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The way cycle lanes should be!


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Now, I'm aware of two things; firstly, this is a motorbike forum and secondly, any thread with the words "bicycle" or "cylist" in it is likely to cause some forum members to express what might be considered extreme views. Nevertheless, I wish to show you a photograph which everyone can enjoy:




This shows a cycle lane in Southampton, from the viewpoint of me, cyclist, this morning (incidentally, it is two-way, you just can't see the directional marker in the opposite direction, further down the lane). Note that it is segregated from the pavement by the kerb and from the rest of the road by a raised, broken kerb. In my opinion, this is how all cycle lanes should be layed out, for the following reasons:

1) It keeps cyclists separate from vehicles and pedestrians, which can only be a good thing for all concerned.

2) Currently, it is not illegal for a cyclist to move out of the cycle lane and onto the main part of the road. Sometimes it's necessary because of potholes, drains, etc. With a wider a fully segregated lane, it would be reasonable to change the law to prohibit cyclists from riding on the vehicular part of the road where a fully segregated, dedicated cycle lane exists.

3) It gives cyclists less excuse to ride their bikes through traffic and on the pavement as if the laws of the road don't apply to them (In the capacity of pedestrian, cyclist, biker and driver, I have shouted obscenities at quite a few University students in Southampton for cycling like dicks - diagonally across a box junction, against the flow of traffic, for example).

it's just a pity that the town planners didn't put this kind of thing in all cities right from the get-go after many of them were flattened during WW2. It would save a lot of city people a lot of hassle and would make everything move more smoothly.

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If I had a penny for every time an oncoming car has veered wildly in front of me to overtake a bicycle that already has a cycle lane of its own and doesn't need additional space when being overtaken...

Better cycle lanes are all very well but re-educating drivers on how to behave around them needs to be part of the deal!

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If I had a penny for every time an oncoming car has veered wildly in front of me to overtake a bicycle that already has a cycle lane of its own and doesn't need additional space when being overtaken...

Better cycle lanes are all very well but re-educating drivers on how to behave around them needs to be part of the deal!


The thing is, that the cycle lane posted in my OP is layed out such that drivers don't feel the need to veer out round cyclists. That's another reason why I like it so much.

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it will eventually happen. probably in my lifetime: cars will be banned from city centres and severely restricted in urban areas too. so this will become moot. Cycle lanes like that in the photo will just bring this happy day closer. If more roads are divided up like that it will make driving in cities a less and less attractive proposition. I have no problem with that. (I don't drive)

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driving home the other night and a car came 50% across the central markings into my lane and drove directly at me causing me to take evasive action. The reason he did this was because of a bicycle on his side. Had he slowed until it was safe to over take, everything would have been fine. I just think, when presented with a cyclist, some people's brains fall out of their ears and they do stupid stuff. I think if people apply a modicum of common sense, segregated cycle lanes won't be required as cyclist, motorcyclists, drivers and pedestrians would be able to live in harmony. I think it's possible, but everyone in a car is too self centred for that to work. Often they're misguided also, believing cyclists should cycle so far to the left that they're scraping their wheels along the curb, and herd cyclists to said curb when they are taking priority.

anyway. to the point. Can't we all just get along and save the cash and space of segregated cycle lanes to spend on something more useful?

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I think if people apply a modicum of common sense, segregated cycle lanes won't be required as cyclist, motorcyclists, drivers and pedestrians would be able to live in harmony.

Can't we all just get along and save the cash and space of segregated cycle lanes to spend on something more useful?


I share your sentiments entirely, however ...


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I think if people apply a modicum of common sense, segregated cycle lanes won't be required as cyclist, motorcyclists, drivers and pedestrians would be able to live in harmony.

Can't we all just get along and save the cash and space of segregated cycle lanes to spend on something more useful?


I share your sentiments entirely, however ...



Yeah, i forgot one thing when writing that sentence... People are dicks.

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GoG, persons are normally fine. People, however, are dicks. Individually we are mostly nice as pie (shortcrust chunky steak from Morrisons, is my favourite), but as a group? Dicks.

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Don't think Klingelton was being personal with anyone :lol:

I got taught "people are idiots" and it only makes sense when you're victim to human belief.

I take it to mean when someone says "people are ***" that we all have the same capacity for it, not necessarily guilty of it.

For example, girl goes crying to a bunch of lads she just met saying how she was used by her ex. These guys in hero mode go and punch up the lad... Only to find out he left her for her cheating on him and didn't tell anyone as it's not their business. They didn't bother fact checking, they just believed as this person seemed genuine - AKA an idiot.

We've all been duped by something and felt an idiot at some time or another :lol:

But on point!

Cycle lanes are a good idea...

But maybe cyclists should register and pay for them through a little thing I call road tax.

It's simple, you get a road that is yours exclusively to use, regardless of the fact they won't wear it down anytime soon, weathering and accidents on the road will damage it over time. So paying a £10 annual pass for London cycle lanes to have your own safe, personal, and maintained space seems fair.

I'd pay it as it would save me £10 in fuel in the first 2 days. And think of the countless thousands of cyclists in London. You get a good network going and a payment system to repair and expand it, and you have a working system build and maintained by the cyclist community.

If only they did this with roads rather than spending the dosh elsewhere...

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[strikeout]Again :offtopic: I cannot agree - I (as do you) belong to this 'group' (TMBF) and I for one am proud to do so. You will not last long if you label all the guys and gals on here as 'Dicks'.

PS. See you (albeit briefly before your swim) at T'Rally?[/strikeout]

NB. This is humour - not a personal attack!


Back on track (or cycleway) - They seem to be well used in Stevenage and, where they are available, in Cambridge. My biggist gripe is the two-hats you come across who insist in riding 2 (or more) abreast in the roadway. as well as ignoring all traffic Rules/Laws (Red lights, etc.).


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But maybe cyclists should register and pay for them through a little thing I call road tax.

Motorists don't pay road tax so why should cyclists?

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why are cycles the only form of transport to have their own lane??


Apart from trams. And buses. And taxis. And Prescott's Jags.

And toads, frogs and hedgehogs.

Oh, and pedestrians :)

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And as for the road tax argument ... well, it's tired! Nobody pays road tax, we pay VED. There are plenty of cars out there on which you pay £0 in VED, but nobody shouts at them, "You don't pay road tax". It's a question of perspective (and wilful ignorance!) which is not helped by those cyclists who (a) ride like twats and (b) dress from head to toe in lycra and act like they own the road (see point a).

I do agree that there should be a tax on cyclists - £10 per year would be fine by me, so long as it was ring-fenced for the provision and maintenance of cycle lanes.

Seeing that the gov't doesn't ring fence any of the fuel duty that we pay, and that councils don't ring fence any of the parking charges that car drivers pay, I can't see the gov't ring-fencing anything that they get from cyclists either!

Edited by XmisterIS
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