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Posts posted by Phooey

  1. This time last year I was all excited after spending hundreds of pounds on the love of my life. Christmas day came and I handed her her first prezzie. She opened it excitedly. "It's a wand", she said ... "A f*cking wand".

    "Not just any old wand", I told her, "It's a magic wand. Go on say the magic words".

    "Abracafuckingdabra", she said rather sarcastically.

    "Bloody hell, love", I said looking down the side of the bed, "you've made all of your other prezzies disappear."

    And that is how I got the blackeye!

  2. Genius idea! I'd pinch it, if it weren't for the fact that I almost need a new rear tyre and I'm almost due for a service but I reckon I can drag it out to my next pay cheque if I keep my riding down to just the essential stuff :lol:

    Hang in there, Ollie. You never know what [secret] Santa will bring! :lol:

  3. Sounds like a great opportunity for us conscientious biker types to make a few quid and deliver all the parcels and letters the other w*nkers don't want to. Gonna start with my own secret santa :lol:

    maybe not ... :D

  4. Me and my mate encountered this very early one day a few years back on a dual carriageway. We were sat at the limit when a police car came past about 15mph faster, my mate matched them keeping a 2 or 3 car distance. Panda car dropped back and the passenger cop gave us a slow down signal with a very stern expression. My mate shook his head and continued to follow until the police car dropped to the limit.

    Nothing happened but on the same trip he legitimately got a ticket from an average speeed camera lol.


    That''s why I asked the question because I assume in your case the officers were not responding to an emergency but felt it OK to exceed the limit only to wrap your knuckles when you did!

  5. As someone who did the job for 25 years and teaches traffic law, let me clarifynthe situation,

    Police drivers aremrequired to obey the sane traffic laws as you and I have to comply with. End of........

    However, Police drivers are permitted to exceed the speed limit if it is required in order to perform their duties. For example doing a following speed check. They may be on an emergency call but what is called a silent approach is required, in other words no sirens or blues. They may be required to get from point A to point B rapidly without drawing too much attention to themselves, for example to intercept a target vehicle, the list goes on and it is a judgement call the driver has to make which is why most forces no longer allow drivers of Panda cars to get involved in pursuits.

    On an energency call, the some traffic laws can become flexible. For example going through a red traffic light may be treated as a "Give Way" they can go the wrong side of traffic islands and so on, but.... the onus of responsibility and liability remains with the driver. In other words if the driver gets it wrong he (or she) has to answer for it and they run the risk of double jeopardy as they can get done by the courts as well as internally on a disciplinary.

    There may be slight variances from force to force but not that many, and if you have been tol by a serving copper that they can only speed if displaying blues and two's the he needs to get sent back to his force driving school because I don't care what force he is from, he is wrong and I know quite a few Avon and Somerset Traffic cops (Bristol) and they work to the same policy as everyone else.


    Thanks TC

  6. They dont have to be on blues and twos to exceed the limit .. they must have a reason if called up on it ..

    If they had issue with the manner if your excessive speed imsure they would have had words

    and i doubt you saying well you were going that fast why cant i... would be a black mark towards you


    I wasn't speeding Tim. I did ask a police officer that I bumped into at Mc D's and he said if they were exceeding the speed limit they must be displaying blues and two's. But refused to comment on their excessive speed! They are required to comply with the law.

  7. The other day coming back from work on the motorway I was travelling at 70mph, honest guv! It really was 70 mph, and a police car with no blues and two's sped past me at 85 - 90 estimate. Since they are supposed to be upholding the law and not break the law, if I accelerated to match their speed would they book me for speeding? If so, would they not be dropping themselves in proverbial also?

  8. Headlight aim can be affected by lowering the bike as dropping the back will make the front point higher

    Setting the aim is not always an easy thing to do you ideally need a light tester thingy that MOT man uses

    I would be tempted to just lower the light a bit until drivers stop flashing but so you can still see


    Poo! ... was hoping to know for sure. lol


    PS: Thanks for the donation :thumb:


    It wasn't much but you are very welcome. A couple of quid every now and then isn't much but might help

  9. Ok guys. Some of you know that I have recently lowered my FZ1. Two questions:

    a) would this lowering affect my headlight alignment? and

    b) is there an easy way to check if it is out?

    I am asking simply because I am getting a few cars flashing me at night and I didn't on the old bike! Wondering if the headlight is a bit high?

  10. cold weather is fine with the right gear. Sleet is frickin horrible. I remember getting caught on the motorway once when it started sleeting. you open your visor and you get sleet in your eyes, you close the visor and the sleet sticks. you open it a crack and everything fogs up and you can't see a thing. Worst experience ever!


    Coming home on the motorway last night my visor was freezing and the more I tried wiping it off the more it hindered my view. Heated visors is what we need for the winter!

  11. Driving to work isn't an option at the moment. Where I am based we have ONE parking space allocated to the entire maths department. Someone didn't do their maths!

    I can park the bike though. Bus is £6 a day and takes nearly two hours - getting out of Weston and into Bristol in rush hour is a nightmare!. I can get to work on the bike in about 45 minutes to an hour. Weather permitting

  12. not all underwriters will accept your NCB off the car as suitable for the van


    I can't see how that can be if the van falls under a B category :?


    You can only use NCB on one vehicle at a time can't you??

  13. I left for work this morning at -3 degrees C and after scraping the frost from my seat, scraping the ice off my mirrors and negotiating the miriad of drain covers out of my cul-de-sac, I got on my way. Fog like pea soup and roads slippery I daudled along at half the speed limit (which was 60 mph). First time I'd ridden in such bad weather.

    Was I worried about hitting someone I didn't see through the fog? NO!

    Was I concerned that I might fall off on the slippery road surface? NO!

    Was I thinking about being late for work? NO!

    I was smilling and thinking, 'thank f*ck I bought these heated grips!' :D

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