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Help 2nd or 3rd on swerve?

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Done practice for mod1 today ,but could'nt make speed on sweve :( hovered at 46 / 48.

This is my second go at training at the actual site ,but its with a different training school.

The last time I tried was in Dec. on a suzuki 500 (5 gear) I got told to stay in 2nd around bend accelerate on straight through trap,no probs doing it that way 54 /56

This time its a kwak 500 (6 gear) & I'm told to get it in 3rd before the turn "pootle" around bend gradually accelerate on straight & go through trap,instructor sez the 2nd gear method is for 125s not 500's & I was told a load of b*ll*x.

Anyone know why I found it harder in 3rd to hit 50, I asked him if I could I try it in 2nd he was having none of it.

I was a lot more confident in Dec, is there a reason he wants 3rd gear,I thought it may be its a 6 speed box on the kwak.

Why else would 2 trainers give opposite advice.

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Your advised to take the bend on the run up to the swerve in 2nd, doing at least 19mph i think.

When your exiting the corner give it all she's got and pin it. You can do the whole thing in second on a 125, just revv the nuts off it. That way when you ease off for the swerve and stop, there's plenty of engine braking to slow you down. If your not hitting the 50kph in second, then when she's out off puff whack it into 3rd without using the clutch :thumb:

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I did it in second on a 6speed 500....

Was way above the speed needed on swerve and e-stop.

Just do it in 2nd. :)


I hoped someone had done it on the same bike,& 2nd is o.k. & not a gearbox issue, won't be changing up on straight though.

ta Gazz means I'll have to ignore him, but the next time I do it will be on the test he won't know.

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Yeah seems the way

I kinda made my mind up that on test I'd keep it 2nd through trap , can't understand why instructor would'nt at least let me have a go that way,been all through past cbt experiences on the forum,seems if its mentioned at all its a big vote for 2nd,just with him telling me on a 500 3rd was the only option

Only thing I can think of he was fussy about my "banging" it into first said gently ease it in,maybe he's got hangup on ppl abusing his bike.

Still can't work out why I had trouble with 50 in 3rd though :?

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Sounds odd to me. I did it on a Kawasaki er-5. Used second gear. Considering you may (or may not) be very new to riding, there isn't really that much time once you come out of the bend to stick it in third, AND concentrate on hitting the right speed. Second will do it easily. Infact, i remember my instructor saying i could go well past 60 (mph) in second. Not that I would do though.

Further to that, with reduced engine braking (in third instead of second) you'll need to use the brakes more and concentrate on not locking anything up. And then, if you forget to take it back down to first afterwards it'll pose more of a problem for you when you try to pull away. If you do it all in second, and forget to come down to first, then you'll still be able to pull away easily in second.

I suppose, just like anything else, just because someone is experienced and and expert doesn't mean they can't have the odd funny idea here and there :D

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Like most of the others I did it on an ER-5 in second. Stick it in second early, keep speed through the bend but don't go overboard, then pin the throttle until the trap. Throttle right off immediately when you are through the trap and not before or you may loose the vital 1-2mph. Engine braking will take it from there and you should get away with a gentle and mindful braking zone (touch front, add rear, squeeze gently but progressively).

Be mindful also of the stopping area on the swerve. I stopped so easily I had to get off the brakes for a second to make sure I made it to the stopping area.

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2nd all the way...

3rd you wont have enough speed, and there is less engine braking..

i also find with higher revs its easier to control the bike / speed aswell.

Also no need to change up to 3rd! as soon as your through the trap you can start to slow down!

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:wink: Ta folks,

test This Thursday so just have to ignore him, I know I won't have a hope if I do it his way.

seem's a bit strange that he's an ex advanced police instructor an all,but if it works for me sod it.

He did do a demo for us, but he must have gone through really fast

By the way he told me to change to 3rd before the entrance to the curve not after , even I knew it was too slow at 20mph bike was a bit juddery,

now its been mentioned I've realised that doing it all in 2nd, it must have been engine breaking after the speed trap that must have helped my confidence last time on the suzuki,

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If he's ex police instructor then maybe that'll explain it. They're all into appearance as well as actual riding. They don't like the public to hear clonky gear changes and racing engines etc. So maybe he likes third because it wont sound like you're gunning it. Because you're not : )

Was it this thursday (today)? How did it go?

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