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Posts posted by dispersion

  1. Just thought I would check in.

    Currently at nurburg and made it through France, Belgium and Luxembourg and tomorrow we are off to Black Forest! Will post pics when I am back! So far no dramas except my mate mark having no luggage to put his stuff in!!

  2. Good work! Sounds like you have found am instructor who want people to ride well and not just get through a test.

    Enjoy it, that's what we ride for :)

    (Also, I dropped the bike on my cbt, the instructor wondered off in the phnom left me to it and He passed me. I never went back to him and I muted 15 miles via bus just to go to a better riding school, and I am so glad I did)

  3. NB. If you use a StaNag - It must NOT be able to show speed camera locations!



    I read about this but also read that if your sat nav can turn them off, that is fine. (So long as they are not on when you get pulled over).

    I can turn them off on my garmin so should be good!

    Also will be using maps, havnt done loads of planning but that's half e fun....right....lol

    Cheers for the advice guys!

  4. Cheers guys! Got the gb sticker sorted. Need to book a few nights and some road cover and then pre-motorway charges.

    I am gonna guess you can buy the motorway toll/charges when you are there?



  5. We're going cross country Joeman.....planning on leaving mid-morning and having a steady bimble across.....dunno what time you'll be heading up there or which route you'd take.....but I guess we'll be in Bicester around lunchtime......so, if the route and times work out mate we could rendezvous around there.... 8-) Ricky said he may ride across with us.....depends what his plans are..... 8-)


    Hey! I am on 12 hour notice and nights at the moment! Which means I can still come and should get Friday off!

    I'll ride with you guys if that's cool.

    Looks like I might have to leave Saturday to work but will see how it goes!

  6. Have not finalised route yet but defo looks like a nice place to stay so will stop by if I am passing!

    Quick question if anyone knows the answer:

    My bike was originally a German bike and registered to the UK a few years later. Does that mean I then have to show the GB sign on the rear of the bike?

    Also, headlights are still aligned for right hand side of the road so it does not need dimmers/tape across it so does this mean I am more likely to get pulled as it will be noticeable that I haven't changed anything even though I am in the right?



  7. Ok so I have been planning a trip and looking up laws (specifically traffic laws) for my trip but is there any useful tips/advice for the following countries;








    These are not in any order but I will use this thread for photos, updates also.

    Thanks in advanced.


  8. I have taken a few people pillion on my cbr600fs and it was so much easier on the fazer. Due to the seating position and lack of stuff to hole on to i find the pillion fidgets a lot more and kind of disturbs my riding. Not a but fan of it on sports bikes so far...gonna see what the missess is like then maybe get a grab rail but not to sure yet!

    But take it easy! And if you are harah on your breaks, you will end up sharing your seat with the pillion!

  9. Sounds like you are with some good instructors.

    I wasn't confident on my cbt at all. Never did a u-turn and did a 20 minute ride out and got the certificate. If I hadn't got further training (DAS) I would of most certainly been a liability to myself and others on the road.

    It's one of those things that after a while you get better and better at, and just keep progressing.

    It sounds like they are putting some effort and planning into your training and if it's not extra hen I would defiantly get them a little something, even if its a tin of biscuits to share.

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