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Everything posted by Benn

  1. I think that's awesome. Jus' sayin'.
  2. I might end up with quite a severe case of road rash.
  3. I really liked the sunset this evening, so I hopped off the bike and took a couple of snaps. http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/282891_611308575568737_1284012045_n.jpg http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1003050_611308505568744_237881249_n.jpg
  4. You're like a... Hero!
  5. If you take it to a dry cleaners, they have a special way of cleaning leather stuff which isn't dry cleaning.
  6. They're ridiculous. They have em in Portsmouth. I never use them as I feel like such a twat slowing everyone down.
  7. Hmm.. The only thing that earns me money is drumming, so I'll put that. But that's more of a part time job, going by how much I earn In my spare time, I drum, cycle and talk to dolphins.
  8. That's quite a wide age gap that you're looking at there! I'd give him a swift punt to the nards, if I were you, min200 (if that is your real name)
  9. Burns are better than road rash! I need to get a pair for this weather.
  10. Benn

    Poetic Justice

    He's most likely going to have a hard time in prison! He's gonna be hated by everyone and be bottom of the pile. Like the April Jones murderer. He's already had his throat slashed.
  11. Just cannot stop listening to these guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AptFFvzwd7A
  12. I like bacon on my bacon and if it's still a bit flavorless, I layer a little more bacon on top.
  13. Haha, glad to hear it Please do Good to see you're back in the bike dude Thanks man Bleeeaaahhhh... http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1013466_597792750253653_55661281_n.jpg
  14. And... http://distilleryimage4.ak.instagram.com/6919af9eea1f11e2ab3e22000a1fb352_7.jpg We're back!
  15. Are you exceptionally attractive?
  16. I see. I just pointed my camera at it and turned the focusy ring bit Good news, I just went out to put my clutch lever back on and found can operate it fine now. Before I used two fingers, now I have to use all four, but there's no issues with pulling it in/out at any speed. Now just to speak to the insurance company... f**k.
  17. Well done and congrats I'm not even gonna try and help you choose
  18. So is that what it's about? Instead of real, consistent justice, we have a system that makes examples of a few? Maybe if everyone got appropriate sentences, they wouldn't need to make examples of people.
  19. My take on it, is he's an idiot and sleazy, but equally, she's old enough to have the sense to not if she didn't want to. He didn't force her or anything. He did wrong (in my opinion), but not Stuart Hall wrong. Some consistency in justice would be nice.
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