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Everything posted by XTreme

  1. The Rossi Fanboys are out in force again on FaceButt and Twitter!
  2. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition Neil! http://i.imgur.com/AuQukFk.gif' alt='IMGUR>'>
  3. Somebody's bound to knock the poor little bast*rd off tomorrow! After all, he's got Ianonne and Pol just in front.......and Crutchlow only a few places behind! Anything can happen with those three near to you!
  4. Jorge half a second clear of Marquez Neil. Rossi 7th......Laverty 16th. Iannone binned it again too.....but still got 3rd.
  5. Jorge is flying today! Your hero doesn't seem to be on the pace Neil? Don't worry.....I'm sure he'll stuff it up some younger lads tomorrow! What you reckon Six?
  6. Stoner will never come back......and even if he did, he won't be the rider he was back in 2007.
  7. If it's not Viñales then I'd say it would be one of the Espargaro's.
  8. Somebody suggested Crutchlow may get a works ride......but I can't see it based on form or nationality. Apparently Viñales wanted 5 million from Yamaha (they offered Jorge 6 and Rossi 10).....so that's taking the piss given he's never even won a MotoGP race. Doubt Honda will pay that for him either.
  9. Word on the street is Pedrosa is going to Yamaha!
  10. XTreme


    If this dating site stuff was round in my day (my day is long gone now )......I think I'd cut straight to the chase! Stick a macho shot up along with the tagline.... "VAGINAL DRYNESS IS A KILLER! MEET THE CURE" or.... "SOOTHES ITCHY FANNIES BETTER THAN CANESTAN". May be worth a try today you know!
  11. XTreme


    Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"? The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali! Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact! yeh back in the day, mine was a bit later than the seventies., the drugs was just as good though Just get yourself down the pub OP, or an over 30's disco ... go for the fat ugly birds they very very rarely turn you down and if you bull shit em that you own a cafe or a cake shop she'll be putty in your hands You'd think twice if they were wearing VR46 hats Six!
  12. XTreme


    I tell you something that has changed due to interaction on the net......and that's predatorial women. I've had it a number of times on FaceButt.......and obviously in my case these ain't young girls. There's no messing about with them......they go straight in for the kill. I've got to be really careful because just innocently chatting away with some of them can quickly switch to something else. A divorced mate of mine (same age as me) has had a number of really creepy stalker types homing in on him.
  13. XTreme


    Personally I've never found this to be pleasant, never mind worth while. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind going to the pub with friends, but purely to pull, no. But then, maybe I just attract all the weirdos :-/ I find it much easier to talk to people over the internet/text than face to face or even on the phone. Especially "strangers". Informal conversations can lead to more if both sides are wanting it to happen. Obviously I can't view it from the female perspective Arwen......but back in the day that's the only way there was. And at least in real life you can get a fair idea of what people are like......cos on the net so many people are lying and bullshitting, and pretending to be something they're not.
  14. XTreme


    This, and lower your standards Don't young guys get smacked in the face by birds any more? Or do they just get "unfriended"? The whole world's gone soft......back in the 70's I took more punishment than Richard Dunn when he fought Muhammad Ali! Never did me any harm......made me the man I am today in fact!
  15. XTreme


    Don't anybody just go to a pub or club and pull anymore? Course at my age now the only place I'd pull would be in an Old People's Home!
  16. I've got a little Puig screen.......they only cost about 30 quid on eBay and they do help a bit. Obviously it's not as effective as a big screen though. http://www.motorcyclesport.net/ban/ban107.jpg
  17. It's started......Jorge is convinced that Rossi is getting info and support that he isn't. In this case he's referring specifically to the tyres and kept quiet about any other factors.......but who knows where it could go? Source here (in Spanish): http://www.diariogol.com/es/notices/2016/04/valentino-rossi-tambien-lleva-michelin-la-informacionprivilegiada-de-yamaha-60771.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  18. I hope they keep him on......he deserves it!
  19. Yeh......when my first child came along in 1977! And I didn't sell and I'm still here!
  20. Meanwhile Keith Richards completes a triathlon!
  21. I think you'll pick up on my accent easy enough Neil...... https://vimeo.com/162992682
  22. Apparently Lorenzo had rear tyre issues and had to keep rolling the throttle off because of it......and Marquez had front tyre issues. You're Irish Neil?
  23. One thing though since Lorenzo's Ducati switch is official! You can expect Yamaha to throw everything behind Rossi from this point on. I'm not saying that that was a contributory factor today, but further on you never know!
  24. Credit where it's due, Rossi had a great race today. But can he maintain that level throughout the season?
  25. Maybe he thought you were grooming him for one of your Benidorm excursions Stu?
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