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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. Have a look at a picture of an MSX 125 . No frame as such , just the cylinder and exhaust in that area, so dangling it from the rafters is an option.


    This is more than likely what we will do. Our garage does have a rather strong looking beam half way up it. And the msx isn't exactly heavy :lol:

  2. They do seem to be more complicated to do things to. My MSX ones could do with some tweaking and new oil. But I don't have a way of supporting the bike with no forks .

    I've toyed with draining the oil and tank and turning it upside down like a push bike :lol:

  3. I thought they were practically normal nowadays on bikes over a certain price point.. my Africa Twin has them. I could care less so long as they do their job reliably.


    I don't think it's anything to do with price to be honest.

    My MSX has them, where as my f700gs doesn't.

    Personally, I don't notice a difference. Both seem to perform well on the bikes I have tried.

  4. If you have a lot of passwords, I do recommend a password manager. Many are available, personally I use lastpass for personal things.

    Means I only need to remember a couple of secure passwords rather than hundreds 8-)

    A lot of work places are now rethinking their password policy. Guidance from the NCSA is to reduce complexity (numbers, symbols) and drastically increase length. With longer, more memorable passwords there is little need to change them regularly as people won't need to write them down.

  5. Easy way to make up a secure password and have it very strong at the same time?

    Length is everything.

    Think of 3 or 4 unrelated words. Such as

    Battery Foggy Arc Chemistry

    Make a little story in your head about them

    " exploding Battery makes lovely Foggy arc's. wow chemistry! "

    Depending on your password policy, make some letters a capital, stick your favourite number and punctuation mark in there some where and voila, a remember-able and very secure password.

    Example for above


    (password checkers are not completely accurate, but good for a educated guess at strength)


  6. Completely depends on the condition of the bike. Mine costs me the price of an MOT to get it through. But I look after it and fix anything that is broken.

    However if the exhaust is beyond repair, some engine damage, frame damage it could easily amount for £500+ to fix.

  7. I wonder who's doing the gender stereoptyping though. Maybe some boys think they must be girls because they like doing 'girly' things, like needlework or playing with dolls or whatever it happens to be, and then start changing their clothes, their names and eventually perhaps even their gender. I dunno.


    Basically as [mention]Gin[/mention] has already said. The vast majority of us reinforce sterotypes without really noticing we are doing it.

    I'll admit that I still find myself doing it occasionally. Normally when some sup'ed up noise car goes roaring past me way to quickly and drives like a hooligan. I automatically go "arrogant boy racers!". When it's just as likely to be a girl :roll:

  8. I've been keeping an eye on this thread since it started, and composed a few responses that I have ended up not posting, cause I'm not particularly articulate when it come to saying what I mean on this subject. But hear goes, my opinion, based on many experiences, personal and from various friends and family members.

    Growing up I was constantly referred to as a boy by people that didn't know me, despite fact I have had long hair (past my shoulders) since I was around 6. I was always playing football, playing with toy cars and generally wore "boy" clothes as I found them more comfortable. My parents were supportive, the rarely forced me into clothes I did not like and never ridiculed me for choosing to play with lego, cars and robots than dolls and tea sets.

    Did I ever think I was a really meant to be a boy?


    I always knew I was a girl, and only once wished I was a boy (when I started getting my periods and deemed bleeding for a week each month to be way to much of an inconvenience!).

    I believe that because my family and friends fully let me be who I wanted to be, didn't force me into social norms, the question of my gender never really came up.

    Granted, there are kids out there who do feel like they were born in the wrong body. But I do wonder if a percentage of kids who want to change genders, simply feel that way because they conform more to the opposite gender stereotype.

    Until we do away with gender stereotypes completely, there will always be a level of confusion. Until we genuinely accept everyone for who they are, without questions or subconsciously assigning labels to people (gay, straight, man, women, intersex, weird, normal...). There will always be confusion and people taking offence.

    Change starts small, but I do hope that eventually, gender will not be a big deal as it is now.

  9. If it is anything like my grom, it is much easier to clean the crap from under the seat than trying to clean a close fitting fender.


    How on earth does crap get under the seat from the front wheel? And it's no effort cleaning an extenda.. Just wipe it down.


    I think there was a slight misinterpretation going on there; 'Arwen' must have thought you were referring to the hugger.


    Yup, misinterpreted "back of the wheel" as "back wheel" :lol:

    Confused as to why my name is in inverted commas though... :scratch:

  10. Well done, glad you are enjoying it! No idea about the lorries beeping you. Never had that happen to me.

    As for L plate rage from other drivers, I noticed it drop a bit, but not completely after I passed. I still use my 125 for commuting, and still get folk clearly annoyed by a bike passing them. Key is just to stay calm around them. Ignore them, but keep an eye on them, they sometimes do stupid things like try and stop you filtering if they get in front of you again.

  11. Google maps has a timeline by default, click lines at top left and my timeline.


    (Yes I did have to go back to last month to find a trip that wasn't home-> hospital->home) :lol:


    Also a reminder of how much Google knows about your travelling habits :shock:


    Google is what I use… for seeing what pubs we went too and when I got home after a night out :roll:

  12. Looks good. Personally I would not take a 125 on any motorway, or on the any part of the A9. The A68 south of Edinburgh is rather good so long as you don't get stuck behind lorries.

    The whole area around Dundee, Perth and Fife is my playground for my 125.


    Instead of going to Pitlochry and joining the A9 I would continue down to Bridge of Cally, through Blairgowrie to Scone and then through Perth. That road is much quieter, and nice on any bike than the A9. Same goes for the M90, going through Fife, either through the middle or around the coast is so much more enjoyable on a bike than the motorway. As I said previously, I would never take my 125 on any meaningful stretch of motorway.

    As for the Fourth bridges. Being a 125cc you can use the old Forth Road bridge (yay!). The new bridge (Queensferry crossing) is 70mph motorway.

  13. I did indeed spray my msx panels for pennies. 2 years later (although not that many miles... ~1kish) they still, surprisingly, looks pretty good. no peeling or bits lifting. Definitely recommend halfords own clear coat and the graffiti paint :lol:

    Bad picture... but it's the only recent one I have!


  14. Hairdryer or heat gun on a low setting should start to melt it, then use sticky stuff remover of your choice (there are many... Cleaning alcohol, chain cleaner etc)

    If using something with acetone in it just use it sparingly and rise well afterwards.

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