevices at 10.30 then of to Hunstanton so prob on front at 12. You are welcome to join us if ya want
  7. Got things to do in morn so not sure what time i will be out on sat but going to leighton buzzard then prob onto foxes
  8. Neil do not fear mate plans is a foot to do some more runs this way hunny,ace, foxes plua any others we find when the sun back out we will come up with summat even runs down kent way see if we can hook up with the extra southern members we got
  9. Not sure tis the sat so think i got to stay local but enjoy ya ride
  10. Yam have said JT AND EDWARDS will not be getting new engines ie what rossi and lorenzo run till 3 rd race
  11. Lock kids in house ?????? Bikes more fun
  12. Now then peeps we can take this over surely unofficial TMBF rally ???? What ya think ??????
  13. Now that looks like an awesome idea was thinking of not going this year hell watch it on a big screen for a tenner mega deal me thinks
  14. Sorry mate am in notts on night out so wont be up early enough for this as well
  15. Sounds good to me , where ya stop point ? poss route so we can join ya on way top idea me thinks
  16. Have we got a link so we can have a look please ???????????????
  17. Now that almost sounds organized ????????????????????? MY GOD WHAT EVER NEXT
  18. Cant see y not me be there work out what to do with kids later, poss bring em not sure
  19. Nice one have to say that is one of the tracks i would like to go to even if it is just to see how bad that cork screw is
  20. Chic it only a 181 mile each way for me so that got to be worth it for a couple hours of racing ???????????????????????????????????
  21. That is just round the corner from where i stay in august, tis a fair old trek for me but will think on it ??????
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