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So here we go, I think I mentioned this last year just after we returned. A pal of mine mentioned the place called Applecross, in his words "there's nothing much there, but the ride to get to it is amazing"

He wasn't wrong. This is where we begin;

So...............Not having a lot of spare cash this year due to me paying off the new ride we couldn't afford a long trip abroad this year.

Instead we headed for a tiny village up in the Highlands on the west coast of scotland, a place called Applecross.

It's situated in the Scottish Highlands on the west coast.


We set off early Monday morning to avoid the bank holiday traffic and before long we were winding our way along some great roads with great views. We managed to get to our ferry point in Gourock where we would cross over to Dunoon, taking this route would cut out the journey through Glasgow.


Jack went to sort out the tickets while I waited with the bike.


She came back with a coffee each as well as the tickets for the boat :D


The weather was beautiful and we didn't have to wait long in the sunshine before we spotted our boat coming in to dock.


Once we were on board I spotted a vice on deck and I quickly asked one of the crew if I could use it to loosen one of my mirrors which had siezed and the position just wasn't quite right. The fella gave me the go ahead and I went to work.



Jack went for a wander upstairs.


The crossing was very smooth as the sea was like a mill pond 8-)



The ferry crossing was only 20 minutes and we were off and straight into the Highlands where the scenery was stunning again. :thumb:

We followed a single track road which ran alongside a river which snaked its way over the rocks and glistened under the bright sunshine.




We'd had enough for the day and we found a campsite at the foot of the Awsome Glen Coe.


BBQ for tea washed down with a few beers :cheers:



Stunning views


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After a good nights sleep under canvas we de-camped and headed to the local store for breakfast. :lol:




We headed back for a blast through Glen Coe, this road is one of the best I've ridden, it has stunning views as it winds its way dwarfed beneath the impressive mountains.






On the way we passed the Commando Memorial just outside Fort William. It is set in this particular place due to the peaceful surroundings and it is also the training ground for the commandos. We stopped off and paid our respect and soaked in the magnificent views and serenity.



Ben Nevis in the background.




Small memorial garden which honours commandos from the second world war to the present day.



Sobering thoughts and it was so peaceful, there was a real sense of tranquility in the air. We donned our helmets and golves and on we rode through Glen Etive which was indeed as my mate had told us and it was beautiful. The surrounding scenery reminded me of riding through the Alps a few years ago while we were on our honeymoon on the Ducati.





I cannot believe how stunning the scenery was as we were dwarfed beneath mountains which were reflected in the Lochs below, we rode along in the sunshine between gorge after gorge and loch after loch. Stunning :thumb:

Next stop was the Eilean Dornie Castle which is on and island where the three sea lochs meet. More info here http://www.eileandonancastle.com/



We stopped for tea and scones with lots of jam and clotted cream, Jacks' favourite :love: chatted to fellow bikers and sat and soaked up the wonderful views.


On we went and we were nearer our destination as we skirted around Loch Carron and then saw the famous Applecross sign 8-)



We soon reached the top after a few hairpins and switchbacks 8-)

Once again the views were spectacular with Loch Carron at the bottom.

Ladies and Gents I give you Bealach Na Ba






After taking a load of pictures we headed down the pass on the other side and finally made it to our campsite. We had booked a camping hut, which looked pretty cool on the campsites website and we weren't disappointed, equipped with electricity, lights and a heater all we needed here was our sleeping bags.


To be continued. :wink:

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Gav this is a great little write up with pictures.

Could we all do this when we go away on the bikes.

Good insperation for us all the get on the bikes and ride.

ROYSTON Where are we going

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Nice write up DG :thumb:

TheWife and I did Applecross a couple of years back. Was stunning. Good video footage across the pass but forgot to clean me camera lens lol, so most of it were crap... :(

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Thanks fellas.

Inspiration TC :thumb: that's what it's all about!

I urge every one of you to do this ride. I'm just getting ready for graft, but I'll try and finish it off tomorrow 8-)

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Brilliant write up, reminds me I need to get out on the bike more.

Those camping pods are brilliant, the better half and myself spent a few nights in one at Eskdale, easier and comfier than a tent especially seeing as I had a skin-full every night.

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Thanks for the comments guys :D

Archiec we did the trip at the end of August last year.

On with the report :wink:

So we parked up and picked up the keys for the hut and we took a much needed shower and change then grabbed a bite to eat before we took a walk along the bay.





We spotted a couple of deer grazing in the long grass.


As we headed back to the Applecross Inn the sun was beginning to set across the bay.


A couple of pints of local ale and the black stuff before we went inside to eat.



Ususlly when I do a ride report I like to record the fine or foul fodder we eat along the way, but I got lost in the fresh bay king prawns and forgot all about the pictures :roll:

While we were eating we noticed the the Inn was emptying quite fast and we looked at each other wondering what was happening :? Anyway I followed suit and went outside to see what all the fuss was about? Suddenly seeing the stunning sunset I went back inside for my camera. The pictures don't really do it justice, but it was one of the best I've ever seen.




We finished off our fine food and then headed back to the hut armed with a good bottle of red :wink:


After another good nights sleep we got up the following morning and packed up our kit and headed off for an eventful next two days the plan was to take the scenic coastal road and do a loop back down to Loch Carron, first off we went the opposite day to look at the picturesque harbour.

We both did a double take as we saw a large deer grazing at the side of the road as we left the campsite.



The peaceful harbour




We set off in the opposite direction and after around 6 miles I had no drive as it felt like the clutch was slipping. I stopped and put the bike in first and let out the clutch while I gave it a little gas.......... Nothing :shock:

We were in the middle of nowhere, but luckily we managed to get a phone signal :thumb:


I pulled the clutch cover and had a look to see if I could see anything amiss. After a call to a mate, he suggested I mix the clutch plates around to see if it made any difference, but no :shock:



To be continued, I gotta go to work :cry:

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So the clutch had gone kapput :? A couple on a Harley who we'd talked to at the campsite stopped to see if we were ok, but they were at a loss as to what could be wrong? They gave me a name of the local garage which was around 22 miles away :shock: and then they left us in the vast silence.




So we wait for a few minutes then a guy turns up on an old motorbike and has a look and asked if the large retaining nut should be loose It's the large nut which is loctited and torqued to 130 Nm How it had came loose I'll never know :?

Anyway the guy on the bike had a big adjustable spanner which I managed to get on the nut and tighten it up. The guy then followed me to the nearest garage which was 22 miles away in Loch Carron. When I got there I blagged a large socket, a wrench and some loctite, put the bike in gear and got the guy to sit on it with the rear brake on and I tightened it up the best I could. Buttoned it up, returned the tools, thanked the stranger and we were off again :D

Amazing cameraderie between the two wheeled world eh? 8-)

We camped in Tyndrum a couple of hundred yards from the Green Welly Stop south of Glen Coe in another wooden hut to try and keep away from the damned midges!

Another Barbie for dinner



The hut wasn't as cosy as the previous night, but it was warm and dry and it was sheltered from the midges.

We set off the following morning only to get 100 yards when I realised we had a flat rear tyre. Jack jumped off the bike and luckily there was a garage a couple of hundred yards up the road, so I rode there and Jack followed on foot.


I used the side stand method to break the bead as a couple of fellow bikers looked on open mouthed and wide eyed :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

One guy quipped, so when you gonna do the Dakar? I laughed and replied I wish! :D




I fitted the tube and pumped it up while Jack busied herself putting the tools back in the kit :thumb:



It was to be a testing day. :x

Off we finally went only to find it flat again after 20 miles or so :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I tried using a couple of C02 cannisters to get me onto the next major town where I was told that there was a motorcylce shop, but it was to no avail as the tyre went down straight away. Lady luck was shining on us though as 30 yards down the road was a tyre fitters, they didn't have any tubes or tyres for the bike but they did have an airline. :thumb:

I only had my 21" tube left, but it would have to do. When I removed the tube I inspected the tyre and saw the cause of the puntures. The rubber on the rim of the tyre had worn and the metal beads had pushed through and also broken off which was punturing the tubes. I cut the bead back the best I could fitted the tube and went onto the next town in search of the motorcycle shop.

We found it and purchased a new rear tube, just in case and then the inevitable happened again.

Sure as eggs are eggs, my stomach sank as the back end went all wallowy on me :evil:

We were in the middle of nowhere again and I was reluctant to fit the tube with the dodgy tyre, so I sat and waited and weighed up our options.


Jacks face says it all :(


I had got a dab hand at removing the wheel and tube though :lol:


After a little thinking and after a lot of ringing round all the tyre suppliers in and around Glasgow all came up with sorry we've no tyres to fit that bike

Bugger! :cry:

I then had a brainwave, I posted up on the UK KTM Forum as I knew there are a few Scottish lads on the forum and pleaded for help, a part worn rear tyre and a pump. Within 20 minutes I had 5-6 phone calls all offering to help Jack and I out. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

First up was Righanger who was around 20 miles south of Glasgow. Within an hour he shows up tyre round his midriff and a pump in the tankbag :lol: :lol:



20 minutes later we were on the road We took Righanger for a brew as that's all he'd take for his troubles and then we began the long haul home. We eventually got home just after midnight and it'd been an eventfull day to say the least!

It had shown me how good a community we have on the web and forums alike, when friends and strangers will go the extra mile to help out fellow inmates! We'd had a great time despite the three puntures and the clutch basket nut.

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So the Morale of the story is 'Once you get to Applecross. Stay there'

Got job your decent weather that day Gav. and an understanding Wife. Which to be fair it was her tyre that went down as she sits on the back.

For the Midgies have you tried 'Avon Skin so soft' in the green bottle its brilliant

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  • 1 month later...
That looked brilliant, i am so jealous. Ive always said to myself id like to go to scotland.


Nowt stopping you! Get on your bike and ride, if you need any info give me a shout :thumb:

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That looked brilliant, i am so jealous. Ive always said to myself id like to go to scotland.


Nowt stopping you! Get on your bike and ride, if you need any info give me a shout :thumb:


I do have a question, most probably dumb but here goes. How come you had to go on a ferry to get near applecross or was it just for fun?

Edit: Was there many hotels up there, as i dont plan to do any camping.

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That looked brilliant, i am so jealous. Ive always said to myself id like to go to scotland.


Nowt stopping you! Get on your bike and ride, if you need any info give me a shout :thumb:


I do have a question, most probably dumb but here goes. How come you had to go on a ferry to get near applecross or was it just for fun?

Edit: Was there many hotels up there, as i dont plan to do any camping.


We took the ferry to cut out riding up through Glasgow, as soon as we left the ferry we were pretty much into the scenic Highlands.

I think there are rooms available at the Applecross Inn.

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