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Everything posted by Benn

  1. It's always good to think of the low budget solutions too.
  2. I don't get pressured at all when I'm out... Hardly ever get tailgated and when I do, I tend to convince them to f**k off - usually I'm overtaking though. So I'm not sure it would be worth getting a helmet cam... I guess stuff only needs to happen once. Hmmm.
  3. Not my place to comment at all, but I'm worried by some things I've read. Hope everything works out okay for you.
  4. Benn

    I wanna go touring!

    Well, I've done around 300 miles on it at once a few times, but not days and days in a row - just don't wanna take it too far from home and get stuck. I find my bike comfy, I just stand up on the pegs when it's quiet every now and then to stop my bum going completely numb
  5. I don't get to pose, I'm just the drummer! If I can bike up to the wedding, I'll definitely be able to pop over on the 30th, otherwise I'll post some piccies of my deformed fingers and do my best puppy dog eyes
  6. I'll do nob of the week as I haven't been out in a few days. One nominee is a guy in an Ariel atom who did about 100 strait down the middle of the road and swerved back into his lane about 10 meters in front of me... That shit me up. But the winner is the man doing 20 in a national speed limit who happened to be receiving a cheeky hand job off his passenger.
  7. Sadly (sort of), I'm playing a wedding on the 29th... I may be able to catch a train and visit for a day as the wedding is in Lincoln. But I doubt I'll make it this year.
  8. Oh, I was lubing the chain with a oil soaked sponge. And hopefully I'll be back on in a month or less! The nurse who chatted to me was a biker - she has an R1, so it was good to chat to her. She gave me some advice on what clutch lever to get.
  9. I don't think I'll notice much difference if I'm honest... It's just so huge anyway!
  10. Thanks for all the well wishes! Although I couldn't reply, I'd read all of them before the op and they made me smile. Op went great, ended up watching the whole thing - it was fascinating. I have a new found respect for surgeons! The ends of my fingers look like Cornish pasties now.
  11. just wait for rally pics to be put up on show bound to be some sillyness there as there normally is Off to the hospital for some surgery now - they're using a local anesthetic, so any advice on how to not freak out would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping I can put some music in my ears and get high on gas again!
  12. You watch out Tiggie, I've got you in my cross hairs. If you ever do anything stupid...
  13. 17. And I avoid them at all cost anyway! I'd love a scottoiler! But I don't think I'll be riding for a couple of months anyway. All summer touring plans scratched! Ergh. Ta for the well wishes.
  14. It was alright.. Now it's pointier - even better.
  15. Time to invest in some common sense lessons
  16. I know and it's such a pathetic thing to do
  17. Small glove. My chain is now lubricated with the tips of my fingers Need to clean that up tomorrow...
  18. ...don't have the f**king engine running! No need to tell me what a twat I am, I already know. Learned my lesson - hard. This is embarrassing more than anything - I never do this, I knew how stupid it was before I even got the bike. Never done it before... It was just one of those moments of stupidity. I had to slap some oil on my chain before a quick run to my old college and stupidly accidentally somehow got the bike in gear! Long story short, I severed about a centimeter off the ends of two of my fingers. (Only view if you are not faint heart-ed) http://i.imgur.com/Z7gyWtI.jpg To clarify, I have no idea how the bike ended up in gear! Anyone who's a f**king idiot like me, pay attention. Never, under any circumstances, go near the chain when the engine is running. Just don't. DON'T. Not ever. It's not worth it. Don't be a dick, like me. But it's a great excuse to swear at passers by! http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/954751_582722105094051_1751095124_n.jpg
  19. No worries, my questions have been answered.
  20. Benn

    I wanna go touring!

    Matty - Good idea I could spend a week getting as many c100 tags as possible. But it's always been a dream of mine to see Switzerland and I'd love to go back to Germany and I've heard Southern France is beautiful, so I hope to do Europe one day - maybe it would be a good idea to do the UK this year and Europe next year when I have more experience. And Stu, I am happy to do my test if I have a good reason to do it. It's not worth the money just to loose my L plates but if it means I could tour Europe, it would be worth it Yorbandit - I'm working on learning some mechanics! I try to do anything on my bike myself.
  21. yes you did read it and it was me although I seem to be getting more oil then I can use!! time to get rid of some I remember now! I thought it was either you, Tango or Techno
  22. I had all of it in the old castrol container and was trying to figure out how to get it on without wasting too much, then I thought of this... I poured it onto a sponge and waited for it to soak in, then wiped the chain down with it - worked a treat
  23. Thanks! Yeah, I thought of that Now just to figure out how to apply it...
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