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Everything posted by Lynn

  1. I got an armoured black/flouro jacket £99.00, Armoured Pants £55.00 helmet £89.00 boots £79.00 all from DC's
  2. Well done Alex good luck for your 2 as well, hope you walk that one too ...in a manner of speaking lol
  3. Yes well done on the theory and CBT , as everyone says get saving and get the DAS done , im never off the Zephyr, neither is my daughter lol
  4. Possibly but im not 100% sure, give them a ring and enquire!
  5. The only reason for youd be restricted would be if you did your test on a 125cc . but as everyones said go for your DAS then you can ride anysize bike
  6. Yes you do need both parts of your licence DC Motorcycles is on Alder street in Fartown Spacedeck and BMTC do DAS id highly recommend them for training, they make you feel at ease and some of the instructors have a wicked sense of humour lol plus i got a decent discount on kit for my daughter from DC's after id passed lol Heres a link to the site http://www.dcmotorcycles.co.uk/ although they do close Sundays and Wednesdays
  7. Spacedeck,I notice your from Huddersfield have you checked out Brighouse Motorcycle Training?, along with DC Motorcycles on Alder Street and also Earnshaws in Longroyd Bridge I did all my training with BMTC and found them very good, instructors are great too as are the bikes they use (Suzuki Gladius, GN125 and Honda CBF500), Id looked at a few secondhand bikes in Scootorcrazy/Motorbike crazy and thought they were a little over priced. Both Earnshaws and DC's also have a great choice of clothing.
  8. Brilliant, well done, welcome to the big grin club!!
  9. Thats brilliant well done it feels great doesnt it
  10. Changing direction to the right and moving off needs a lifesaver also when turning left and if theres a cycle lane do a check to your left, but pulling away at lights and stuff you just need to check your mirrors Good luck for Friday
  11. Isnt it wierd that some companies charge and some dont, im with Just motorcycle insurance and they didnt charge for the change and to swop from the 125 insurance to the Zephyr only cost an xtra £19.00 not bad £116.50 a year fully comp!
  12. Hi and welcome Leekid, i gave up on a Bandit and decided to get one possibly next year and got myself a 93 Kawasaki XR550 Zephyr instead which im very happy with lol
  13. Bad luck Toon, you sure you didnt have the same examiner as me? as everyone says third time lucky
  14. Also i just have to say a big thanks to all you guys on here for your support in all 3 tests lol which helped a great deal your all awesome
  15. Fingers crossed for you Toon. i did some training with Brighouse motorcycle training ..was a little expensive at £225.00 a test but found it a great help specially for moral support on the run up to the test and the nice big bikes to ride lol
  16. It used to be in Brighouse hence the name but now its in Fartown on Alder street . Good school and great instructors, http://www.brighousemtc.co.uk/
  17. Good luck Toon, passed mine on the 25th too third attempt! just relax remember all your checks and enjoy the ride Did you do some training with a school?
  18. Totally lol Thanks everyone really chuffed i passed now to concentrate on saving up, then got to sell my 125 to get my Bandit 600
  19. Weeeeell...I PASSED!!!with 2 minors, one because i left on an indicator too long (switched it off!) and the other was not looking over my shoulder when i moved my bike 6 feet forward lol. Did it on a different bike as the others who were doing theirs had been using the Gladius and were used to it but there werent enough for all of us, so i volunteered for a Honda CBF500 wierd gears! The examiner said to me at the beginning ive seen all these papers before havent i and we had a bit of a laugh so i was quite relaxed through the test , missed my turning on the second part of the independent riding and thought id fail for that . got back to the test centre and he was filling in the paperwork and he said to me , "well im sorry to have to tell you that your invitation to the centres christmas party has been cancelled, youve passed", lol so happy!!!
  20. Feeling a bit more positive today seeing as its peeing down with rain lol am thinking examiner wont want to be out long getting meself a drink of tea then off to the school for 9am thanks guys test at 1pmish
  21. Ive got my mod 2 again tomorrow (Thursday) not nervous just feeling really fed up as i keep failing on stupid things which i dont do normally If i fail tomorrow i dont know what ill do as i cant keep finding 200+ quid each try....
  22. Youll get it eventually Crowther, ive tried twice now got my third attempt on the 25th , keep failing on silly little mistakes you just gotta get it all gelled together and itll all come good! Im of the thought you learn from your mistakes and it makes you a better rider!
  23. Dreadstorm which training school you looking at, im with Brighouse motorcycle training, linked to DC'S in Fartown , great training and good bikes too they use Gns for CBT and have the Gladius and a couple of others for bigger bikes good instruction too
  24. Lol thats awesome! youll never be at home now, the family will have to book an appointment hahahahahahaha well done though My turn next haha
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