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Everything posted by rennie

  1. Survived the work's do! only slightly drunk! The Norfolk nutters are on their way! more drunkenness is imminent
  2. Season's greetings! have a good trip
  3. We've just bought a Ninja! pleased with it so far! much better chips than the 1 we had before
  4. I've just ordered a brand new top of the line Ninja and it's being delivered tomorrow!
  5. We're going to the Pub tonight! Silly season starts on Thursday! my first work's Christmas do for 20 odd years ! The Norfolk nutters are coming here on Friday Beer and Karaoke all weekend
  6. Good Morning Yes we have 2 to 3 inches of proper snow! no sign of any thawing yet. As usual our cars are in the wrong order on the drive so I'll have to go out and clear them just so we can swap them round ready to clear them again in the morning
  7. Proper blast from the past! I'm still here Welcome back
  8. I'm hoping they might change things slightly next year
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