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Everything posted by grunthorpe

  1. I wouldn't personally vote for them, but I can't stand this "we all hate UKIP" bandwagon that everyone seems to jump on for easy Facebook likes, it's just ignorant to dismiss a party you don't understand. This is a democracy, therefore you vote for who you like and the most popular ones get in! So if you don't like them don't vote for them! Off topic rant over. Sorry! This wasn't aimed at anyone here I just had to vent haha
  2. Congratulations for the most sexist post ever My dad was way better at sewing than my mum haha
  3. The stats were skewed by people returning from tour. Immediately following return your risk taking judgement is all skewed off so chances of accidents increase. Least that's what we were told when I was serving. Tbh I think most of us military lot have destroyed too many brain cells down the pub to be smart enough to know when we are supposed to die
  4. Coming from a REAL Cathedral city myself (Oxford) I just laughed at them in all honesty
  5. Hi Elgin is our nearest large town so I will look them up. Thank you Ooh don't call it a town, the locals fiercely insist it is a city because it has a ruin of a cathedral haha
  6. Hey Are you near Elgin? If so I did my CBT with a good instructor from Two Wheelers (I think)
  7. Has anyone seen the baron von grumble video in this where he gets asked to take off his helmet? He does it, but leaves his balaclava pulled up so high you can only see his eyes and they serve him
  8. Shouldn't he be wearing a minimum of helmet, jacket, gloves and boots at all times when on a bike?
  9. Yes, at the Tesco in Huntly, where the disabled spaces were either unmarked or marked by faded paint and a tiny blue sign at kerb height I didn't see. Also they weren't even that close to the shop! So when I got out of the shop, an elderly gentleman gave me a lecture and I felt really guilty even though it was a genuine mistake
  10. Robert Webb So do a lot of people if you read the comments
  11. Giggidy Sorry, couldn't resist, you left it... wide open!
  12. Hey guys, I don't know if you remember my last posts on this subject, but I am finally on my way to learning to ride. Over here in Cyprus the system is a little different so I thought I would give you a quick run down. Firstly, I had to be living here for six months before I could apply for my cypriot provisional licence. For this you have to fill out a bit of paperwork and answer a few road sign questions. Next stage is to start taking lessons! Got my first on on Thursday, really excited! You have to take a minimum seven lessons and then take an a1 test, there is no cbt equivalent and you have to complete your a1 before you can ride alone or move on to bigger bikes. I'll keep you posted!
  13. That's a dangerous approach, trying to apply common sense to legislation, especially licensing law lol
  14. In tune with this general sentiment, I saw an old duffer stuck in traffic in an impreza, embarrassing his wife with his booming chavvy music
  15. I think he would be hopping to you at best
  16. I can 100% sympathise with this. I have to give myself ages to wake up before I consider going to work otherwise I just won't function. If it wasn't for my job I would be almost nocturnal! My girlfriend on the other hand wakes up and is rushing about immediately trying to get stuff done while I try to figure out what's happening...
  17. Thanks very much! I sort of assumed that when looking on pinlock's own website and it saying they didn't make them for my helmet, that would be definitive!
  18. Hey guys, You haven't failed me yet so I'm hoping I'm not about to ruin your glorious streak! Hopefully one day I will be able to return the favour (like when I'm back in the UK and manage to make a rally or something ) Anyhow, I was sucked into buying a beautiful K3 helmet due partly to it's snug fit, but mostly because it is really pretty! (Yes I am a man but I was like a girl in a shoe shop - no sexism intended toward our lovely lady contributors ) I had foolishly done no research prior to my purchase, so am lumbered with a big problem. I can't seem to find a road-legal tinted visor for it anywhere... I would settle for a tinted pinlock insert, but low and behold, they don't make one :/ So here is your mission if you choose to accept - please could you find me either a road-legal tinted visor or suggest an alternative means of tinting a clear visor? Thanks, Nick
  19. Well its strange really, if I text my gf from Cyprus to the UK it costs about 10p, whereas if she texts me its about 40p... Turkey isn't even in the EU so it could be worse...
  20. Turns out some people will find a way to argue anything, I lived near Brize Norton airbase (built in 1918) for most of my childhood and people complained about that... even though the base was older than their parents...
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