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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. Gonna be wild in Argentina tomorrow......they've all been going down like skittles today!
  2. On the money Clive! I found that around 45 is when the deterioration started......and from then on it was downhill all the way.
  3. The worst thing I find is the deteriorating vision! Really pisses me off that I have to put glasses on just to see what the hell I'm buying in the shop!
  4. ...When bacon tasted like bacon... Don't blame you mate, that bird on the bike is a bit ragged. Damn.....Tango....get these kids under control! They'll be posting Justin Bieber and Gangsta Rap vids next! Tell you what though......back in those days people used to look and at us and say "Put 'em in The Army". Now they say "Put 'em in The Old People's Home".
  5. What the hell are you lot on about.....I'm 62 in 4 weeks time! I'd like to go back to 1975..... http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/k5002.jpg .......mainly to make sure I didn't marry the bitch of a first wife that I had! Though I wouldn't say no to that hair colour now! The way I look at it is getting old is shit......but it's still better than the alternative. And anyway, I've never stopped behaving in the anti-social manner of a 70's Greaser just because I got old! http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/12815.jpg Well except that I don't screw slags in a wheelbarrow in my mate's garage any more. But you never know.....I may get lucky!
  6. Apparently the Espargaro brothers did a demonstration ride through Buenos Aires yesterday......and didn't fall off! Hope nobody's sending Crutchlow out!
  7. We need dustbin fairings to come back! Good enough for Bob Mac! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qel6ERXuh4A/Tev85Ud_RYI/AAAAAAAABsQ/ubgTz_9ySdE/s1600/Bob+McIntyre_5.jpg
  8. Word on the street was that Rossi was offered 10 million a year to renew! Despite having no titles since 2009. Jorge has been offered 6 million to renew despite the fact that he's World Champion and has given Yamaha 3 championships in 6 seasons. Seems to me that a rider's value these days is based primarily on their marketing potential rather than their riding ability. If I was Jorge I'd tell them to stick it and jump to Ducati.......who've put 12 million on the table!
  9. I'm sure I saw a dummy fall out from Rossi's helmet when Marquez passed him. It appears that the Rossi fans have descended on the MotoGP Facebook page to present their usual structured and logical analysis of the situation: "I am Valentino fan!! I don't know any english!!! Marquez and Jorge can go suck big cock!! Vale is greatest!" Yes....that one's real! Some of the stuff coming out is priceless.....take a look at this one.....cos Marquez was blocking Rossi again apparently! http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/ss122.jpg
  10. Some rumours flying round on social media (yet to be confirmed) that Rossi could have been blocking for Marquez as he never attempted a pass.
  11. Smooth and clinical performance from Jorge!
  12. Turns out Bradley Smith has signed with KTM for MotoGP next year.
  13. Haaaaha! I'm hoping vinales and ianonne can keep at the front mix it up a bit qualifying was a lot more exciting than the f1 Viñales is riding superbly.......Pedrosa need to be worried about his future IMO.
  14. No Neil.....I've always been a Jorge fan! So I'm on the take as well!
  15. What interests me is who else is going to be in on the big conspiracy against him? It's been well reported that Dorna along with all the Spanish riders and Honda are part of this cartel. Bridgestone also had the finger pointed at them last year for allegedly making a tyre purely to support Jorge's riding style. And early indications are that the Michelins might help him as well.....so throw those two in. Stoner is back in the Ducati camp so he's obviously an accessory, and Biaggi being a mate of Lorenzo has to be up to his neck in it. Gibernau's been quiet.....pencil him in too. And Rossi's girlfriend has now finished with him, apparently because of his total obsession with Marquez! So that bitch is on the payroll for sure! Everybody has to be a suspect at this moment in time I'd say.
  16. The Rossi fanboys are going to be all over that one like a rash!
  17. I think everybody's gearing up for another round of Rossi v Marquez......Dorna must be rubbing their hands in glee at this soap opera. It's not going to take much to kick it off again!
  18. Viñales flying today in qualifying!
  19. Whatever happens......I ain't going back!
  20. Weather was about 16C and blue skies.....so a perfect day! Here's a couple of shots! http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116a.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116b.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/ban/ban81.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/ban/ban82.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116c.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116d.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116e.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116f.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116g.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116h.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116i.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/1116k.jpg Then back home..... http://www.motorcyclesport.net/ban/ban80.jpg And a little vid! https://vimeo.com/150479519
  21. All Police and Guardia Civil (heavy mob) are armed here in Spain. If something does kick off they will shoot! And people know it! Personally I'm bloody glad of it!
  22. I'm saving the best till Hull is -10 and submerged Stu! But here's a couple of shots to get you prepared..... http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/181015a.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/ban/ban32.jpg http://www.motorcyclesport.net/pics/181015b.jpg
  23. Yeh.....still very mild.....early 20's!
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