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Everything posted by Capitano

  1. Bought my Son that R25 one for his birthday and he swears by it. Me, I use a Pony Express bag like the DRs do.
  2. I'd offer to buy you both a cuppa but it will be the first Sunday for a while that it doesn't figure in my ride plans.
  3. I can't add a lot to what's already been said. With my lad it was a case of him only being able to get a 33 bhp restricted licence due to his age. So I got him a 125 at 17, he rode that till he passed his test on it then we sold it on to partly fund his next bike. His older cousin did the DAS route without owning a 125 and swore by that. As others have said it's going to come down to how quickly you want your full licence, how confident you feel, how much trust and confidence you have in your training school and how much you are willing to pay.
  4. Don't be dismayed if he's a little while answering. He has just got back from a trip hitching across the USA.
  5. Don't ask don't get. Austin is very approachable and chatty. You're more likely to get more advice than you can possibly comprehend.
  6. Are you on facebook? If so, are you a facebook friend of Austin Vince of Mondo Enduro / Terra Circa fame? If so, drop Austin a message and see if he has any advice as regards routes. He is a mine of information on the subject.
  7. As above except heatshrink tends to go a bit brittle and can become inflexible. Where I've made one in the past I've wrapped the majority of the bunched wires together with self amalgamating tape. That also helps if you forget some vital wire inadvertently and end up adding it to the loom after you've "finished" ...allegedly...I wouldn't know about that though.
  8. Box Hill is a busy truck stop midweek Bury Hill (Whiteways) isn't ... and was virtually deserted today If you forget your camera and only have a crap phone, you can only take crap photos.... http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j9/ged_asbery/Image018-1.jpg http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j9/ged_asbery/Image019-1.jpg
  9. Sunshine and the back lanes of West Sussex. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j9/ged_asbery/DSCF2221.jpg
  10. Having worked my arse off completing a job today rather than midday tomorrow I'm left with a free morning. I fancy riding to Box Hill for brekky about 10-10.30 ish. Dunno if anyone else is free but if you fancy meeting up for a natter, PM me and I'll make sure I go there rather than changing destination on a whim.
  11. Presumably that is on Sundays, yeah? If we are going there we tend to be there late morning too or Saturday afternoons on occasion.
  12. Would love to but I'm a bit restricted at the moment. New bike and they could only book me the first 600 mile service a month ahead. I'm up to 450 miles so far and have around 250 miles of trips planned before the service date....bugger!
  13. Harking back to the original subject, yes it can be done. My lad grew out of his first pair of Draggin's when he went to Uni and his diet changed somewhat! The Draggin' kevlar/whatever lining strips are now in a pair of Primark jeans that were decently double stitched at the seams. The job was done by a friend who owns a half decent sewing machine but is by no means a professional dressmaker.
  14. Me, my lad and some mates do the odd ride around Box Hill, Loomies, Station Cafe at Alton, and Bury Hill (Whiteways). We do the Ace Cafe now and again, too. I'm up for rides with the more, the merrier involved but I ain't a fast rider these days and I'm not riding anything exactly hi-tech either.
  15. Capitano

    ACF - 50

    Good advice, chap. I tend to put it on with the paintbrush, let it creep a bit to more inaccessible places then wipe over with a cloth. That way it doesn't pick up quite so much cack.
  16. Capitano

    ACF - 50

    Yes Yes NOI! The reason for the no is that it's too damned expensive to waste via spraying and often doesn't reach where it's needed if you do. Best way I've found of applying it is to spray some in the cap first then use a clean paintbrush to apply it. On engine cases where only a very thin application is needed, spray some on a cloth till it's wet enough to wipe the whole cases. Brilliant stuff, though!
  17. I remember those when they were new. They weren't around for long before Honda replaced them with the Superdream. 3 valves per cylinder if I remember correctly.
  18. It's a common theme on bike forums. The helmets some find most comfortable just don't fit other people. I once rode a couple of hundred miles to buy a genuine Simpson USA lid only to find that when I got one to fit my head the chinbar was around my nose! Arais don't fit me either, neither do Schuberths.
  19. I wear Draggin's. Excellent quality, bit lighter and cooler in Summer than Hoods because they have kevlar in certain areas. Some prefer Hoods but I wouldn't change TBH.
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