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Everything posted by Susieque

  1. As far as I'm concerned it's essential! Very foolish not to wera one! Would like to throw something else into the equation though, based on your quote Drew....... I seem to remember a few people saying they don't/wouldn't wear cycle helmets. Surely the same thing re head injuries apply?? It worries me when I see children wearing helmets riding bikes with parents who are not.
  2. Me too Rosie. Not got mine yet, but know what I'm gonna get cos of back trouble and ability to touch the ground! Have to say that colour would come into the equation though!!
  3. They're nice pics Jota.
  4. Looks beautiful!! I think the wind chill factor is gonna be the issue!
  5. Just looked on Metcheck - says it's gonna be dry during the day but bleeding cold!!
  6. You still planning on trying to get to Tonfanau on the Sunday then Kev??
  7. Oh bugger!!!!! Thats the weekend I'm gonna have my Housewarming Party (I think) and invite everyone from here!! Guess I don't have a hope then - can't compete with Butlins!
  8. Is there a bar there Justa?? Still waiting for my pint!!
  9. Yeah-would be typical! Just squirrel them away before they notice! Won't be much room on back of bike for me to bring anything! And even less after a trip to the ice cream joint!
  10. Excellent Willow!! You could stick some of the puddings from the week before in the freezer and bring them with you!!
  11. Be good to see you again Vik! Chez Rennie!! Lol And will be good to meet you MissD
  12. Does that mean I'll have to ask Rennie for a detailed explanation then???
  13. Looks like I might be able to go too-if I behave myself! Been told I can have an ice cream too Thanks Ian!!!
  14. Oooops!! Sorry - didn't know you were here!!
  15. If he doesn't (but im sure he will) then theres loads of people that would be happyto take you, just ask hun xxx Oh yeah!! Dumb female moment!! Know Justa will!!
  16. Have just PM'd Roy to see if he'll still go if its raining! Obviously my being there is dependent on him!
  17. Hate to be bearer of bad news but according to Metcheck its gonna be persisting it down!
  18. Nor can I Justa! Sounds fun! Think a couple of quid will do for the chips???
  19. Hee Hee!! I'll bring a bit of lippy just to finish off the image!! LOL
  20. Wooooo Hooooo!! Roy - you've got a lot of witnesses to that statement!!!
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