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Everything posted by rennie

  1. Yes fat fingers! I'll attempt to correct it
  2. The season starts this weekend in philip Island! We're going away so I won't see it. I presume it'll be on eurosport.
  3. Good morning Biblical rain overnight! Might be an interesting drive to York later!
  4. I'm off work now till Monday! We're going to York tomorrow for a couple of nights! It's our anniversary karaoke at the pub Saturday night
  5. Good evening, only 1 more day at work this week!
  6. Good morning Surprisingly hangover free! Have even cooked breakfast
  7. The Norfolk Nutters are on their way here, The karaoke is set up and the beer fridge is stocked . I'm looking forward to a good weekend
  8. Someone reported it so I dealt with it, no big deal unless people turn it into 1
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Let's have less of the A, B. C malarkey please! I/We don't have to do much moderating lately, lets keep it that way
  11. I've considered applying for a blue badge! I have an allocated disabled parking space at work! It's just 1 of those things I've never got round to
  12. Good evening I haven't been to a judo grading for about 45 years!
  13. We're going to see my Daughters new house today! There may be cider involved
  14. We're definitely going to this! Have booked the campervan onto the local campsite
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