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Everything posted by Azen

  1. Azen

    back wheel seized

    that's it Plus Gas!!! Can't believe I forgot that! I was chatting to the guy for ages. I took it to a shop to the the tyres fitted and they just couldn't get the bolt free so will be going back today hopfully they have better luck as it was that seized that it was knocking the swingarm
  2. Azen

    back wheel seized

    Hi guys and girls, I went to get new tyres put on the bike and the back (axel???) the sprocket bearing have seized onto it and it will not budge! I was talking to a biker that lived near me and he was talking about some kind of penatrating oil called gas go or go gas or something like that? said it is always near the wd40 and that it sounds like wd40 would not shift it, and I want new tyres!!! as the old ones are cracked and I keep thinking that I'm goingto have a blow out ..... any Ideas what he was talking about as I can't remember the name of it
  3. the main things I got tought were make sure that your road positioning is always centre (unless you are turning right or left then position yourself accordingly) Lifesavers and observations (OSM PSL) mirrors before you indicate, right sholder check, indicate, position life saver about a carlengths before you turn. in traffic before moving more than 1 meter check both sholders then move off. following distance 2 seconds in normal conditions, 4 seconds in the wet, and i hink it is 6 seconds in snow??? stopping in traffic make sure that you can see the car in fronts mirrors. cancel indicators when you turn into the new road and alsways check your mirrors when entering before accelerating (do thins when cancelling indicators I found it works better for me as i remember the two together) roundabouts, when going straight across use the left hand lane then takeing an exit past 12 o'clock use the right handlane or position to the right. speed, go as slow or as quick as you feel safe to do round corners I usually drop into third if I'm not already in it. if you are unsure of the speed remember that unless other wise signed that roads will be 30 or have 20 zones in built up areas (they like to trick you ;P) Hope this helps. Also remember it is better to get a minor for hesitation than to get a serious for making another road user slow down.
  4. Damn it I wanted to go to Beltaine in hastings this year! Grrrr soo annoyed with myself! Are the doing the march of the giants again?
  5. Azen


    Note to self find carb intake I'm proper thick when it comes to this kinda stuff
  6. Azen


    how would i get rid of a build up of carbon in the engine?
  7. So yesterday I passed my mod 2 I'm now a liecene holder!!! :D well it started out really well the whole drive went great! I was told where to go for 10 minutes, then I had 10 minutes of indepedent riding (Which I went the wrong way on, but as long as you keep up your sholder checks your fine!!!) the only two parts which i could have failed on were: 1) I was told to turn left at the end of the road (Which i did no problem) then at the end of that road I was given no instruction. So I take a central road position and read the road infront of me (I had missed the sign and the speed sign) I notice that the traffic from the right was using both lanes (it didn't twig at first as I was feeling a little slow on the day ) the it dawned on me the reason he didn't give me any direction was that it was a one way road, so i turn my handle bars to the left and out I pull all good (though i picked up two minors for that for road positioning and undue hesitation) 2) the instructor and I got seperated, I was told to pull over where it was safe(ok I thought i got this as there was 5 mins left of the test). So I pull over, not blocking anyones driveway and putting my foot on the pavement (they like to see that for some reason???) then I look down S**t double yellow lines!!! (I've failed i thought), so i check my mirrors and prey to the biking gods that the deamon instructor has not seen my quite obvious mistake! I do all my checks and start edging forward then a voice comes into my ear (oh balls) move away when it is safe to do so (ok don't know how to feel...). so we get back to the test centre and he has that sturn face on him and im like oh god no please don't tell me he picked up on it! the instructors says something to me which i don't hear because at this point it's like an episode of Snoopy and the instructor is the teacher! well i get into the office put my helmet on the chair and my gloves take off the radio pack and the instrctor garbles out some more gobbledy gook and all I hear is "Congratulations you've passed, blah blah blah" I just looked at him for about a minute blankly sure i had failed for a stupid mistake! in the end I picked up three minors one for road positioning one for undue hesitation and one for getting too close to a car which i think he just put that one in there as all the cars i got near in traffic i could see the mirrors of. so it just goes to show they are not looking for amazing riders that don't make mistakes, they are just looking for safe riders, and even if you think you have failed ride like you've just started the test and put mistakes behind you and stay safe
  8. Azen


    Cheers man, first BIG bike so i want to make sure i know ALL about it I know general maintanence wike servicing brake callipers and things like that but engines and wireing confuzzle me
  9. Azen


    Thank you there is a bit of what i think is oil or it could just be a build up of crap from the previous owner (The bike is getting washed this weekend ((This could also explain the smell when the engine gets warmer )) I'm just weary of washing or getting water by the engine the bike needs a thorough clean though I may strip it all back and give it a full clean!
  10. Azen


    Seepage is NEVER good Yeah the smoke dissapeares after a while it's mainly just when the choke is on which is why i thought it could be excess fuel or oil as the bloody stinks hahahahaha the only black smoke there will be is when im having a sacrifical burning of my Chinese bike!!!
  11. Azen


    Hey Fro, since passing my test i have clocked up 100 miles and only passed yesterday afternoon I don't know why it is doing it, could it be build up in the engine? if so how could i get rid of it I don't really want to put a high octane fuel in it incase i blow up the engine lol though i don't understand where the smell of oil is coming from
  12. Azen


    Hi guys, Well I passed my test but I need help with my XJ600 while riding it and letting it warm up I have noticed that smoke is coming out of the exhaust, and pit sounds like it is "popping" which is the only way i can discribe it and there is a smell of oil to the smoke. How can i fix it and what do you guys think it is? oh the bike is 1992 xj600 diversion I have put new plugs in it but i don't know what to do and i don't want my new bike to be like chitty chitty bang bang
  13. it's a fairly simple job I did mine on the Chinese one I have and I found it fairly easy though make sure you put the pads back in the right way (I didn't and the thing wouldn't stop squeeking thought that couls have been one of the shims) I'm going to need to do them gain soon though I keep forgetting to wash them after a ride out
  14. Are the pictures still showing on the camera? Have you tried restarting the computer (This may help as it could be a software blip) Do you know what format the pictures are saved as on the camera? Personally i think a restart may help if the pictures are still on the SD card on the camera as it sounds like a software issue rather than the picturse have gone. all that need to happen then is to pull the pictures off the camera and save Keep me posted
  15. That looks pretty fun and I bet it'd be interesting to ride. The only problem I can foresee is the try-hards/trendies would catch whiff of them in which case you'd have to smash it to pieces and set it on fire. here comes the cafe racer saga all over again!
  16. I've used muck-off before to sort mine out it's fairly cheap and lasts a while sorted mine out last time and the xj600 out when i first got that
  17. Azen

    Tyre pressures

    So glad this post exists! it's the one thing i have completely forgotten about Checked them last night and the back tyre was on 11psi all filled up and the difference is amazing!!!
  18. That's very true, I don't fancy buying a tig welder. ah well it's something to work on while im not busy
  19. HAHAHAHAHA I like that one although the chinese bike that i have at the moment, I'm thinking of keeping some bits from it and just modding the shit out of it! only because i don't really care if i f**k the chinese bike up as i wouldn't get much for it anyway Time to get a new welding set me thinks!!!
  20. Mine.... (ok slight geek mode now ) I used to play a LOT of MMORPG's and I always used to play dark elves it was my first chars name about 10 years ago and have gone by the same name online for years
  21. I see your point, however if i modify an existing motorbike, do I still have to get it certified by the MSVA?
  22. how much do they reduce insurance by? are they worth it? (not in the way of they give you great tip for staying alive on the roads but cost vs reduction in insurance?)
  23. hahahaha Luckily enough I have the same examiner as I had for my mod1 so i think things will go well as long as i don't speed upto a junction and harshly break (I nearly failed on the controlled stop on the mod1, though I kinda was shitting a brick)
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