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direct access age changing!

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i don't know how well known this information is just yet, might turn out that everyone reading this is already aware lol but i just found out today :)

for now, the minimum age for direct access (not having a two year restriction) is 21, however in 2013, a long time i know, but this will be increasing to 24.

i dont see the logic because as long as they can afford it, you may drive whatever you want at 17, around my area we have under 20s flying round in corsa VXRs and Focus STs and an exception i know, but a lad at 22 in a new audi RS4, and they all absolutely cane it everywhere, very dangerous.

I think they should only be so strict on bike riders if they apply something similar to in-experienced car drivers as well.

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i don't know how well known this information is just yet, might turn out that everyone reading this is already aware lol but i just found out today :)

for now, the minimum age for direct access (not having a two year restriction) is 21, however in 2013, a long time i know, but this will be increasing to 24.


Maybe. It's not been passed into local law yet has it? So it's still 'draft' as far as the UK is concerned?

It does sound harsh, but at the same time they do need to do something to address the current issue of 10% of newly qualified riders becoming a KSI statistic in their first year of full licence. That figure occurs with the current system, which I would suggest needs to change urgently to save lives.

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...you may drive whatever you want at 17, around my area we have under 20s flying round in corsa VXRs and Focus STs and an exception i know, but a lad at 22 in a new audi RS4, and they all absolutely cane it everywhere, very dangerous...


Believe it or not, a few years back when I used to attend local car meets, there was a 20 year old who used to turn up every Sunday in a McLaren SLR. He was a Merc salesman and his dad owned the dealership but f**k me, the SLR is a supercar!!

Could I afford one? Not at £350k, no.

Could I insure one now? No.

Could I ever insure one? Probably not.

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I just wonder isn't it some kind of discrimination? If we are to be restricted why not car drivers as well? All or no one...


It's a completely different category of vehicle! Do you honestly expect them to bring in tandem licencing arrangements that simultaneously affect HGV drivers, coach drivers, horse riders, taxi drivers, caravan towing drivers.... etc etc....

Motorcycling is dangerous. They are trying to reduce the 10% KSI figure. Is it just me that thinks their efforts should be applauded? :roll:

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I just wonder isn't it some kind of discrimination? If we are to be restricted why not car drivers as well? All or no one...


It's a completely different category of vehicle! Do you honestly expect them to bring in tandem licencing arrangements that simultaneously affect HGV drivers, coach drivers, horse riders, taxi drivers, caravan towing drivers.... etc etc....

Motorcycling is dangerous. They are trying to reduce the 10% KSI figure. Is it just me that thinks their efforts should be applauded? :roll:


HGV's (LGV's if you're European) have seen a few changes recently, as part of the LGV tests you must complete 35 hours additional training known as the 'driver initial Certificate of Professional Competence', in order to continue to hold a vocational LGV licence you must complete periodical training known as the 'driver periodical CPC', which is 35 hours every five years.

The downside (or upside depending on your point of view) is that you can now hold a class one (Euro C+E) licence from the age of 18. I've held mine since I was 17, but that's always been the case for armed forces drivers.

So effectively LGV licensing is going in the opposite direction to motorcycle licensing.

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My point here is not that everyone should be restricted, and I do agree that motorcycling is more dangerous, however I do not see the logic in becoming ever more strict on riders when, providing you have the money, you can blast around in whatever you want from 17.

Nothing to drastic should be done but somthing similar to Motorcycle license, like restricted to under 120bhp for 2 years for under 21s

And as far as I'm aware this is not a draft, it is happening in 2013

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You only have to read my first post on this thread to understand why some of the youth of today are driving round in powerful cars.

http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/view ... =2&t=39281

That is also another problem young people cant afford to insure cars so turn to bikes and find they can afford to insure powerful ones so it appeals.

Bogof is right, they will see the statistics as unacceptable in this health and safety driven world, so until we stop throwing ourselves at the scenery it will continue, maybe this measure is more acceptable than a blanket ban on powerful bikes or enforced power limits.

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I agree with it..

I was talking to a group of lads last night who were saying that they're just going to wait till there bday in the next few months, do a das and jump on r1s..

I spoke to one lad about it a bit more and he admitted that he would ride dangerously etc but as long as he was on a supersports big bike (and he kept mentioning R1) he didnt care..

Money etc was no problem..

Edit :

And actually this will change nothing, if a 20 year old wants to get a 600 and not restrict it.. They will, regaurless of the rules..

This wont change that..

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And if they are serious about reducing KSI's then why have they just made the test easier again.


The answer to that is very simple. MAG and other influential motorcycling pressure groups don't, seemingly, give a stuff for safety. They pressured the DSA into putting slow speed manouevres back on an open road full of other traffic instead of a safe purpose built compound. Idiots!

Of course most MAG members have already passed their test, so one wonders why they are so concerned about the test regime when there's little or no personal involvement. Maybe they just get off on flexing their 'political' muscles

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It was a rhetorical question but you're spot on. They're more concerned with keeping up the number of people taking their test.


I'm not entirely sure they (assume you mean DSA) are having too much difficulty keeping the numbers up...


Since 1995 to 2010 (quarter 1) the number of licensed motorcycles (by body type) has

increased by 77 per cent.


According to MAG, motorcycling is in decline. I guess it's fewer licence holders all owning multiple bikes then?

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The stories in MCN attacking the new test, often quoting MAG, always talked about the drop in numbers taking the test since it was introduced


Can't find the stats right now, but the drop in bike tests was matched by the drop in car tests, due more to the economy than the test itself. Overall, the pass rate has remained steady, despite MCN/MAG claiming the 2 part test was tougher.

Now of course it is quite possible that it is/was tougher, but if the pass rate is the same that suggests people were better prepared in terms of standard of training and preparation prior to taking the test. Which is a good thing, isn't it? Better trained would usually equate to better survival rate on the road, which is supported by the drop in KSI since the introduction of the test. Again, this must surely be a good thing?

However, MCN/MAG want the test dumbed down and have campaigned tirelessly to get it changed back. One wonders why if it's been a success in playing its part in saving lives! :roll:

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